I'm sure everyone is familiar with the torpedo bombers of old with the T'varo and B'rel being the most famous.
In the past i have played around with a mirror nova as a torpedo bomber, but that ship was put in storage and has been gathering space dust for a while.
Now i am looking into creating a torpedo bomber for either an Fed engineer or Fed Science. The thing is that i haven't really kept track of ships/traits useful for a torpedo build on a federation character.
I prefer either a science vessel or escort/raider to make full use of the maneuverability and negate the narrow arcs of torpedoes.
Also prefer to stick to C-store/event ships and not go towards lock box.
Can someone recommend some ships/traits and updated builds?
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
Both the trait and the console give you some extra bombing capabilities.
When opting for a pilot ship the science variant looks more useful.
Any suggestions for the weapon layout?
Very useful.
Got Checkmate, Reciprocity and AHOD
The improved GW comes from the new Andorian ship (or it kdf/rom counterparts) so don't have that one in my inventory yet. I'll keep that one in mind.
Any suggestions to replace Weapon System Synergy ?
Looking at this set it looks like it has good synergy with a torpedo build
It would not necessarily be a "pure" torpedo build, but it could work very well and it is free.
Looking at the Hestia (T6 Advanced Escort) with the command seating.
Since i do not own this ship, what do you folks think of this ship as a torpedo bomber or as an escort in general.
Also looking at the T6 Science Andorian Escort
I don't have checkmate myself, but tend to use improved feedback pulse from the event ship for the bonus to crits due to the aggro I get. If you can fit it, structural integrity collapse is a good ability to have, due to it's debuff on kinetic damage.
As for weapon system synergy, I find it quite useful as I use turrets/beams on a couple of my torpedo ships. As well as the command spec as secondary for the torpedo exploits.
Maybe the veteran ship is a good choice, but since i am not a LTS i don't have access to that.
Any other suggestions?
Personally, I would probably end up getting the pilot escort bundle (partly because kitbashing), get the trait from Mercury, then switch to Icarus. Gotta love those 5 forward weapon slots and 5 tactical consoles.
Loadout depends on the torps you want to use - Photons, Quantums or Plasma?
Thanks for the feedback.
Got the Caitan and Pilot ships in my inventory and i agree they're fun to fly.
I had not considered the rift warhead from the T6 Temporal Escort, but since it is bound to that ship I'll pass it up.
I have bomber builds for my KDF Kar'Fi Battle Carrier (Trico) , a Quantum build for my Kor BoP, Plasma and Transphasic builds on Romulan ships. Those builds are based upon either pet support or Enhanced Battle Cloak and thus not directly suited for a Fed Bomber/Torpedo build.
That leaves Photon Torpedoes. 3 contenders come to mind: Dyson, Counter command and Har'peng.
and terran. the console is pretty much a must have on torpedo builds any way. may as well get the two piece. but of those three. the dyson is the best the set is pretty much built around the torpedo and the torpedo is very good even without the support. the Counter command is while not useless is pretty weak and the set is all over the place. the Har'peng while fun isn't a photon so it be of questionable use if you looking to load up on photon boosts. projectile boosts still work so if you use alot of those it is fine.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
Gravimetric Photon Torpedo Launcher (Dyson rep)
Advanced Piezo-Photon Torpedo Launcher (Lukari rep)
Terran Task Force Photon Torpedo Launcher (Terran rep)
Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo Launcher (Undine rep)
Dyson Proton Weapon Mk XII (Dyson rep - to get the Protonic Arsenal 10% bonuses to CrtD and CrtH)
(one of them crossed out, should you go for a ship with only 4 forward weapons)
(Or if you have the cash, you might want to throw in some Kelvin photons with their 4sec reload time)
Definitely use the Ferrofluid Hydraulic Assembly from Terran rep, and maybe slap the beam from that set to one of the aft slots, to get those sweet Secondary Torpedo Launchers. For some additional bonus, the Lukari beam into one of the other aft slots
Your title says bomber but your thread reads like you want a torpedo boat build. Although there is crossover a torpedo boat and torpedo bomber are not the same thing. Bombers tend to be about Alpha strikes and/or big slow bomb style attacks. Torpedo boats tend to be more about sustained DPS and/or faster torpedoes.
If you can live without concentrate firepower (Command skill), then any ship will work. However, I would avoid pilot ships as the maneuvers can seriously hamper firing. As torpedo's tend to be funky on what they are targeting at times. But spread 3 with grav well 3 is a fun sight to see, with a lot of explosions, and you can't go wrong going with a science ship.
Skills that are a must have are kemocite laced weapons and structural integrity collapse with spread 3 of course. There is two space reputation traits well worth using, which are torpedo synergy and the other one from the terran reputation. As for ship traits, you have three already worth using (Checkmate, Reciprocity and AHOD) you could put in improved critical systems if you made a temporal recruit way back when. And pedal to the metal will be good if you're on the move.
I use four torpedo's as I mentioned, which are the counter command, Terran, Gravimetric and neutronic. I've built around getting two to three parts for those sets. With adapted maco shield and deflector.
In my own opinion, I would avoid the hyper plasma as it's more of a stationary type of torpedo to fire off and doesn't like torpedo spread much.
there is one, full spec even.
edited: oh look edit bug.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
If you want an escort with enough Science to slot a GWell1 and have Concentrate Firepower (CF), The Hestia is a nice C-Store ship that takes the Veteran ship layout and adds a tad more Science. You'll find that will serve you well for escort playstyle with some control. AoE torpedo proc (Quantum Phase, Neutronic, etc) followed by Enhanced Bio-Molecular photon torpedo will severely damage (if not destroy) anything caught in your GWell.
Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
"A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
I'm currently working on a torpedo build for a Hestia. Once i get it to the point where i am satisfied with it I'll share the build.
This is a nice youtube with a torpedo build to get ideas:
Thanks for the shout-out. There are a few updates to that vid that need to be said:
Guk's activation is a 10% chance, not at 90%.
Cannot pre-queue TS and HY anymore as you can at the time the video was made.
Omega Kinetic Shearing (OKS) is down to 10% (was 40%).
Neutronic and Quantum Phase do not proc on all targets of a TS, but Gravimetric does now.
There also seems to be some new bugs that installed with VIL, including:
Neutronic (Delta Ordinance) 2pc not reducing Neutronic torpedo cd to 12sec (confirmed)
Terran (Terran Munitions) 3pc not firing secondary torpedoes for all torpedoes (needs further testing)
Epic XIV to XV torpedoes not receiving a damage increase. Some are reporting tooltip, others are reporting combatlog not showing change in damage. (needs further testing)
With the video(s), build(s), and the guide, you should be able to design your own torp boat with whatever armaments that you choose to use. Do not be afraid to use the loadout system (when it works) to make multiple builds, and mixing torp types and boosting with +Torpedo consoles is min-maxing depending on the STF, targets, and frequency of firing (and firing modes) for your torps.
Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
"A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
As far as I recall it shouldn't even be possible to get white common Neutronic torpedoes and the white ones shouldn't be doing more damage.
I read this, and before the thought, "that's impossible", solidified, I recalled the infinite stacking console bug, the APA stacking bug, the various upgrade bugs, the extra mod on PEP bug, the Delta Dil claim bug, the runaway plasma explosion chain bug, the rapid-fire T'Varo plasma ball chain bug, Boolean N00b cannon bug, Kemocite-stacking bug....
Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
"A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
-=Alita(+Armitage console)=-
While it doesn't have the CC of a LtCmdr sci seat, it is able to absolutely belch out wave upon wave of photon torpedos with the Armitage console. Torpedo Point Defense System + TS3 + Kemocite Laced Weaponry = up to a 68 torpedo salvo with lag-inducing amounts of AoE explosions(I am NOT kidding). You can rig the ship up for speed tanking and have pretty deadly firepower from front and back as you perform strafing runs(which you can potentially combo with Coolant Ignition or Subspace Boom). I don't think there is a better photon torpedo platform out there.. haven't tried the new Cardi Torpedo Platform with it yet.
-=Palatine(Tac Vesta)=-
For EPG/Plasma setups, this ship does very well. You've got enough science to manage your Control and Exotic Damage while also having enough tactical seating to slot THY, TS, and Kemo without sacrificing tactical team(s). It unfortunately lacks Command seating, but you can combo its console along with the Delphic Tear Generator Universal console to channel some pretty nasty AoE bombardment into your GravWells while lobbing your torps into the death zone. I have been gibbing ships with 450k+ Plasma Bolts in this thing(the T5U Aventine at the time) since Delta Rising Launched. This ship plays a bit more like a siege weapon/'catapult' though; I suggest running Anchored with it to maximize your forward-facing 'deployed' phases.
Both options also give you access to hangar pets for additional flexibility(which is particularly useful for point-defense, and more recently shield-draining).
Late, but the input is greatly appreciated.
Cannot say i have had a lot of luck with speed tanking on the armitage or that i have extensively used pilot abilities, but it may be interesting with out latest foe so i will definitely test that.