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What are your Favorite Hot Spots?

virtualstar3virtualstar3 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
Are there any other cool bases, like Drozana Station, where lots of players hang out, dance, meet other players, has an exchange, a tailor and an NPC that pays 50% of item value when you want to sell stuff?

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    coldnapalmcoldnapalm Member Posts: 9,653 Arc User
    Answer ✓
    Faction restricted:
    ESD...Qo'nos...New Romulus...Romulan Flotilla...k7...sierra 39...ganalda station

    Faction free:
    DS9...Dyson command...delta command

    With drozana...that is all the hubs.
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    linorenstolinorensto Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Answer ✓
    Your Romulan character needs to be just a few levels higher. There is a mission where you discover New Romulas. Other than that, when your Fed gets to level 50, you can start the Romulan reputation and then beam to the Staging Area (but not New Romulas COmmand).
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    admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
    Answer ✓
    Thanks. I've been to Earth, Romulan Flotilla, K7, Sierra 39, Deep Space 9 and Drozana, but not the others. I'll be sure to check them out. As for New Romulus, the only option I ever get with my Fed characters is "Beam to Embassy". I don't get any options at all with my level 8 Romulan. Is there more to New Romulus than just the Embassy? If so, how do you get there?

    The rest of New romulas opens up at level 50 for all, Romulans get New Romulas Command around level 10.

    Kobali Prime and Hathon on Bajor have that stuff as well. Not sure about the Vendor though as I never pay attention.

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    virtualstar3virtualstar3 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2017
    Thanks. I've been to Earth, Romulan Flotilla, K7, Sierra 39, Deep Space 9 and Drozana, but not the others. I'll be sure to check them out. As for New Romulus, the only option I ever get with my Fed characters is "Beam to Embassy". I don't get any options at all with my level 8 Romulan. Is there more to New Romulus than just the Embassy? If so, how do you get there?
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    virtualstar3virtualstar3 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Thanks, linorensto.
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