Before anything else let me say that I like the new random system by and large. I admit that I was somewhat lukewarm about it before it came out but having played it a lot since it dropped and I've had a lot of fun.
It has one significant problem though, leavers.
Ib4 the "I hate ground" crowd can hijack this thing. This is not a ground problem guys.
I've played a number of ground TFOs, both some I landed in randomly and some I queued up for myself. I have not yet come across a single leaver on ground and this in spite of having done Cure ground - which is long - and Undine Infiltrator - which is somewhat bugged and hence unpopular - multiple times now.
No, every single leaver have been in a space queue. It's not a ground problem, it's an Entitled Player problem and it needs to be dealt with.
This could have been foreseen as Neverwinter had the exact same problem with its random queues and our random system is in many ways a copy paste of that one. So I suggest that it is dealt with in the same way, make the leaver penalty account wide so there's no option to just jump toons and keep queuing up.
Of course this creates a problem if you have to leave because of a bug in the queue where such a penalty would be unfair, which is why we need a Vote to Abandon and have always had so in fact. Only with the queues dead it was less noticeable it wasn't there, but with them alive again the lack of "vote to abandon" for a queue that cannot be completed is a must.
So these are my suggestions: Give us a vote to leave and for heaven's sake do something about the leavers such as making the leaver penalty account wide. I'm beyond tired of entitled shitheels who wants the rewards for doing randoms but don't want to do the content they get.
Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end of it.
IMO leaving a random should forfeit the extra reward the next time you run one. Because the point of the randoms is you don't get to choose, the reward is given in exchange for not getting to choose and leaving to circumvent that means you are choosing and therefore don't deserve the reward.
Count the number of times someone leaves a random queue and don't give the extra reward until they've made it up with an equal number of completed randoms. Account-wide of course.
or just give you the choice of clicking what TFOs you want randomized, so you can not run ground if you want space, or just borg if you don't like undine queues.
If players encounter regular trouble with unlucky pugs I’d like to encourage them to get some backup from the DPS league. A short description as to how easily RTFO can be set up that way can be found here.
By doing so the chance to encounter leavers, AFKers or players who can’t handle the content are greatly reduced.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
I'll admit I've left a few TFO's only because after starting the match and finding the people I've been teamed with shouldn't be playing on this difficulty setting i felt the extra effort to complete the mission for reduced rewards as optional were going to fail just wasn't worth my time.
Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
I'll admit I've left a few TFO's only because after starting the match and finding the people I've been teamed with shouldn't be playing on this difficulty setting i felt the extra effort to complete the mission for reduced rewards as optional were going to fail just wasn't worth my time.
I had a run with a friend with the random Q. The random was Borg Onslaught advance and the team was aimless. Ended up getting themselves killed twice and just quit. Me and my friend stayed and had to slog away through it with only one person who was struggling to keep up. I lost count to how many times we died. Failed all the optional, but we managed to destroy the queen in the end.
Also no matter how close we got to the queen we kept getting death star beamed by that uni matrix dreadnought.
"Great men are not peacemakers, Great men are conquerors!" - Captain Archer" "When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway #Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
or just give you the choice of clicking what TFOs you want randomized, so you can not run ground if you want space, or just borg if you don't like undine queues.
You have that choice already. See that big panel under the random button, full of checkboxes for the queues. Click the ones you want.
Doing that obviously won't get you the extra reward you would get for NOT choosing.
You can choose what you want to play, or you can get an extra reward by letting the game choose for you. Not both.
Easy Solution....go back to where we started from. Why are there a random queues to start with? IMO they are forcing content people don't want to play and why on earth you want to give the electric chair to leavers? They are just a reflection of a BROKEN system. The ones responsible for this should not be the players but the Devs who made an irrational choice of design. They should have tried other options put forth in these same forums for years before nuking PvEs for good.
So far in every random queue I participated, I've seen at least one poor soul who always drops out. I don't blame the leaver guy but just a reaction to a broken system.
I kept being booted from the game when trying to do the Tholian RA this weekend and getting a leaver penalty.
It was a bug which I eventually got a work-around from someone on the forums, not Cryptic.
Unless it is 100% certain that it is a player issue and not bugs I am very much against any account wide penalty.
Is leavers really such a major issue though, I've done RTFO plenty of times and never had people leaving mid match.
Only time I've seen it was in Khitomer stasis where we had a team wipe and two of the team bailed. did see something weird happen in a run of Bug Hunt where two of the team beamed in to the first REspawn point instead of the normal spawn point.,
Is leavers really such a major issue though, I've done RTFO plenty of times and never had people leaving mid match.
It's probably a major issue for weaker players who need team support to complete the maps effectively and are left hanging when people leave. But more than that it's about the integrity of the game rules. Leavers are abusing the random system to get the extra reward without fulfilling their end of the deal (that you can't choose what to play).
I don't want to see a leaver penalty of any kind. Someone quits a TFO? Fine, just grab another from the random queue. Why don't I want to suffer a leaver penalty?
Exhibit A; TFO bugs that stop the mission in its tracks. SB1 I'm looking at you primarily. It pops fairly frequently and now and then, it just plain breaks. Why should we get punished for quitting a broken queue?
Exhibit B; Some people loathe ground or some particular TFO. I have no problem with them up and leaving straight away and collecting another from the randoms. Punishing leavers to make them stay and slog through something they dislike is likely to have several effects. They'll quit RTFOs, reducing the pool of players, that's not a good outcome for Cryptic. They'll stay but perform badly out of spite, we've all met players like this. That outcome's not good for us.
I'm not a huge fan of ground TFOs, but so far they haven't popped all that often. When they do I grit my teeth and plod through as best I can (with my totally space focused build). I'd rather see people quit immediately on entering Bug Hunt or Cure than sit at the entrance or trot along doing sweet FA while getting a free boost.
I don't want to see a leaver penalty of any kind. Someone quits a TFO? Fine, just grab another from the random queue. Why don't I want to suffer a leaver penalty?
The new queue system is not capable of grabbing anyone into an already-running queue.
Most of my characters aren't geared for ground, partly because ground combat is mostly meh and most tended to level too fast to get any decent gear so I avoid it on them where possible. Also jaded by experiences on console where you're always in shooter mode and NPC's like martok insist on standing right in front of you body blocking every shot you take.
I do have a couple that are and the only ground group content is sompek and that's about it.
Because of that I have tended to avoid the random queue option on most of my characters and for those couple I still breathe a small sigh of relief when its space because I simply don't enjoy the ground combat in sto.
Leavers will always happen in a random queue setup regardless of space or ground, particularly when STO has had a strong time/reward focus for as long as it has. Not much can be done about that apart from bumping up rewards for the unpopular places but thats a cheap fix which wouldn't stop leavers from doing so.
A vote to abandon would need rules in place such as minimum time spent before you can trigger it and only with 3 or less in the group otherwise you'd find yourself warping in to see a vote abandon popup and the potential abuse should you decide not to having just turned up. Maybe even limit an account to using the abandon vote more than 5 times a day.
I don't want to see a leaver penalty of any kind. Someone quits a TFO? Fine, just grab another from the random queue. Why don't I want to suffer a leaver penalty?
The new queue system is not capable of grabbing anyone into an already-running queue.
That is a shame. I have to ask why I've joined SB1 groups that have already bugged?
Well thank the people who insist on queing 6 and 7 year old content that is often buggy. (even if that is just odd map geometry that leaves baddies untargetable ect.
Cryptic need badly to go over old ques from Dyson day... and even some newer Tzenkathi / Lukari ones. And either shorten them so they are not 20+ min long due to timers.... or increase their rewards to match.
I have stuck around and done stupid things like the breech and the spire and the intolerable Tzenkathi black hole map.... still I get why people would warp on that stuff. Its two long and the rewards hardly match. Cryptic needs to realize that the majority of people doing random are doing so for the extra rewards ONLY. In such cases yes they are very likely going to bail on the breech, spire and will full on AFK (or partially AFK) stupid maps like Azure which although fun on the surface after awhile you realize there is no reason to bother playing it. Reward at the end is the same and it takes the same 15 min no matter how hard you hit it.
On the bright side of the Cluster that the randoms have mostly been imo. Hopefully this is insentive for Cryptic to spend a bit of time updating a bunch of those older ques. The hard timers are terrible, some need some polish in terms of geomotry (spire), and rewards for things like the vault and breech should be looked at. (My suggestion is not changing the old rewards and just adding a secondary 50-75 mark choice box to the older 20 min ques regardless of Random play or not)
Is leavers really such a major issue though, I've done RTFO plenty of times and never had people leaving mid match.
The internet connectivity of others is a variable for which a plan cannot be made. It is bad enough that someone can be rewarded with a leaver penalty when the Cryptic server stops responding, but it is made worse when the people with whom you were playing think you left just to make their lives more difficult.
That's not really a leaver problem, not to me anyway. Problems happen and if a person leaves unwillingly, leavers to me are those who leave intentionally and knowingly.
Had my first bad RTFO experience last night with Assault on Terok Nor. We were all adequately geared we were all around lvl 65. But, any time we got anywhere near any part of the mission which DID NOT require pew-pew, we stalled until either the timer ran out or we simply stayed in that part of the mission. When it came time to confront ADM Leeta, there were two of us attempting to Activate the Charge Plates. So we could destroy her and complete the mission. After twenty minutes of trying to get someone to Activate the 3rd Charge Plate, a thirty minute Leaver Penalty was something I was relieved to take.
So I couldn't Queue up for the next half hour. Big deal. Because DOffing. Admiralty. Foundry. Mission replay. Fleet Projects. Dil Mining. etc...
Leaver Penalties and AFK Penalties have never been a big threat to me. Make them as draconian as you wish, I don't care. But in your zealotry to "punish those who do not conform to the accepted norms", be advised I have the ultimate penalty. I can take the US $100.00 per month I spend on this game somewhere else. Pretty certain I'm not the only guy who thinks this way. Equally sure I'm just posting what A LOT of other people who do the same thing are thinking this as well. There may be enough of us to permanently cripple this game and make it go offline. Now whatcha gonna do?
Does this mean I'm looking for reasons to Leave or go AFK? Nope. Not at all. Even on STFs, excuse me, TFOs I've never played before, I am going to be That Guy Who Is A Reliable Team Member Who Contributes. But last night it was obvious ten minutes into the final fight only two of us knew what was supposed to be done. I stuck around another ten minutes because I'm stubborn and want to believe the best of my fellow STO gamers.
Like most of us, my free time is limited and very precious. By imposing blocks on me because I don't play exactly the way you do, all you're really doing in the long run is strongly encouraging me to stop playing STO permanently. Please think carefully about this. I have other ways to get my daily Star Trek fix which do not require me to login to STO. If enough people like myself stop playing, the game dies.
Impose penalties for bad behavior, yes. Make these penalties severe enough to strongly discourage bad behavior, yes. But imposing the death penalty for jaywalking is a really dumb idea which shows the person suggesting it has no clue as to how people think and act.
Not threatening anyone here. At 56yo, I've no reason to do so. Just stating the obvious. But if you decide to do something which makes me leave, then I'll leave and you will not ever hear from me again. Along with that US $100.00 I spend here every month.
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
You can usually tell the difference between someone quittting and someone actually getting disconnected by nothing more than the amount of activity prior to the vanishing act or how well the pug run is going.
Had my first bad RTFO experience last night with Assault on Terok Nor. We were all adequately geared we were all around lvl 65. But, any time we got anywhere near any part of the mission which DID NOT require pew-pew, we stalled until either the timer ran out or we simply stayed in that part of the mission. When it came time to confront ADM Leeta, there were two of us attempting to Activate the Charge Plates. So we could destroy her and complete the mission. After twenty minutes of trying to get someone to Activate the 3rd Charge Plate, a thirty minute Leaver Penalty was something I was relieved to take.
The Leeta fight is notoriously horrible in pugs, because of people ignoring the instructions. Two competent players are all it would take to complete it (one to kite her, one to activate the platforms), if not for the seemingly inevitable gaggle of fools aggroing her and leading her away from the platforms. The. Whole. Effin. Time.
Count the number of times someone leaves a random queue and don't give the extra reward until they've made it up with an equal number of completed randoms. Account-wide of course.
By doing so the chance to encounter leavers, AFKers or players who can’t handle the content are greatly reduced.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
I had a run with a friend with the random Q. The random was Borg Onslaught advance and the team was aimless. Ended up getting themselves killed twice and just quit. Me and my friend stayed and had to slog away through it with only one person who was struggling to keep up. I lost count to how many times we died. Failed all the optional, but we managed to destroy the queen in the end.
Also no matter how close we got to the queen we kept getting death star beamed by that uni matrix dreadnought.
"When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
#Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
Doing that obviously won't get you the extra reward you would get for NOT choosing.
You can choose what you want to play, or you can get an extra reward by letting the game choose for you. Not both.
So far in every random queue I participated, I've seen at least one poor soul who always drops out. I don't blame the leaver guy but just a reaction to a broken system.
Original STO beta tester.
It was a bug which I eventually got a work-around from someone on the forums, not Cryptic.
Unless it is 100% certain that it is a player issue and not bugs I am very much against any account wide penalty.
My character Tsin'xing
Exhibit A; TFO bugs that stop the mission in its tracks. SB1 I'm looking at you primarily. It pops fairly frequently and now and then, it just plain breaks. Why should we get punished for quitting a broken queue?
Exhibit B; Some people loathe ground or some particular TFO. I have no problem with them up and leaving straight away and collecting another from the randoms. Punishing leavers to make them stay and slog through something they dislike is likely to have several effects. They'll quit RTFOs, reducing the pool of players, that's not a good outcome for Cryptic. They'll stay but perform badly out of spite, we've all met players like this. That outcome's not good for us.
I'm not a huge fan of ground TFOs, but so far they haven't popped all that often. When they do I grit my teeth and plod through as best I can (with my totally space focused build). I'd rather see people quit immediately on entering Bug Hunt or Cure than sit at the entrance or trot along doing sweet FA while getting a free boost.
I do have a couple that are and the only ground group content is sompek and that's about it.
Because of that I have tended to avoid the random queue option on most of my characters and for those couple I still breathe a small sigh of relief when its space because I simply don't enjoy the ground combat in sto.
Leavers will always happen in a random queue setup regardless of space or ground, particularly when STO has had a strong time/reward focus for as long as it has. Not much can be done about that apart from bumping up rewards for the unpopular places but thats a cheap fix which wouldn't stop leavers from doing so.
A vote to abandon would need rules in place such as minimum time spent before you can trigger it and only with 3 or less in the group otherwise you'd find yourself warping in to see a vote abandon popup and the potential abuse should you decide not to having just turned up. Maybe even limit an account to using the abandon vote more than 5 times a day.
That is a shame. I have to ask why I've joined SB1 groups that have already bugged?
Cryptic need badly to go over old ques from Dyson day... and even some newer Tzenkathi / Lukari ones. And either shorten them so they are not 20+ min long due to timers.... or increase their rewards to match.
I have stuck around and done stupid things like the breech and the spire and the intolerable Tzenkathi black hole map.... still I get why people would warp on that stuff. Its two long and the rewards hardly match. Cryptic needs to realize that the majority of people doing random are doing so for the extra rewards ONLY. In such cases yes they are very likely going to bail on the breech, spire and will full on AFK (or partially AFK) stupid maps like Azure which although fun on the surface after awhile you realize there is no reason to bother playing it. Reward at the end is the same and it takes the same 15 min no matter how hard you hit it.
On the bright side of the Cluster that the randoms have mostly been imo. Hopefully this is insentive for Cryptic to spend a bit of time updating a bunch of those older ques. The hard timers are terrible, some need some polish in terms of geomotry (spire), and rewards for things like the vault and breech should be looked at. (My suggestion is not changing the old rewards and just adding a secondary 50-75 mark choice box to the older 20 min ques regardless of Random play or not)
That's not really a leaver problem, not to me anyway. Problems happen and if a person leaves unwillingly, leavers to me are those who leave intentionally and knowingly.
So I couldn't Queue up for the next half hour. Big deal. Because DOffing. Admiralty. Foundry. Mission replay. Fleet Projects. Dil Mining. etc...
Leaver Penalties and AFK Penalties have never been a big threat to me. Make them as draconian as you wish, I don't care. But in your zealotry to "punish those who do not conform to the accepted norms", be advised I have the ultimate penalty. I can take the US $100.00 per month I spend on this game somewhere else. Pretty certain I'm not the only guy who thinks this way. Equally sure I'm just posting what A LOT of other people who do the same thing are thinking this as well. There may be enough of us to permanently cripple this game and make it go offline. Now whatcha gonna do?
Does this mean I'm looking for reasons to Leave or go AFK? Nope. Not at all. Even on STFs, excuse me, TFOs I've never played before, I am going to be That Guy Who Is A Reliable Team Member Who Contributes. But last night it was obvious ten minutes into the final fight only two of us knew what was supposed to be done. I stuck around another ten minutes because I'm stubborn and want to believe the best of my fellow STO gamers.
Like most of us, my free time is limited and very precious. By imposing blocks on me because I don't play exactly the way you do, all you're really doing in the long run is strongly encouraging me to stop playing STO permanently. Please think carefully about this. I have other ways to get my daily Star Trek fix which do not require me to login to STO. If enough people like myself stop playing, the game dies.
Impose penalties for bad behavior, yes. Make these penalties severe enough to strongly discourage bad behavior, yes. But imposing the death penalty for jaywalking is a really dumb idea which shows the person suggesting it has no clue as to how people think and act.
Not threatening anyone here. At 56yo, I've no reason to do so. Just stating the obvious. But if you decide to do something which makes me leave, then I'll leave and you will not ever hear from me again. Along with that US $100.00 I spend here every month.