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Foundry Challenge Entry Thread: Victory is Life

drogyn1701drogyn1701 Member Posts: 3,606 Media Corps
In this thread, authors wishing to participate in the challenge must post the details of their mission.

Mission Title:
Your @Handle:
Level Requirement:
Mission Summary:

Please post your mission details by the entry deadline: 4 p.m. US Pacific Time, Friday, Sept. 21.

Details of the challenge may be found in the discussion thread. Please keep this thread to mission entries only.
The Foundry Roundtable live Saturdays at 7:30PM EST/4:30PM PST on twitch.tv/thefoundryroundtable
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • runekeeper8runekeeper8 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Mission Title: "Kafkaesque White"
    Your @Handle: runekeeper8
    Faction: Starfleet
    Level Requirement:
    Mission Summary:
  • runekeeper8runekeeper8 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Mission Title: "Kafkaesque White"
    Your @Handle: runekeeper8
    Faction: Starfleet
    Level Requirement:
    Mission Summary:
  • zectoshzectosh Member Posts: 1 New User
    Mission Title: "Mysteries and Familiar Faces".
    Handle: @zectosh
    Level requirement: Any level
    Mission Summary: While investigating the disappearance of ships and crewman in the Hana system, it becomes clear that there is more going on. What could be behind these strange occurrences? Perhaps you're already familiar with it?
  • castsbugccastsbugc Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    Mission Title: Rubicon
    Your @Handle: @castmodean
    Faction: Starfleet Cardassian
    Level Requirement: 31+
    Mission Summary: A raid on a Gamma Quadrant world leads to a hunt for the attackers and questions about a battle that took place almost forty years previously. because of your Cardassian heritage and Starfleet training, you are most uniquely suited to ending this menace and discovering the truth.

    **This mission will be published Saturday due to technical problems involving my internet access, and its consistent non accessibility of late**
    Post edited by castsbugc on
  • designationxr377designationxr377 Member Posts: 542 Arc User
    Mission Title: "Flowers of War, Thorns of Peace"
    Your @Handle: @XR-377
    Faction: Starfleet
    Level Requirement: 31+
    Mission Summary: "Conflict has been sown in the soil of the Goralis III farming colony. The seeds of dissent have given way to early shoots of conflict among the Cardassian colonials and group of wayward Jem'Hadar who have recently taken up residence nearby. Is the distrust flourishing between the two groups and the grafted wounds of the past too much to overcome? Given your unique background, you are perhaps the only one can thresh out the grains of truth. It may be up to you to winnow out which is more dangerous; blooming war or the scraping agitation of peace."

    A mission for Starfleet Allied Jem'Hadar and Cardassian Player Characters.
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,273 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    [Delete Post]
    Post edited by thay8472 on
    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    Post edited by starfarertheta on
  • cuchulainn74cuchulainn74 Member Posts: 831 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    Good luck everyone! Not going to be able to finish my project in time. Too much going on. Can't wait to play all these great missions, though.
    Post edited by cuchulainn74 on
    Fleet Admiral CuChulainn - U.S.S. Aegis KT Intel Dreadnought Cruiser

  • beargogglesbeargoggles Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    Mission Title: A Simple Tailor's Shop
    Your @Handle: @beargoggles
    Faction: Fed
    Level Requirement: 31+
    Mission Summary: A trip to Garak's former tailor shop gives the player more than they've bargained for when they stumble on an old Cardassian plot. Designed for Cardassian players.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    Mission Title: [ViL] Manhunt Gamma
    Your @Handle: marhawkman
    Faction: Fed(may make Klingon version later)
    Level Requirement: TBD
    Mission Summary: Loriss 3 needs you to track down who attacked her colony and figure out why they attacked.

    (not actually be eligible for voting)
    Post edited by markhawkman on
    My character Tsin'xing
  • hippiejonhippiejon Member Posts: 1,581 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    Mission Title: [CRD] Old Soldiers
    Your @Handle: @hippiejohn
    Faction: Federation
    Level Requirement: 31
    Mission Summary:
    An investigation into True Way activity turns into a race against time to save a Federation home world from destruction.
    Intended for Cardassian Characters.
    Post edited by hippiejon on
  • captainhunter1captainhunter1 Member Posts: 1,633 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    Mission Title: Reality blues/ Reality blues (KDF)
    Your @Handle: Captain.Hunter
    Faction: Fed and KDF
    Level Requirement: 1+ (yes, anyone can play)
    Mission Summary: A secret mission, troubling news, and actions that could affect everything we know. What could go wrong?

    This is a single contest entry, but available in identical Federation and KDF versions (as Jem'Hadar and Cardassians can be affiliated with either faction)
  • smokebaileysmokebailey Member Posts: 4,668 Arc User
    Mission Title: Ooooo, Jem
    Your @Handle: @Smokebailey
    Faction: Any, I think.
    Level Requirement: 31 (might change it)
    Mission Summary: (Still working on it)
  • baelroghbaelrogh Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    Mission Title:Undercover job - Station 114
    Your @Handle:@baelrogh
    Faction:KDF and KDF allied
    Level Requirement:41
    Mission Summary:
    Rumors from Qo'nos has led to mysterious discovery...

    This mission is mainly aimed at Jem'hadar and Cardassian captains. This is my version of how Tenebris Torquent should continue.

    Mission takes place in Goralis system, Cardassian sector space.

    Station 114 v1.1 hotfix
    Increased difficulty
    Added trap for '' I don't read objectives'' people :)
    Additional FX and fluffs
    Happy gaming everyone :smiley:
    Post edited by baelrogh on
  • stcaptainquirkystcaptainquirky Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    Mission Title: [CRD] A Dagger in the Dark
    Your @Handle:@stcaptainquirky
    Faction: Starfleet
    Level Requirement: 31+
    Mission Summary:
    The Cardassian government has requested your aid to reestablish contact with a private archeological expedition but what appears to be a simple errand soon turns into a chase that might have severe consequences if things go wrong.

    The mission starts in the Reimers system in the Bajor sector of the Alpha quadrant.

    This mission was designed as an entry for the Victory is Life Foundry Challenge 2018 and is meant for Cardassian characters.

    Post edited by stcaptainquirky on
  • nogromnogrom Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    I add my first mission for this contest. Created for Cardassians and playable on both factions.

    Mission Title: [CRD] The Dukat sisters FED / KDF
    Your @Handle: @Nog-Rom
    Faction: FED and / or KDF
    Level Requirement: 31+
    Mission Summary:

    *** The Dukat sisters. ***

    As a Cardassian captain alligned to the Federation / Klingon Empire, you have defeated various enemies and helped solve problems.

    This mission takes place exactly after the 'Victory is life' story arc.

    The Hur'q threat has been stopped for the time being.
    The female Changeling is dead.
    The Dominion is recovering from their great losses.
    The Tzenkethi threat in the Alpha Quadrant has been reduced.

    The alliance is back in the Alpha and Beta quadrant, where new challenges are waiting.

    Is this mission a new challenge for you?
    Post edited by nogrom on
  • sofascumsofascum Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    Mission Title: "Generation Armageddon"
    Your @Handle: EnglishWerewolf
    Faction: Starfleet
    Level Requirement: 31
    Mission Summary: The Cardassian Government has requested that you intercept and investigate a ship that is heading toward Cardassia Prime.
    Long range scans have pulled up an ancient file from the old Obssidian Order data base, a ship known as the Tuatha Danaan, so the Cardassian governemnt advise caution during your investigation aboard a ship, that has spent four hundred years in space.
    What you do not eat tonight, will eat you tomorrow
  • Title: "Echoes of the Iconians"
    @Handle: @trollerpilotxiv#9883
    Faction: Starfleet-allied Jem'Hadar
    Level Requirement: 57+
    Though the Dominion had largely pulled out of the Alpha Quadrant by the turn of the 25th Century, it still sustains outposts scattered throughout the quadrant. Its allies ferry equipment to and from said outposts in large, poorly-defended freighters. One such freighter, carrying vitally important life-support systems for refitted ships, has recently gone missing. The ship was moving through an area of space near the Zenas Expanse previously thought to be empty. As the highest-ranked commanding officer in the area, it's for you to find out what happened to it...
  • colonel68colonel68 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Mission Title: The Grand Library
    Your @Handle: @colonel68
    Faction: Federation
    Level Requirement:46+
    Mission Summary: A small number of Federation Ships have gone missing, it is up to you to discover what has happened.

    Go to Wolf 359 and command the search teams but be careful, as there are some captains within starfleet who are not happy with the Dominion's interference in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.

    This map is designed for Jem'Hadar Characters.
  • smokebaileysmokebailey Member Posts: 4,668 Arc User
    Mission Title: Ooooooo, Jem
    Your @Handle: @Smokebailey
    Faction: Starfleet

    Mission Summary: Deep space station K-10 is under siege! Lend assistance!
  • bberge1701bberge1701 Member Posts: 726 Bug Hunter
    edited September 2018
    Mission Title: Unseen Enemies
    Your @Handle: @bberge
    Faction: Starfleet
    Level Requirement: 46+
    Mission Summary: The Founders have infiltrated the True Way. You must go undercover to try to discover their plans.

    Mission begins at Deep Space Nine. Dock at the station or beam down, then report to the Security Office.

    This mission is intended for Cardassian captains, but is suitable for all.

    Post edited by bberge1701 on
  • lagontulagontu Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    Mission Title: Replay Morning
    Your @Handle: @TedHembach
    Faction: Starfleet
    Level Requirement: None (all levels, no fighting)
    Mission Summary: You are ordered to escort a Cardassian Gul from a Cardassian colony to a conference on Deep Space Nine. Sounds simple, or? It is, but you are hindered to do so by an unexpected surprise that challenges you at the colony. Will you be able to solve the problem before the time is running out?

    MissionInfo: Go to the Cardassian colony Goralis III in the Cardassian Sector in the Alpha Quadrant and escort Gul Makai back to Deep Space Nine. Be sure to take a full Away Team (with Science, Engineering and Tactical Officer) with you, in case you need to be prepared!

    Out-of-characterInfo: This mission has no level requirements. No fighting of any kind is involved. It is intended to be played by a Starfleet-aligned Cardassian Captain [CRD], but can be played by a Federation captain of any other origin too. Average playtime is approx. 45 minutes, with all optional dialogues it will take longer. This is primarily a story-telling mission, with lots of different dialogues. Hope you enjoy it!

  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,966 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    [Withdrawn due to time]
    Post edited by starswordc on
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
  • smokebaileysmokebailey Member Posts: 4,668 Arc User
    i forgot, gotta be level 31 for mine to try. :)
  • ajwoodleyajwoodley Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Title: Chem Bajora (New Bajor)
    Author: @ajwoodley
    Faction: United Federation of Planets
    lvl requirement: Any Level

    Synopsis: With the Hur'q crisis coming to an end, both the Dominion and the Cardassians have decided to join the Alliance. However, there are those who oppose such a partnership with former enemies.
  • kevinm1701akevinm1701a Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    Title: Investigate the Fire caves
    Author: Lone-star
    Faction: Starfleet
    LVL req: 31
    Someone has disturbed the Fire caves on Bajor, you are being sent to investigate. This mission starts on ESD at the console below the main transporter room and outside club 47. Hope you enjoy.
  • haurianthauriant Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    Mission Title: [JH] Guidance

    @Handle: @hauriant

    Faction: Fed-Aligned Jem'Hadar (Really just Starfleet, but this version written specifically for Jem'Hadar)

    Level Requirement: 31+ (But set during War with the Hur'q)

    Mission Summary: In the middle of the War with the Hur'q, your Jem'Hadar is sent to rescue survivors of one Starfleet and one Jem'Hadar vessel that crashed on a mysterious Gamma Quadrant planet. Investigate the world, learn its secret, and find a way to save the survivors and yourselves.

    [NOTE: Assumes a Jem'Hadar character. There is another version just called "Guidance" that assumes a Starfleet character. This is not yet published as of the writing of this post, but should be by the end of the day.]
This discussion has been closed.