Made a discovery when I was working on "The Hydra's Head" earlier. I was trying to make it so an optional, difficult battle would occur if you completed two parallel objectives in what I determined to be the wrong order (i.e. the opposite order from what your boff said).
What I hit on was the following states for my two mob groups:
- Appear on: Objective Complete: Activate object #2
- Disappear on: Objective Complete: Activate object #1
Object #1 being a transporter pad you're supposed to disable. Do it in the wrong order, and the mobs appear. Do it in the right order, and they don't. The flaw (of course there's a flaw, it's the Foundry) is that the beam-in animation still shows up, because all you've really done is turn the mobs on and then immediately back off.
There's no real way to disable that beam in effect and it will happen when mobs spawn in. best you can do is work around that limitation.
To use your example, there are 2 parallel objectives, Objective A (interact Map object A) and Objective B (Interact Map object
If you do A then B, no mob appears.
If you do B then A, difficult mob appears.
Set up a Map Dialog with 2 branches. It is Visible when "Component Complete" Map object A.
Branch 1 is Always Visible Always and Hidden when Objective B is complete
Branch 2 is Visible when Objective B is complete
Finally, the mob is Visible when Dialog Prompt Reached Branch 2.
If you do Objective A first, only Branch 1 will be available to complete the map dialog. Therefore the enemy mob will not be spawned when you complete objective B.
However if you complete Objective B first then Objective A, the dialog upon Objective A triggering will only have Branch 2 available. That will trigger the mob spawn and the fight.
In practice imagine something like that.
"Disable long range transmitter" (A) and "Disable the alarm" (B)
When you "Disable the long range transmitter" (A), the BOFF will say
"I read no energy on the system"
Branch 1 "The transmitter is off, let's disable the alarm." (available only if objective B is NOT complete)
Branch 2 "Energy spike, enemies are beaming in!" (available only if objective B has been completed already)
Another way (and a less annoying way too) is to spawn the NPC group in such a way that only way to the next objective leads thru the NPC group again making the fight essentially unavoidble. Also you can spawn the enemies at the next objective in such a way that you cannot do the objective without aggroing the enemies.
So while technically optional in practice you can make so that "failure spawns additional mobs" leads to unavoidble fights, also you can use the fact the fights are avoidble to your advantage and force the players to "go the long way around" if they want to avoid the fights.