Heads up, it looks as though some of the stats on this ship aren't quite what we'd intended. Notably that it should have 11 Consoles instead of 10. We're investigating this, and will update the ship asap.
Jeremy Randall
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
More seriously speaking: the ships looks good, and some of the stats too.
I just feel that the shield modifier is a bit low, given that this it's such a science-heavy ship and that it also has a hull modifier of just 0.9.
I get that there needs to be a trade-off because it has raider flanking but based on these stats, I expect this ship to be very vulnerable in terms of what it can take from enemies.
Heads up, it looks as though some of the stats on this ship aren't quite what we'd intended. Notably that it should have 11 Consoles instead of 10. We're investigating this, and will update the ship asap.
Could you guys also look at the costs?
I mean, given how exclusive this ship is and how much work it will be to obtain one, I think five fleet modules is a bit expensive.
For the same amount of money, you can buy a C-store T6 ship that's available to all characters of a given faction. It would be nice if there were at least some sort of discount for other characters if you've already bought the ship on one toon.
Eh, edit and correction: a T5 ship or a T6 ship during a sale.
This is not an unlock... it is a one time purchase PER character. 5 fleet mods is $25 roughly speaking. You discard the ship and no more, another 5 mods to rebuy it again.
The stats on this guy are apparently incorrect both in this blog and in the game. The team is working on it and I'll update the blog as soon as I have the correct stats.
It's actually a very good price. It's the price of a T5 ship ($25 US, not including a sale) plus a little grind for the fleet credits. And after the stats are corrected as Spartan mentioned above, it's a fleet level, Tier 6 ship. In terms of real money, (again, not including a sale) C-Store ships are $30 + $5 for fleet ship module. So this ship is the same quality level for $10 less than the same ship + module pairing from the C-Store.
This is not an unlock... it is a one time purchase PER character. 5 fleet mods is $25 roughly speaking. You discard the ship and no more, another 5 mods to rebuy it again.
If this is the case, it would diminish the value quite a bit. I'll probably only use it on one character anyway, but that would guarantee I don't get it on another character.
Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
-Captain James T. Kirk
Hmm stats look better now. Still a bit expensive though.
I might buy one once my fleet reaches T5 but that also depend on what else will be released of course. Those 2500 zen can also be spent elsewhere, on a ship that all my characters can use.
And the blog has now been updated with the correct stats!
Adding the missing console to Tactical is a nice touch!
Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
-Captain James T. Kirk
Decent to good stats for the ship along with a neat console & Trait. A nice looking ship too being a somewhat Science Raider. Steep unlocking by Fleets followed by a steep cost for the ship itself. If it is only per character & not reclaimable congratulations on paying a premium price.
When is the expected date for when the first Fleet gets access to this ship? It has only been about 120 days since the Fleet Colony became available. Nice to know that my theory about the Lukari Colony Ship is correct, but it seems a bit too soon for anyone to enjoy it.
Looks like the Lukari bought some Son'a leftovers. And for 5 FSMs (aka $25) I'll pass. Not spending $25 for a single ship when I get 'infinite' C-store T6 ships for $30.
I kinda liked the geometric thing the Lukari had going on. This breaks that mold.
I was wondering when Third-Place Lukari ship would show up
I'm hoping Second-Place Lukari ship will get an T6 upgrade (C-Store, please?) someday (but I hope it doesn't get put into Fleet Holdings. I may be the rare one out there that's not tied into a Fleet)
I was wondering when Third-Place Lukari ship would show up
I'm hoping Second-Place Lukari ship will get an T6 upgrade (C-Store, please?) someday (but I hope it doesn't get put into Fleet Holdings. I may be the rare one out there that's not tied into a Fleet)
If you have the flying saucer you can use it's costume on the Ho'kuun, and probably the scout ship.
Hmm, I knew my thinking at it was going to be a reward for getting the colony to max level. I too will have to pass of this, way to high for one ship that was meant to be a reward.
5 Fleet mods... Pure greed. Sorry not thanks. Is it not enough that a fleet would put the extreme amount of grind required to get a colony to 5. At that point have we not proven our willingness to support your game.
1 Fleet mod I think people could live with... 5 to be frank makes me want to uninstall the game more then anything.
I'd like to thank the development team for developing a way to release the other ship designs that didn't win the contest.
Often times, different people get stuck on liking different designs and are disappointed when that design doesn't win. This is a great way for them to feel like the development team is listening to feedback from the playerbase, so thank you.
I'd like to thank the development team for developing a way to release the other ship designs that didn't win the contest.
Often times, different people get stuck on liking different designs and are disappointed when that design doesn't win. This is a great way for them to feel like the development team is listening to feedback from the playerbase, so thank you.
I agree with that sentiment & hope Cryptic ponders expanding this innovative concept, but at the cost Cryptic is placing on this ship for it's debut example the value is nearly absent being only unlocked per character & not reclaimable.
For some reason I expect it to come back whenever I try to throw it away.
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
I just feel that the shield modifier is a bit low, given that this it's such a science-heavy ship and that it also has a hull modifier of just 0.9.
I get that there needs to be a trade-off because it has raider flanking but based on these stats, I expect this ship to be very vulnerable in terms of what it can take from enemies.
Could you guys also look at the costs?
I mean, given how exclusive this ship is and how much work it will be to obtain one, I think five fleet modules is a bit expensive.
For the same amount of money, you can buy a C-store T6 ship that's available to all characters of a given faction. It would be nice if there were at least some sort of discount for other characters if you've already bought the ship on one toon.
Eh, edit and correction: a T5 ship or a T6 ship during a sale.
The stats on this guy are apparently incorrect both in this blog and in the game. The team is working on it and I'll update the blog as soon as I have the correct stats.
If this is the case, it would diminish the value quite a bit. I'll probably only use it on one character anyway, but that would guarantee I don't get it on another character.
Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
-Captain James T. Kirk
I might buy one once my fleet reaches T5 but that also depend on what else will be released of course. Those 2500 zen can also be spent elsewhere, on a ship that all my characters can use.
Adding the missing console to Tactical is a nice touch!
Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
-Captain James T. Kirk
Even more awesome is that it will get one more tac console and 10 % more hull/shields.
I noticed that the prefix of the ship cannot be changed to the Lukari prefix.
I kinda liked the geometric thing the Lukari had going on. This breaks that mold.
I'm hoping Second-Place Lukari ship will get an T6 upgrade (C-Store, please?) someday (but I hope it doesn't get put into Fleet Holdings. I may be the rare one out there that's not tied into a Fleet)
My character Tsin'xing
Although it makes slightly more sense than having street lights in a game without a night-time.
Getting close to the gamblebox & lobi ships in terms of cost once you factor in the unlocking.
5 Fleet mods... Pure greed. Sorry not thanks. Is it not enough that a fleet would put the extreme amount of grind required to get a colony to 5. At that point have we not proven our willingness to support your game.
1 Fleet mod I think people could live with... 5 to be frank makes me want to uninstall the game more then anything.
Often times, different people get stuck on liking different designs and are disappointed when that design doesn't win. This is a great way for them to feel like the development team is listening to feedback from the playerbase, so thank you.
I agree with that sentiment & hope Cryptic ponders expanding this innovative concept, but at the cost Cryptic is placing on this ship for it's debut example the value is nearly absent being only unlocked per character & not reclaimable.