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assimlated set tanking build

powergaming#3478 powergaming Member Posts: 23 Arc User
ive been using the assimlated regen shield with the deflector and found the set 2 making even escort ships very tanky and am trying to use that to make a efective tank cross dps build for the jem'hadar bug ship and thought the forums might be the place to go to talk about it
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  • powergaming#3478 powergaming Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    looking at the set i found this
    +0-50 all damage resistance rating (value increses as hit points fall) under the autononumus regen sequencer which only has 2% activation rate but that is with each and every hit
  • powergaming#3478 powergaming Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    if nesary i could use my kolaski siege destroyer but that has glich were when i swich modes the borg look is gone and i half to disable and then re enable it
  • powergaming#3478 powergaming Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    ooooook i dont know if this is a glich buuuut i dont think so.... the boosts from the set are hours and hours of VERY slow grinding..... BUT...... DONT APEAR TO GO AWAY. that is broken..... but i like this it represents the borg corectly they dont unadapt.
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,682 Arc User
    Borg set is a bit random in it's heal procs, and the main set does very little to enhance DPS, so it's not used by all that many for those functions. If you love the look, you can always place those parts in the Visual slots.

    For DPS and durability I usually go for Iconian 3 or 4 set, as each piece has a bit of durability and the 3 set procs, which happen fairly often, improve DPS team-wide. Four piece is a clicky that gives both durability and DPS to your entire team. Where I'm looking more for DPS, but still a bit of durability, I usually go for a Colony Deflector that adds Critical chance and damage based on hull Re-Engineered to Hull HP and Shield HP mods, and Competitive Wargames engine and shield.

    Other things you might look into:
    Emergency Repair Crews Trait (found on the Exchange), that gives armor and healing while in combat.
    Automated Protomatter Conduits Reputation Trait from the Lukari Reputation, on an incoming critical hit it gives a large increase to your hull and shield regeneration rate. I find this very handy in content with loads of things shooting you, like most of the Gamma Reputation stuff.
  • powergaming#3478 powergaming Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    but the heal is slowly incresing my resist ratings and i think it is there on purposs as it is there in the text however it is hard to catch but again is there and why add that in a grinding sence if it is gone when the heal is done in 10 sec and resets next time that would be a wast of time on the develipers part and game develipers cant aford that, and it will top out at +50, now that is +50 not +50% so might not be same thing but...... also it says the heal ends at 10 sec but says nothing about the extra resist ending ive been grinding and they cant seem to do nearly as much to me and if im fighting the right npcs i just last soooo long i can tell the difrence in battle i use to die ALOT and now very rarly
  • powergaming#3478 powergaming Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    i mean if it is a glich ill stop but i dont think so at all
  • powergaming#3478 powergaming Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    ok i have a theory what if the boost is temporary but also lasts longer than the healing. so basicly ill be in battle and geting hamered by manyships and be using my healing abiltys to hold out then the heal activates and i get some regen AND the boost in resistance but the boost doesnt apear with the other boosts it is just a up in stats and you would have to look at stats in battle to see the amount of increase and then it lasts till you leave map at which point it resets so i wind up taking damage till im at about 30% on avrage. but then it slows way down and i can come out on top which is exacly what has been happoning so i now need the abilty to hold out till then and the power to boost regen because i will admit that that part is weak maybe if it was 30 sec and not 10 i dont know might be better in that regard
  • powergaming#3478 powergaming Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    ok ive confermed my theory but i think the #s are off with the stat boosts because that little of a boost would in no way have this much effect so that keep in mind
  • powergaming#3478 powergaming Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    ok post the server coming down as ranom my #s arnt off anymore when i get the boost but they might be have changed because i think alot of # were revamped and i had damage resits in the high 50s but im finding that torps are now doing what energy weapons cant also the boost is only lasting until i exit combat now this seems more balanced... but now i will have to do some reworking but most people seem to be having ishues of there own soooo
    ps torps were a problem before but i could get around with fighers in my hanger bay because i desided on the kolaski and then set them to intersept but ive been using the kar'fi's fighters not the kolaski's naasican stigner fighters
  • powergaming#3478 powergaming Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    woooow last match... my stats at 22.7% resist where boosted to the high 50s. but the 40% resists were only boosted to the 60s which is a higher # but less of a boost so i will cap buuut do i even need any higher however that was with experts for a team that were suporting me VERY well
  • powergaming#3478 powergaming Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    ok the #s are nolonger being shown acutly but i dont need them. me and every one in que can tell because i sent this when i enter the match
    "ok im use a tank/dps build that needs help serviving while taking hits to triger "autonumus regen seqencer" (my sisable tank boost) the icon is gone after the 10 sec stat boost calc can u guys help"
    it is copyed and pasted i know things are spelt wrong but dont care it fits i dont want to tempt fate and the boost is worth it. funny how the only problems left are solved by comunicating with team which promotes teamwork within a que. very health for the game
    hopefully 1 day i can just go i use auto regen seqencer and that will be all i need to say but for now........
    Post edited by powergaming#3478 on
  • powergaming#3478 powergaming Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    ok im going to stop asking for help i have a idea on how to upgrade my build so i wont need it but untill i can get more dilith im stuck without it so ill probubly be offline till then. just to be clear i just have i disabilty that efects my abilty to socalize and iteract well with others so i had no idea that there would be a problem with asking for help with turning on my boost and now i feel very bad and i just hope i can redem my self. hopefully the 3rd set can make my build more solo viable. by buying time for me to get the other 1 working.
    Post edited by powergaming#3478 on
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