Since there is no DS9 specific thread, here goes:
With the expansion out (Jem'Hadar), there is a change that bothers me greatly. The music on DS9 is horrendous and does NOT fit in at all with standard Star Trek music. It is generic and bland. What we had before was WAY better than the new one.
It tries to be like the one from the actual tv show, but does a disservice to STO (and the tv show).
There. I've presented an equally valid and less verbose opinion.
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That's my point, the original music (before the overhaul) in the game was much better than what we have now. A piece of art. I have to mute the PC when I am on DS9 now. The current music is as bland as the royalty free music you are referring to. This reminds me of the royalty free music from YouTube that Google offers. There's a reason it's free.
THIS is what I remember:
That is not really Deep Space Nine music. That shows up when you get to the character screen. I would leave the DS9 music alone, I like it.
Sounds like free Google music. Not orchestral at all, nor poignant. But hey, if you guys prefer sub-par music, that's your loss.
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