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Star Trek Online Suggestions to improve the game experience on PS4/XBOX!!

fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
This topic will be open to anyone, if you have an idea to improve the game experience, just post it here, and I will modify this topic to add your suggestion ...
I start with some, feel free to send me your improvement :

1:/ Important : Add an option to mask the PNJ dialog popups which appear on screen when we are in PVE - For now, they appear on top of our abilities (Science, Engineering, Tactical, Ship and Captain abilities)

2:/ Repair the Turbolift so we can visit our ship on Federation and KDF side (good for kids playing STO, I don't care)

3:/ remove the all reputation mark reward in The Breach pve queue, to push STO players to play other PVE Queue...

4:/ We (the console players) would appreciate to have more events (Dilithium event, XP Event, upgrade week-end, r&d week-end, etc ..) the last dilithium event (before the last one) was in February... Since September I can observe a lot of events, Good job, and Thank you for that, those events have pushed a lot of old players to return to the game, and of course a lot of fresh blood too, of course we spend a lot of time to teach them how the game work, but our armadas thank you, and the pve are more quick to start too :)

5:/ Add more option in auto-execute abilities (example : fire on my mark ship = Use on Cruiser, Use on battleship, use on Dreadnought instead of auto as soon as possible, 10 seconds after fight, 20 seconds after fight)

6:/ Sort the Duty Officers in the exchange picker. I don't care how they are sorted, just sort them.
- If I want to sell a DOFF on the exchange, trying to find that particular DOFF among the hundreds I have is excruciatingly annoying. Most of the time a new DOFF appears at the end of the list, sometimes they appear randomly in the middle somewhere.

7:/ Find a way to make people return on Star Trek online, Cryptic will earn more money, and we will have more players for PVE and fleet projects...
Edit : - All the events you have created made a lot of players return, and a lot of new players come to discover the game, Thank you for that. But I will not hide you will got a lot more players if you would want to do the little effort to translate the game in the major languages (at least, French and Spanish) because a lot of players which are fans of Star Trek universe came to try the game, but left because they don't understand English ... Call for translation help the STO gamers community, we are so much, it would be nothing for us to translate a little portion of the game each of us, we would help translate the game with pleasure and for free (of course we would not refuse a little T6 ship ? ;)) - Remember more players from all over the world because of the translations = more money for you and more friends for us in PVE

8:/ Give European players the same discount that the US Players have, because US Players have Zen discount + Ship discount, while we don't have got zen discount since long time ago... (at least during that Black Friday, we got the same discount +25% as the us, it was not the case during the last Black Friday - Thanks for that)

9:/ Critical problem, improve the bandwidth and the quality of Star Trek online servers because, we have a lot of lag on when we play STO PS4 and probably Xbox, our abilities don't start at the good time (Exemple : Engineering team should start when I am at 75% hull, but it don't start, and sometime I click it manually but I have the effect of engineering team 4 seconds later) - and I have a good ADSL connection + Ping 40ms from any French server/Spain/German, 80ms from USA...
- Some month after the creation of this topic, and the arrival of a lot of new players to the game, the lag is sometime catastrophic, we can observe it easily : "After activating manually an ability it take several seconds to see its effects" : More players = Improve the bandwidth... it is urgent now, our captains experiment some step back (on the ground, and in space) Lag Lag Lag, please fix this...

10:/ Fix correctly the bug on ship cloak (can't remove cloack sometime - unless we spam the cloack button), dual mode ships like Dyson, Lifetime destroyer, ships with separation mode, for all those ships is basically the same type of bug, you need to spam the functionality button to leave cloak/return in science mode with Dyson ship/recall your ship with the Kara + Separation console...

11:/ Make possible to invite in team KDF Players when we are on Federation side, so we don't have to create a private pve queue to play with our KDF friends (specially if we are only 4).. Another solution would be to create a private team first (with 3 players or 4 players) then select the PVE Queue, now to create a Private Team you have to choose the PVE Queue first, and you can't start the PVE Queue if you are not 5 players in the Private Team...

12:/ Let us use the D-pad (left, right, up, down arrows) during mini-games (dilithium mining etc...) - It is more precise than the left stick.

13:/ Sort the Duty Officers in the roster by classification (medical, civilian, engineer, etc.), then job (doctor, nurse, advisor, chef, etc.), then rarity, then name. Currently, sorting by name only is a major frustration when trying to compare a new DOFF to my existing DOFFs.

14:/ (Critical improvement) Add a level in "Cycle Camera distance" for Big ships like the Paradox, Kelvin T'laru, Scimitar, Enterprise J, etc, those ships are too bigs for the screen, even with an 1meter TV, they take half of the TV...

15:/ During a mission/PVE please ensure that Contextual action required (by the mission) are not hidden when in combat (example : The Breach : Saving the ships X disappear when in combat and we have to long-press X to make appear this contextual action - Hard to do in Elite PVE)

That's all for now, if you have some ideas, feel free to post it, so it can help Cryptic developers to improve the game ...
PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
Post edited by fced on


  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    No answer ? Nobody care about the improving the game experience ?
    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
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  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    And the rest of the suggestions ? Are you playing on console ?
    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
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  • bonzodog01bonzodog01 Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    And repairing the turbolifts? for what? to visit a non-existent ship interior that isn't even on PC? The only bridges with full ship interiors are the ones that cost zen. This is deliberate on Cryptic/PWE's behalf.
    XBox One - NFV Rylon - T6 Kolasi Siege Destroyer
    British Imperial Armada
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    Buy a PC and play STO the real way! ;)
  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited October 2017
    I have a PS4, a PS3, and a Mac, i will not get a PC to play, I got the console to play, and Mac to work ^^
    I don't care about visiting the interior of my ship, but other player want, they asked a lot of time why they can't visit their ship like the Romulan do, and at the beginning of Star Trek on PS4, I remember I visited my entire ship once, on a requisition ship, after that we got a patch and the interior have been broken...

    My suggestions are reasonable, on PC you can re-arrange the windows as you want, on PS4, when we play any pve queue, if there is a NPC which is talking we have popups windows which mask our abilities (science, engineering, tactical, ship, captain) and sometime we dye because we can't launch a critical ability masked by the dialogs...

    And it is urgent also to remove the all mark reward in the breach, because now the only way to play other pve than the breach is to team with 5 friends, and because we lost a lot of players on STO (Destiny, Elite dangerous, FiFA) it is rare to have a full team of 5 players, so it will be very difficult for me to get my Competitive wargames set, or iconian set... And more than this, players will be bored by the breach if they do it again and again... I dream of doing Storming the Spire, or Gateway to grethor, of Gravity kills, but they never start (you can wait one hour they will not start)...
    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
  • reddwarf#5987 reddwarf Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    12) Let us use the D-pad during mini-games.
    - It is more precise than the left stick.

    13) Sort the Duty Officers in the roster by classification (medical, civilian, engineer, etc.), then job (doctor, nurse, advisor, chef, etc.), then rarity, then name.
    - Currently, sorting by name only is a major frustration when trying to compare a new DOFF to my existing DOFFs.

    14) Sort the Duty Officers in the exchange picker. I don't care how they are sorted, just sort them.
    - If I want to sell a DOFF on the exchange, trying to find that particular DOFF among the hundreds I have is excruciatingly annoying. Most of the time a new DOFF appears at the end of the list, sometimes they appear randomly in the middle somewhere.

  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    12) Let us use the D-pad during mini-games.
    - It is more precise than the left stick.

    13) Sort the Duty Officers in the roster by classification (medical, civilian, engineer, etc.), then job (doctor, nurse, advisor, chef, etc.), then rarity, then name.
    - Currently, sorting by name only is a major frustration when trying to compare a new DOFF to my existing DOFFs.

    14) Sort the Duty Officers in the exchange picker. I don't care how they are sorted, just sort them.
    - If I want to sell a DOFF on the exchange, trying to find that particular DOFF among the hundreds I have is excruciatingly annoying. Most of the time a new DOFF appears at the end of the list, sometimes they appear randomly in the middle somewhere.

    Oh yes you are damn right, I entirely approve, each time I want to exchange my green duties for blue ones, or see which duty I have in double (specialization) it is very difficult to search the entire list because I have more than 175 duties officers...
    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
  • chronoblitz66chronoblitz66 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    Leave the Breach alone! For certain reputations NO ONE ques IE- Gravity Kills. To have one pve to get the marks without having to go Que for a pve that no one likes and wait 30- 45 mins to possibly have it run is annoying and frustrating. Especially when the ready up notification comes up and you get that not enough people were ready and you have to wait again! So please the breach is great plus if you need to grind marks its always running.
  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited October 2017
    Leave the Breach alone! For certain reputations NO ONE ques IE- Gravity Kills. To have one pve to get the marks without having to go Que for a pve that no one likes and wait 30- 45 mins to possibly have it run is annoying and frustrating. Especially when the ready up notification comes up and you get that not enough people were ready and you have to wait again! So please the breach is great plus if you need to grind marks its always running.

    If you are on PS4, you can add me as friend (or send me a PM I will give you my PSN name), I am always ready to do Gravity kills or any pve (I am so bored of always doing the same pve) but nobody never queue up for it, because they prefer to do the breach to get the all reputation marks...
    Don't be too worried about, if all the reputation mark would be removed from the breach, everybody would queue any pve to get specific reputation marks... As it was before The Breach...
    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
  • lapprenticellapprenticel Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    Since you're not on PC you may not realise that some of your issues raised are on par with those PC players complain about.

    3. PvE queues are D.E.A.D. or at least on life support. Even the most popular can take several minutes to pop, and you may have to deal with several declines before actually managing to get into a mission (CCA) which takes all of 60 seconds to win. If you have a map that's popular, and supplies all marks, be grateful!

    4. Events are boring. The question on PC tends to be which events are currently on rather than when will the next event be. If you're after something special you may have to wait, but there's always something happening.

    5. There are no auto abilities - the closest thing to that would be a macro. Mostly it's a case of mashing or clicking 10 or 20 buttons to activate all your powers and special attacks.

    6. You can limit doff lists by class, rank etc. Rule of thumb is that the classes that match the mission requirements are found at the bottom of your doff list.

    7. Sure it'd be a great idea, but it won't happen. Most PC players are either burnt out, or burning out. There are entire armadas which are barely populated simply because most players don't bother playing any more. Even those that do mostly login to grind rather than actually play.

    8. Discounts only matter if people are actually buying stuff. Are they? How's the active F2P v P2W or P2Pretty breakdown?

    9. Lag sucks. Deal with it. On a good day I'll be about 300ms, on a bad day ... somewhat higher. From memory there's only 1 lot of servers and they're in Boston (US) or something.

    fced wrote: »
    This topic will be open to anyone, if you have an idea to improve the game experience, just post it here, and I will modify this topic to add your suggestion ...
    I start with some, feel free to send me your improvement :

    1:/ Important : Add an option to mask the PNJ dialog popups which appear on screen when we are in PVE - For now, they appear on top of our abilities (Science, Engineering, Tactical, Ship and Captain abilities)

    2:/ Repair the Turbolift so we can visit our ship on Federation and KDF side (good for kids playing STO, I don't care)

    3:/ remove the all reputation mark reward in The Breach pve queue, to push STO players to play other PVE Queue...

    4:/ We (the console players) would appreciate to have more events (Dilithium event, XP Event, upgrade week-end, r&d week-end, etc ..) the last dilithium event (before the last one) was in February...

    5:/ Add more option in auto-execute abilities (example : fire on my mark ship = Use on Cruiser, Use on battleship, use on Dreadnought instead of auto as soon as possible, 10 seconds after fight, 20 seconds after fight)

    6:/ Sort the Duty Officers in the exchange picker. I don't care how they are sorted, just sort them.
    - If I want to sell a DOFF on the exchange, trying to find that particular DOFF among the hundreds I have is excruciatingly annoying. Most of the time a new DOFF appears at the end of the list, sometimes they appear randomly in the middle somewhere.

    7:/ Find a way to make people return on Star Trek online, Cryptic will earn more money, and we will have more players for PVE and fleet projects...

    8:/ Give European players the same discount that the US Players have, because US Players have Zen discount + Ship discount, while we don't have got zen discount since long time ago...

    9:/ Critical problem, improve the bandwidth and the quality of Star Trek online servers because, we have a lot of lag on when we play STO PS4 and probably Xbox, our abilities don't start at the good time (Exemple : Engineering team should start when I am at 75% hull, but it don't start, and sometime I click it manually but I have the effect of engineering team 4 seconds later) - and I have a good ADSL connection + Ping 40ms from any French server/Spain/German, 80ms from USA...

    10:/ Fix correctly the bug on ship cloak (can't remove cloack sometime - unless we spam the cloack button), dual mode ships like Dyson, Lifetime destroyer, ships with separation mode, for all those ships is basically the same type of bug, you need to spam the functionality button to leave cloak/return in science mode with Dyson ship/recall your ship with the Kara + Separation console...

    11:/ Make possible to invite in team KDF Players when we are on Federation side, so we don't have to create a private pve queue to play with our KDF friends (specially if we are only 4).. Another solution would be to create a private team first (with 3 players or 4 players) then select the PVE Queue, now to create a Private Team you have to choose the PVE Queue first, and you can't start the PVE Queue if you are not 5 players in the Private Team...

    12:/ Let us use the D-pad (left, right, up, down arrows) during mini-games (dilithium mining etc...) - It is more precise than the left stick.

    13:/ Sort the Duty Officers in the roster by classification (medical, civilian, engineer, etc.), then job (doctor, nurse, advisor, chef, etc.), then rarity, then name. Currently, sorting by name only is a major frustration when trying to compare a new DOFF to my existing DOFFs.

    14:/ (Critical improvement) Add a level in "Cycle Camera distance" for Big ships like the Paradox, Kelvin T'laru, Scimitar, Enterprise J, etc, those ships are too bigs for the screen, even with an 1meter TV, they take half of the TV...

    That's all for now, if you have some ideas, feel free to post it, so it can help Cryptic developers to improve the game ...

  • postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    edited October 2017
    EU players will always have to deal with transatlantic ping for any game with stateside servers. In STO's defence its mildly better than doing LOTRO's mounted combat which could rubber band you so much you'd end up further back than the starting position, I hear they gave EU folk servers again but lost interest a while ago.

    The minigame controls is something I happily bring up as often as possible whoever did them and whoever gave it the ok obviously never even picked up a controller to look at it let alone actually try to use one. My most recent snark was in the drainer colony feedback thread.

    Make sure to check the store and comment on the blogpost if the EU store doesn't get the discounts. Eventually cryptic might realise that sony doesnt run their global empire from somewhere in the US and look into giving the advertised discount to all players.

    Auto-use of abilities is inconsistent. Some you can set to autofire with different options which is surprisingly good even if it does mean you get stuck in combat for another 20 secs due to abilities popping off after the last enemy has died. BUT others that are used for combat don't.

    The ability wheel gets clogged with junk too easily, things like the phoenix box tokens should never set foot in it.

    Aim mode also needs redone as the game will autotarget anyone and anything in front of the player. Means that narrow corridors like the brushfire prison you simply can't use after the first shot is fired and the idiot npc's charge in, not to forget it you're an engineer and use a drone then you will suddenly find yourself staring at your feet. Honourable mention also goes to the kobali homeworld (at the gate mission) where you can actually auto target enemies up on the cliff so if you happen to fire then off trot your away team.

    Similar nonsense in space where you can target lock but it'll suddenly move to a friendly ship or something like a torpedo or mine.

    The PVE queue has no audio cue to let you know it's ready and no small popup warning either making it easy to miss, really bad given that most take a long time to get into.

    The launcher and login also needs worked on. You log in from the console which has a single account running and that is tied into the game so the initial log in screen isn't of any use. And the "news" section rarely gets updated, this is another snark I tended to add in to the blogposts as console folks first port of call for info won't necessarily be the website.

    On a plus note I did actually find escorts enjoyable to play on console due to the controller rather than KB&M, shame the PC versions controller support is bad to say the least. Still don't like cannons but the ships themselves became fun to fly.
  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    Servers are on the west coast, I made a trace-route to specific cryptic IP address, ping 300 ms should not make my engineering team react 3-8 seconds after once I clicked it, or may be it is a bug, because there is something very weird, I don't have any lag when I send torpedo or torpedo spread ability (mapped on my O button), but when I use Engineering team mapped on my button Triangle, sometime in PVE I have to wait for it to act (between 0-5 seconds)...

    How can that be possible ? If it was lag, all my abilities would have lag, but it is only my engineering team and may be hazard emitter (not sure) which have that problem...

    And most of the time in PVE, my Engineering team (when not mapped on my controller button) should start when I am at 75% Hull, but even at 30% it do not start...

    And sometime I am seeing my ship hull 4%, when I ask my friends in team they say me I am ok at full life, and few seconds later my life return at 100%... I have nothing which can heal me 96% hull specially on my Romulan science character with all Rom Bof...
    those "bugs" if we can call them like that was not happening before I left STO in June 2017...

    Since you're not on PC you may not realise that some of your issues raised are on par with those PC players complain about.

    3. PvE queues are D.E.A.D. or at least on life support. Even the most popular can take several minutes to pop, and you may have to deal with several declines before actually managing to get into a mission (CCA) which takes all of 60 seconds to win. If you have a map that's popular, and supplies all marks, be grateful!

    4. Events are boring. The question on PC tends to be which events are currently on rather than when will the next event be. If you're after something special you may have to wait, but there's always something happening.

    5. There are no auto abilities - the closest thing to that would be a macro. Mostly it's a case of mashing or clicking 10 or 20 buttons to activate all your powers and special attacks.

    6. You can limit doff lists by class, rank etc. Rule of thumb is that the classes that match the mission requirements are found at the bottom of your doff list.

    7. Sure it'd be a great idea, but it won't happen. Most PC players are either burnt out, or burning out. There are entire armadas which are barely populated simply because most players don't bother playing any more. Even those that do mostly login to grind rather than actually play.

    8. Discounts only matter if people are actually buying stuff. Are they? How's the active F2P v P2W or P2Pretty breakdown?

    9. Lag sucks. Deal with it. On a good day I'll be about 300ms, on a bad day ... somewhat higher. From memory there's only 1 lot of servers and they're in Boston (US) or something.

    fced wrote: »
    This topic will be open to anyone, if you have an idea to improve the game experience, just post it here, and I will modify this topic to add your suggestion ...
    I start with some, feel free to send me your improvement :

    1:/ Important : Add an option to mask the PNJ dialog popups which appear on screen when we are in PVE - For now, they appear on top of our abilities (Science, Engineering, Tactical, Ship and Captain abilities)

    2:/ Repair the Turbolift so we can visit our ship on Federation and KDF side (good for kids playing STO, I don't care)

    3:/ remove the all reputation mark reward in The Breach pve queue, to push STO players to play other PVE Queue...

    4:/ We (the console players) would appreciate to have more events (Dilithium event, XP Event, upgrade week-end, r&d week-end, etc ..) the last dilithium event (before the last one) was in February...

    5:/ Add more option in auto-execute abilities (example : fire on my mark ship = Use on Cruiser, Use on battleship, use on Dreadnought instead of auto as soon as possible, 10 seconds after fight, 20 seconds after fight)

    6:/ Sort the Duty Officers in the exchange picker. I don't care how they are sorted, just sort them.
    - If I want to sell a DOFF on the exchange, trying to find that particular DOFF among the hundreds I have is excruciatingly annoying. Most of the time a new DOFF appears at the end of the list, sometimes they appear randomly in the middle somewhere.

    7:/ Find a way to make people return on Star Trek online, Cryptic will earn more money, and we will have more players for PVE and fleet projects...

    8:/ Give European players the same discount that the US Players have, because US Players have Zen discount + Ship discount, while we don't have got zen discount since long time ago...

    9:/ Critical problem, improve the bandwidth and the quality of Star Trek online servers because, we have a lot of lag on when we play STO PS4 and probably Xbox, our abilities don't start at the good time (Exemple : Engineering team should start when I am at 75% hull, but it don't start, and sometime I click it manually but I have the effect of engineering team 4 seconds later) - and I have a good ADSL connection + Ping 40ms from any French server/Spain/German, 80ms from USA...

    10:/ Fix correctly the bug on ship cloak (can't remove cloack sometime - unless we spam the cloack button), dual mode ships like Dyson, Lifetime destroyer, ships with separation mode, for all those ships is basically the same type of bug, you need to spam the functionality button to leave cloak/return in science mode with Dyson ship/recall your ship with the Kara + Separation console...

    11:/ Make possible to invite in team KDF Players when we are on Federation side, so we don't have to create a private pve queue to play with our KDF friends (specially if we are only 4).. Another solution would be to create a private team first (with 3 players or 4 players) then select the PVE Queue, now to create a Private Team you have to choose the PVE Queue first, and you can't start the PVE Queue if you are not 5 players in the Private Team...

    12:/ Let us use the D-pad (left, right, up, down arrows) during mini-games (dilithium mining etc...) - It is more precise than the left stick.

    13:/ Sort the Duty Officers in the roster by classification (medical, civilian, engineer, etc.), then job (doctor, nurse, advisor, chef, etc.), then rarity, then name. Currently, sorting by name only is a major frustration when trying to compare a new DOFF to my existing DOFFs.

    14:/ (Critical improvement) Add a level in "Cycle Camera distance" for Big ships like the Paradox, Kelvin T'laru, Scimitar, Enterprise J, etc, those ships are too bigs for the screen, even with an 1meter TV, they take half of the TV...

    That's all for now, if you have some ideas, feel free to post it, so it can help Cryptic developers to improve the game ...
    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
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  • eric5014#7761 eric5014 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    I would love more than three zoom settings in space. The three presets are fine for some ships but not so great for others. Unless there is some other way to zoom in and out in space on PS4 I'm not aware of?
  • usskentuckyusskentucky Member Posts: 402 Arc User
    Send me a larger TV, at least 100 inches, and let me use a keyboard. And then I might log into my Xbox account instead of my PC.
  • sleepwalker#8777 sleepwalker Member Posts: 128 Arc User
  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User

    Thank you for keeping this topic alive :)
    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
  • ulvanisulvanis Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    I have one:
    1. Make the 1st Story Arc for each faction set on Normal Difficulty.

    *I have created a few characters within the past month, since I am pretty experienced player, I have played them all on Elite just for the challenge. The issue that I have I have seen is that if you play on Advance/Elite mission difficulty , your BoFF will not appear on the drop down at the Medical Bay. Only the PC will be shown. I have researched this online, it has been a re-occurring and well known issue for a very long time. If you buy Bridge Officers from the Exchange, it works normal. The issue applies only to the BoFF that you recieve in the first Story Arc. I have submitted a trouble ticket about this, but so far no answer.
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 11,263 Community Moderator
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