If youve missed any of the special event ships, is their anyway to unlock or wil cryptic ever make it so you might have a chance to unlock them<account wide>
Doubtful on the account wide thing as they all get put in the phoenix box. Phoenix boxes help to make cryptic money so they have no reason to diminish there uses by making there contents availbale elsewhere again for free.
I don't see event ships ever being account-wide if you miss them the first time. Cryptic will keep missed ships greyed out in the reclaim store, forever mocking you.
It would be nice for new players, but it would also give current players a way to skip the event. Cryptic wants you to log in for the full 15 or 25 days in order to earn an account-wide $30 ship, not just spend some dil.
You used to be able to, before the advent of the phoenix box the prior year's ships could be earned just like the current year, so people would use alts to farm the prior ones they missed if they really wanted them. It's extremely lame that they changed it.
Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
The only notable exception would be the Phoenix Upgrades, and those are account bound.
Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
It would be nice for new players, but it would also give current players a way to skip the event. Cryptic wants you to log in for the full 15 or 25 days in order to earn an account-wide $30 ship, not just spend some dil.