It's that time again.
Time to beg the powers that be, to please at least create one M'Ress hair style for female Caitians. While it would be nice for a full range of styles, for pity's sake, don't hold up this hair style for more YEARS until a full blown 'Caitian hairstyle development cycle' finally fits on the schedule.
Just make this one (iconic) hair type - and release it. We can wait for 'corn row' (non-iconic) caitain hairstyles for years if this one is added, NOW. Please.
M'Ress is the only Caitian who was ever developed well enough to really qualify as a character; and thus, is what most people had in mind when they asked for Caitians. Not being able to get anything even approaching her look is pretty disappointing.
In every place,
The deeds of men remain the same..."
Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
Well said.
The person who put the Caitians together mentioned that hair styles were going to be a little tougher to make than the Caits themselves, requiring a bit of extra time to get done (I think the stated time was "several more months"). Well I'm certainly not one to hold anyones feet to the fire for timeframes in an MMO - development cycles change, priorities change, staff change, etc. but still, it's been almost two YEARS of (mostly) patient waiting for this one defining, iconic, hairstyle to get done.