Think Cryptic could/should/will do a Connie pack with Disco Connie (hopefully T5) JJ Enterprise, TOS enterprise, and the updated one, as a all in 1 pack?
Maybe a bonus TOS connie non combat flying pet..... =D
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,403Community Moderator
As much as we would like that, it would cut into lockbox and promo money. Kelvin Connie is lockbox, and Temporal Connie is the most highly sought after promo ship.
I wouldn't say no to a Discovery Connie, but I don't see it being a seperate ship anytime soon. IF we ever get one... it might either be promo, added cosmetic options for the existing T6 Temporal Connie, or Lockbox.
I'd love to fly the Discovery Connie. But I just don't see us getting her in the C-Store unfortunately. If I am someday proven wrong, I will gladly eat my words on this and get one. But right now... the Magic 8-ball says no.
I vaguely remember reading something that said CBS doesn’t want to have a bunch of Connie’s in the game
Your pain runs deep.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
I'd pay 10,000 zen for a Conni that could mix parts from the Where No Man, TOS, TMP, DSC, 09, ID, TMP, and BEY Connis (along with the Exeter, Vespa, and Excalibur).
15K if it came with bridges and full interiors from The Cage, TOS/TAS (with the second turbolift), TMP, TWoK, TFF, TUC, The KT, and DSC.
Oh, and obviously a console that changes its size from ~250m to about ~700m for the full effect of feeling like a visual effect artist. Scanning a planet? Console shrinks you for dramatic shot. Hovering over a whaling ship? Console makes you the size of a moon for intimidation.
30K if it came with a full sized inflatable decoy form the fully canon production 'The Practical Joker' (and you were all moaning about the Spore Drive ).
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though. JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
If a Discovery era skin appears for the Connie it'll almost definitely be added to the existing model.
The T6 Connie (aka Temporal Light Cruiser) is one of their greatest cash-cows.
But here is the thing: if it is just a skin for the ship I already have, they won't be getting any new money from me. If it is a new separate ship, well, I will be doing what I have to do to get it. So while I would certainly prefer it be "free" to me, I can definitely understand why they would want me to be spending again.
Could they...anything is possible. Will Should they...HELL no unless you want them to shut their doors not long after.
No, selling connies in the C-store wouldn't kill the game. But yes, they would make less money that way, and for that reason they won't do it.
If they moved a highly desired ship from a promo or even a lock box to c-store, it will drive down the sales of not only the ship they moved over but ALL their promo and lock box ships. That is what keeps the lights yeah it actually is that bad of an idea for them to do that.
Let me be clear; I completely agree they would make LESS money selling connies in the C-store. But I think the binary choice between 2 extremes (lock boxes or bust) is simply bad logic on your part (but not just yours, because you are hardly the first person to use this bad logic).
Yes, they would make LESS money selling connies in the C-store. No, making less money would not kill them if they are still making enough money to stay in business. There are plenty of businesses that stay in business and make profits not by selling high priced items, but by selling lots of low priced items. So no, presenting a binary choice between 2 extremes is bad logic.
But having said all that, I completely understand that their goal is not simply to make A profit, they want to make as MUCH profit as possible. So for that reason I understand they won't be selling connies in the C-store, and I'm not saying they should. I just disagree with bad logic being used on this issue.
Optimism: they will add the Disco connie as a skin to the existing T6 connie, which I have.
Something in between Realism and Pessimism: it will be a separate promo pack ship, so I'm already grinding out zen (16k and counting)
I also own the Constitution and I agree that we may see it as a separate ship altogether. I mean why not? We have 2 variants of other promo ships which reminds me that we need a 2nd Annorax with temporal spec.
When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
Could they...anything is possible. Will Should they...HELL no unless you want them to shut their doors not long after.
No, selling connies in the C-store wouldn't kill the game. But yes, they would make less money that way, and for that reason they won't do it.
If they moved a highly desired ship from a promo or even a lock box to c-store, it will drive down the sales of not only the ship they moved over but ALL their promo and lock box ships. That is what keeps the lights yeah it actually is that bad of an idea for them to do that.
Let me be clear; I completely agree they would make LESS money selling connies in the C-store. But I think the binary choice between 2 extremes (lock boxes or bust) is simply bad logic on your part (but not just yours, because you are hardly the first person to use this bad logic).
Yes, they would make LESS money selling connies in the C-store. No, making less money would not kill them if they are still making enough money to stay in business. There are plenty of businesses that stay in business and make profits not by selling high priced items, but by selling lots of low priced items. So no, presenting a binary choice between 2 extremes is bad logic.
But having said all that, I completely understand that their goal is not simply to make A profit, they want to make as MUCH profit as possible. So for that reason I understand they won't be selling connies in the C-store, and I'm not saying they should. I just disagree with bad logic being used on this issue.
Except that they already TRIED the none lootbox method...and it DID NOT WORK.
Before I spend my time responding to your post, do you actually understand what my point is? If so, we can go from there. But I want to make sure I'm not wasting my time typing something you aren't going to read, and the fact that you are devolving into wall of text territory gives me the impression you aren't actually "listening" to the other side of the conversation.
I'm going one bigger. a Ginormous Connie Carrier that launches 4 Temporal Connies, and a trait that if you are a sci captain, your Photonic Fleet is MORE temportal Connies.. And the giant inflatable Connie from the practical joker for EACH pet as well as the carrier.
Putting the Connie in the box was pretty much a point of no return, especially for a ship that popular. Maybe if you badger them long enough, they'll eventually capitulate and put a T5 Connie (without a specialization or free T5-U upgrade) in the C-Store...
Honestly, the prime timeline Connies (T1, T2 and T6) should have been in the C-Store from the start. Only the alternate timeline and special varients should have been in promo boxes.
Putting the Connie in the box was pretty much a point of no return, especially for a ship that popular. Maybe if you badger them long enough, they'll eventually capitulate and put a T5 Connie (without a specialization or free T5-U upgrade) in the C-Store...
Honestly, the prime timeline Connies (T1, T2 and T6) should have been in the C-Store from the start. Only the alternate timeline and special varients should have been in promo boxes.
They knew it was to much of a goldmine to just sell it on the c-store....the Connie not only covers TOS, but TMP, and even has 25th century it can appeal to almost anyone.
That research promo pack is the worst of all of them. I would rather just pay zen for the ships.
But think about it...which is more profitable...5 people spending a 100 dollars each and none of them potentially getting it? or 5 people spending 30 dollars and all getting it?
I'm going one bigger. a Ginormous Connie Carrier that launches 4 Temporal Connies, and a trait that if you are a sci captain, your Photonic Fleet is MORE temportal Connies.. And the giant inflatable Connie from the practical joker for EACH pet as well as the carrier.
Would I like a tier 6 Connie, even a DSC one? Hell yes. Will it happen? HELL NO.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Would I like a tier 6 Connie, even a DSC one? Hell yes. Will it happen? HELL NO.
You absolutely can get one if you are willing to "work" for it(dil to zen to keys to EC to buy ship on the exchange). It won't be quick, but it's a completely achievable long term goal.
None of them...not even the makers of witcher 3 will say that what you propose is a good way to solvency.
See, that's the thing: I didn't "propose" anything. I never said they shouldn't have lock box ships. The fact that you think I did proves you aren't even bothering to read what I wrote.
> @thegrandnagus1 said: > talonxv wrote: » > > Would I like a tier 6 Connie, even a DSC one? Hell yes. Will it happen? HELL NO. > > > > > You absolutely can get one if you are willing to "work" for it(dil to zen to keys to EC to buy ship on the exchange). It won't be quick, but it's a completely achievable long term goal.
True. But the Connie isn't my fav star Trek ship. She's in my top 5, especially TMP variant(Connie I grew up on since I was born in the 80s and the first Star Trek I ever watched is TWOK) but not really worth it.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
> @tacticoolfugga#9235 said: > That research promo pack is the worst of all of them. I would rather just pay zen for the ships.
That's why they put them in a R&D Box....the people that really want them will pay and pay even though the odds are dreadful. I hardly spend any money on the game since I finally got mine, doubt I'm alone in that.
As much as we would like that, it would cut into lockbox and promo money. Kelvin Connie is lockbox, and Temporal Connie is the most highly sought after promo ship.
I wouldn't say no to a Discovery Connie, but I don't see it being a seperate ship anytime soon. IF we ever get one... it might either be promo, added cosmetic options for the existing T6 Temporal Connie, or Lockbox.
I'd love to fly the Discovery Connie. But I just don't see us getting her in the C-Store unfortunately. If I am someday proven wrong, I will gladly eat my words on this and get one. But right now... the Magic 8-ball says no.
Join Date: Sep 2008
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
15K if it came with bridges and full interiors from The Cage, TOS/TAS (with the second turbolift), TMP, TWoK, TFF, TUC, The KT, and DSC.
Oh, and obviously a console that changes its size from ~250m to about ~700m for the full effect of feeling like a visual effect artist. Scanning a planet? Console shrinks you for dramatic shot. Hovering over a whaling ship? Console makes you the size of a moon for intimidation.
30K if it came with a full sized inflatable decoy form the fully canon production 'The Practical Joker' (and you were all moaning about the Spore Drive ).
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
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Something in between Realism and Pessimism: it will be a separate promo pack ship, so I'm already grinding out zen (16k and counting)
Join Date: Sep 2008
But here is the thing: if it is just a skin for the ship I already have, they won't be getting any new money from me. If it is a new separate ship, well, I will be doing what I have to do to get it. So while I would certainly prefer it be "free" to me, I can definitely understand why they would want me to be spending again.
Join Date: Sep 2008
No, selling connies in the C-store wouldn't kill the game. But yes, they would make less money that way, and for that reason they won't do it.
Join Date: Sep 2008
It IS a different size than the TOS Connie, so I wouldn't rule out the possibility of it being a stand-alone ship without any kitbash options.
Let me be clear; I completely agree they would make LESS money selling connies in the C-store. But I think the binary choice between 2 extremes (lock boxes or bust) is simply bad logic on your part (but not just yours, because you are hardly the first person to use this bad logic).
Yes, they would make LESS money selling connies in the C-store. No, making less money would not kill them if they are still making enough money to stay in business. There are plenty of businesses that stay in business and make profits not by selling high priced items, but by selling lots of low priced items. So no, presenting a binary choice between 2 extremes is bad logic.
But having said all that, I completely understand that their goal is not simply to make A profit, they want to make as MUCH profit as possible. So for that reason I understand they won't be selling connies in the C-store, and I'm not saying they should. I just disagree with bad logic being used on this issue.
Join Date: Sep 2008
Before I spend my time responding to your post, do you actually understand what my point is? If so, we can go from there. But I want to make sure I'm not wasting my time typing something you aren't going to read, and the fact that you are devolving into wall of text territory gives me the impression you aren't actually "listening" to the other side of the conversation.
Join Date: Sep 2008
Honestly, the prime timeline Connies (T1, T2 and T6) should have been in the C-Store from the start. Only the alternate timeline and special varients should have been in promo boxes.
They knew it was to much of a goldmine to just sell it on the c-store....the Connie not only covers TOS, but TMP, and even has 25th century it can appeal to almost anyone.
But think about it...which is more profitable...5 people spending a 100 dollars each and none of them potentially getting it? or 5 people spending 30 dollars and all getting it?
ok I admit it.. I laughed
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
You absolutely can get one if you are willing to "work" for it(dil to zen to keys to EC to buy ship on the exchange). It won't be quick, but it's a completely achievable long term goal.
Join Date: Sep 2008
See, that's the thing: I didn't "propose" anything. I never said they shouldn't have lock box ships. The fact that you think I did proves you aren't even bothering to read what I wrote.
Join Date: Sep 2008
> talonxv wrote: »
> Would I like a tier 6 Connie, even a DSC one? Hell yes. Will it happen? HELL NO.
> You absolutely can get one if you are willing to "work" for it(dil to zen to keys to EC to buy ship on the exchange). It won't be quick, but it's a completely achievable long term goal.
True. But the Connie isn't my fav star Trek ship. She's in my top 5, especially TMP variant(Connie I grew up on since I was born in the 80s and the first Star Trek I ever watched is TWOK) but not really worth it.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
> That research promo pack is the worst of all of them. I would rather just pay zen for the ships.
That's why they put them in a R&D Box....the people that really want them will pay and pay even though the odds are dreadful. I hardly spend any money on the game since I finally got mine, doubt I'm alone in that.