I think Star Trek online could extend all the clickie things
There are easily 35-40 ship, bridge officer,and trait powers you can click on- most do not last 15 seconds..
it makes for a click -a - thon in Battles,and I get really tired of it
i constantly need to move my cursor to a clickie; instead of enjoy a nice space shooter , I am looking at the hotbars all battle
If they extended the powers durations ,it could give players a break from all the clicking (or button tapping lol)
or> allow us to oficialy in game set up multiple button salvos,we can click on;)
Clickbait title edited per Frequently Created Threads rules. — StarSword-C
That's what most of the more... non attentive.. players do anyway.
is kinda my thinking.. why should we need to click repair hull or shield boost for example ; my officers should be doing their jobs
I would be willing to bet that of all STO's active players, you are one of maybe 3 players that would actually want the game to decide for you when to trigger your powers.
What you're asking for is a game that plays for you while you sit back and watch. If that's what you really want then I suggest that you instead just watch Star Trek on Netflix.
Seriously though, with some of the AI issues this game has.. the last thing you want is your 'crew doing their jobs.' It would trigger your powers at all the worst possible times.. guaranteed.
besides for the most part the crew is doing their jobs, pressing a skill hotkey is not your captain running from console to console personally activating the skills but rather telling the crew to do so.
Very good point.
Because it isn't a real ship. It is a ship in a computer program.
The program runs a script line by line those have to be written out by a "someone" and they repeat on a loop.
Ever watch how your BOFFs act on Ground? They trigger things off one by one by one and repeat.
They will eat through any batteries (hypos, shield, etc...)...god knows when they are activating. They will throw a grenade as the enemy is going through their death throes, they will build shield and health generators while everyone still are at full health and build them in weird places??? They will put mortars right in the middle of everything to be targeted. AND they love petting their Tribbles.
Instead of getting down range and kicking TRIBBLE.
YOU must have some semblance of control over them.
(I admit I am not really good at this....but it is what it is.)
Really, you would not like your ship acting in that way.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
I only ever use the touchpad for targetting and camera, in space, on my laptop. All powers are assigned to keys so I'm not wasting time moving the mouse to click on powers. Use of the keyboard enables a more efficient use of powers both tactically and time-wise.
As well as playing on PC, I also play on the Xbox, where you can have auto-activation, which for the most part is good, but can be inefficient too, often triggering and keeping you in Red Alert, way longer then you need to be, or not triggering on some Critters, such as the Crystal Entity, because it's classed as Monster, not a ship. Auto-Activation is a double-edged sword when it comes to this.
Anyhoo, there is a way to use your keyboard to run a BOFF ability or a short series of commands by clicking on one key.
Doing this is called "Keybind" and "Macros". You can use those instead of constantly interacting with the buttons on the ability trays with your mouse clicking. In other words, makes playing much easier. But you have to set your keyboard and configure the little macros to do it ahead of time.
I don't know a lot about how that works.
But most of these gamer guys know how it is done and can give you the details about it.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
normally I would like to pick each power as players say, but here, they run out as fast as you click them and it becomes a button mash
You can pretty much bind anything you want to any key. Hopefully that helps you out a little.
I personally prefer the button mash fest. It's the only thing that keeps space combat from becoming a snooze fest.
Plus you can't use 5 of them at once. They have to connect one at a time.
darn keyboard needs 30 numbers for this game..using alt + # ,or ctrl + # ,for so much stuff is a joke
guess ill just keep clicking ,and STO can just take a flying leap after 2-3 missions of clickfesting
****I highly suggest the add something like the shoot all button has, for other powers n skills
>maybe 3 slots next to those added... and we could load a few skill packages into them
...1 for weapon boost combo ... 1 for defense boost combo ... one for hull heal combo
That's a rather childish reply to people who are trying to help you.
Either way, it's clear that you're either unwilling or unable to accept help so you're not worth bothering with. Should you require assistance in the future, I will know not to bother.
Good luck.
Anyone want to give me a Temporal Heavy Dreadnought pack? I'll be your friend
you enter the mission the enemy is 30 KM away. you science officer pops Photonic Fleet. reset time 5 minuts. you get ready to engace at 15 km, Engineer pops what use to be Miracle Worker, another long cooldown. there go 2 of you best Oh TRIBBLE buttons.. yeah.. I'll push the button, thanks.
oh, and OP you DO know that you can assign thoose powers to buttons, right? I don't have to click on Tac team 1, It is the 9 key. 8 is ET, 7 is ST. 1 and 2 are always an attack pattern if i have them available. it's silly to be moving your mouse to click on thoe powers.
Old post, mostly outdated but the original, linked straight to the part you need to read:
Some more thoughts on the subject, you can search for more on reddit:
Official wiki references:
Its not like OMG must have, but would be nice addition.
something I would very much like in game.