Am I the only one the (insert unfriendly word here) changed it to force us to watch the freaking thing, WHY for the love of god why. I just want my freaking Phasers. The cutscense was good sure but not good enough to have to watch it x-amount of times to get the weapons. ALL CUTSCENSE should be skippable if your replaying and episode, just freaking mean to force us.
Again I ask WHY?
Sincerely, annoyed player.
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one." ~Spock
Cutscenes are unskippable because in some missions, you might be there with friends. And if some of you skip the scene and others don't, the servers can't keep your team together. Just one of those things...
Cutscenes are unskippable because in some missions, you might be there with friends. And if some of you skip the scene and others don't, the servers can't keep your team together. Just one of those things...
Then explain why I can skip threw "Midnight."(and others) Your reasoning is flawed. And if you're with friends doing stuff then most sensible people would say they'd want to watch it or whatever. And just because one person skips doesn't mean it skips for everyone, case and point "Borg Disconnected's" oping monologue with Seven of Nine. Only in the case of map changing would your reasoning apply but in this particular instance the map change is the end and you get booted to sector space the moment its over anyways.
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one." ~Spock
Am I the only one the (insert unfriendly word here) changed it to force us to watch the freaking thing, WHY for the love of god why. I just want my freaking Phasers. The cutscense was good sure but not good enough to have to watch it x-amount of times to get the weapons. ALL CUTSCENSE should be skippable if your replaying and episode, just freaking mean to force us.
Again I ask WHY?
Sincerely, annoyed player.
Because Cryptic. There's a certain Cryptic Lead Dev who believes he MUST try his absolute best to maintain a "level of rewards VS time spent in mission" - and the missions and TFs that remain that break his rule perplex him no end; and he'll do what he an to preserve his idea of 'reward balance'.
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
I actually agree, making a change to make a cut scene unskippable is just silly. People are skipping because either they have a ton of alts and they have seen it already, or they're not following the story for some reason, either way.. forcing the cut scene on them is just an annoyance and generally unnecessary.
Cutscenes are unskippable because in some missions, you might be there with friends. And if some of you skip the scene and others don't, the servers can't keep your team together. Just one of those things...
All the rest of the missions have skippable cut scenes even in groups, you want to use your inside knowledge of the games inner workings to explain why it won't work in this one situation specifically? lol
Some people love to make things up to try and sound knowledgeable.
Unskippable cutscenes are never a good thing in any game the option to skip should be given. I guess adding a confirmation option was harder than simply pushing folk towards not wanting to replay the mission.
Just because you watched it the first time doesn't mean you'll want to sit through it time after time.
Those awful midcombat ones always have me reaching for the esc key in the vain hope I can actually be allowed to play without interrupting the flow of a fight because the allies that arrive NEVER do anything useful. Or those momenst where you aren't allowed to carry on saving the universe from the iconians because sela won't shut up.
As for time and reward maths, they've already thrown that concept out the window by having the disco missions only rewards junky greens and have zero loot drops. Even less incentive to play them.
Cutscenes are unskippable because in some missions, you might be there with friends. And if some of you skip the scene and others don't, the servers can't keep your team together. Just one of those things...
Then explain why I can skip threw "Midnight."(and others) Your reasoning is flawed. And if you're with friends doing stuff then most sensible people would say they'd want to watch it or whatever. And just because one person skips doesn't mean it skips for everyone, case and point "Borg Disconnected's" oping monologue with Seven of Nine. Only in the case of map changing would your reasoning apply but in this particular instance the map change is the end and you get booted to sector space the moment its over anyways.
"Some" missions. Some as in "not all" meaning they don't all work the way that he said, which he acknowledged. I hate unskippable cut scenes too but it is what it is.
When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
Some people love to make things up to try and sound knowledgeable.
At least one player claimed that @borticuscryptic said this is why some cut scenes are unskippable. Maybe if we're lucky, Bort will chime in and confirm.
When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
What's really annoying is that last VIL mission (which I had to re-run to get the polaron stuff for my Jem'Hadar character) where you have to spend 20 minutes at the end of the mission running around DS9 talking to people over and over and over.
What's really annoying is that last VIL mission (which I had to re-run to get the polaron stuff for my Jem'Hadar character) where you have to spend 20 minutes at the end of the mission running around DS9 talking to people over and over and over.
Ugg.. yeah.. that's very annoying. Like these people can't just message you on your ship or all gather in one location? It was stupid having to run all around DS9 and talk to each individual person.
Is that the one where Shran and the other ship show up to join you? Honestly that's one of the least egregious offenders, as the entire scene is only a few seconds long.
I lol'd when I found that they apparently decided to shorten Doomsday Device by...removing all the accolade stuff, but keeping the 5 hour long unskippable cut scenes.
I became eligible for Social Security waiting for K'valk to finish his stupid song.
Am I the only one the (insert unfriendly word here) changed it to force us to watch the freaking thing, WHY for the love of god why.
Just curious: What unfriendly word has to be inserted there to get a coherent sentence?
I hate unskippable cutscenes, such a waste of time. I once read that some simply couldn't be made skippable because of technical bruhaha. Which was meh..
But that they're now actively making perfectly skippable cutscenes unskippable...holy moly.
Ah well.. I still can skip the whole episode.
Am I the only one the (insert unfriendly word here) changed it to force us to watch the freaking thing, WHY for the love of god why.
Just curious: What unfriendly word has to be inserted there to get a coherent sentence?
I hate unskippable cutscenes, such a waste of time. I once read that some simply couldn't be made skippable because of technical bruhaha. Which was meh..
But that they're now actively making perfectly skippable cutscenes unskippable...holy moly.
Ah well.. I still can skip the whole episode.
Maybe it wasn't actually "perfectly skippable", and there were bugs or side effects that could occur if you skipped them?
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Maybe it wasn't actually "perfectly skippable", and there were bugs or side effects that could occur if you skipped them?
You're right, of course...may very well be. It's just so annoying.
Heck, I have a few toons sitting around that still haven't visited New Romulus after they reorganized the storyline the first time, because I can't stand watching that introduction over and over again. ^^
In all seriousness tho, I just wished they'd try to minimize it as much as possible. It really takes a lot of fun out of the game. I usually enjoy each and every cutscene, the first time I see them. But there's only so many re-runs I can stomach.
Then explain why I can skip threw "Midnight."(and others) Your reasoning is flawed. And if you're with friends doing stuff then most sensible people would say they'd want to watch it or whatever. And just because one person skips doesn't mean it skips for everyone, case and point "Borg Disconnected's" oping monologue with Seven of Nine. Only in the case of map changing would your reasoning apply but in this particular instance the map change is the end and you get booted to sector space the moment its over anyways.
It awards the Discovery style Beam Arrays. I wanted to get a full set for my Discovery character once they hit cap level.
Because Cryptic. There's a certain Cryptic Lead Dev who believes he MUST try his absolute best to maintain a "level of rewards VS time spent in mission" - and the missions and TFs that remain that break his rule perplex him no end; and he'll do what he an to preserve his idea of 'reward balance'.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Does my character get a "Replay" button on that thing?
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
All the rest of the missions have skippable cut scenes even in groups, you want to use your inside knowledge of the games inner workings to explain why it won't work in this one situation specifically? lol
Some people love to make things up to try and sound knowledgeable.
Just because you watched it the first time doesn't mean you'll want to sit through it time after time.
Those awful midcombat ones always have me reaching for the esc key in the vain hope I can actually be allowed to play without interrupting the flow of a fight because the allies that arrive NEVER do anything useful. Or those momenst where you aren't allowed to carry on saving the universe from the iconians because sela won't shut up.
As for time and reward maths, they've already thrown that concept out the window by having the disco missions only rewards junky greens and have zero loot drops. Even less incentive to play them.
At least one player claimed that @borticuscryptic said this is why some cut scenes are unskippable. Maybe if we're lucky, Bort will chime in and confirm.
Ugg.. yeah.. that's very annoying. Like these people can't just message you on your ship or all gather in one location? It was stupid having to run all around DS9 and talk to each individual person.
I lol'd when I found that they apparently decided to shorten Doomsday Device by...removing all the accolade stuff, but keeping the 5 hour long unskippable cut scenes.
I became eligible for Social Security waiting for K'valk to finish his stupid song.
Just curious: What unfriendly word has to be inserted there to get a coherent sentence?
I hate unskippable cutscenes, such a waste of time. I once read that some simply couldn't be made skippable because of technical bruhaha. Which was meh..
But that they're now actively making perfectly skippable cutscenes unskippable...holy moly.
Ah well.. I still can skip the whole episode.
Maybe it wasn't actually "perfectly skippable", and there were bugs or side effects that could occur if you skipped them?
You're right, of course...may very well be. It's just so annoying.
Heck, I have a few toons sitting around that still haven't visited New Romulus after they reorganized the storyline the first time, because I can't stand watching that introduction over and over again. ^^
In all seriousness tho, I just wished they'd try to minimize it as much as possible. It really takes a lot of fun out of the game. I usually enjoy each and every cutscene, the first time I see them. But there's only so many re-runs I can stomach.