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devs please fix this in the tailor

captainkenny1captainkenny1 Member Posts: 326 Arc User
i started to notice something that can be overlooked pretty easily but my gears get grinded when i see the neck design for our characters. let me show you what i mean.
here is my toon with the ds9 and tng season 1 uniform

see how the neck looks like almost cardassian like, this needs to be addressed.
here are 2 examples how it should look like


i think that 2 options count as a possible solution.

make a neck base slider OR change the uniforms that has this effect.
if the latter seems easier, change the tng season 3-7 uniform because it looks pretty bad and pixelated


  • captainkenny1captainkenny1 Member Posts: 326 Arc User
    to have a better example

    not this
  • captainkenny1captainkenny1 Member Posts: 326 Arc User
    For some reason you fixed it with tuvok and only tuvok
    The far right picture of tuvok has the neck correct like it looked like in the show
  • danwaiganddanwaigand Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    I agree. but I doubt they'll see much profit in revamping any of these. so it's left up to the character artists to do it in their spare time... so they'll have to get irritated too.
  • ashstorm1ashstorm1 Member Posts: 679 Arc User
    They didn't fix the Tzenkethi armor glitch preventing you from using the visual on your BOFF, and it's a Lobi store item... costing 200 frigging Lobi Crystals.

    Sorry to be a party popper, but i highly doubt they'll ever consider fixing something like that :(
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