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Defensive Maneuvering skills question

Is there significant gain from putting points into Defensive Maneuvering for PVE? I currently am putting my skill points at 16 Engineering, 11 Science and 19 in Tac. But I have been hearing that if I am not going to PVP that I can either only put one point or none in Defensive Maneuvering. I am asking cause I want to be able to put more point in Engineering for more power or maybe even a few more points in Science.
This is what my current point allowance is aesica.net/sto/?a=eNpNTIEJADAI2kOB9tB(2sWzKEoMNMXzSDCAIBblt(gU)cFEC9OBOT2kVV0(xe3pbNep5DXxAUqDHGQ$

My son has talked me into starting over a character as a Romulan Engineer and I will eventually get the command warbird pack. I will go all beams, but not sure about drain yet. Anyone have thoughts on Defensive Maneuvering or general directions for being able to Tank, Heal and get enough dps to be able to hold agro.


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    seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    For PVE it really is mostly pointless since mobs don't really have any acc bonuses or anything.
    Unless you're set to completely min/max and get the ultimates it's better to spread your skills a bit wider, though always go full long range sensors.

    Drain isn't what it used to be, it's importance took quite a hit after the leech's nerf. Unless you plan to make heavy use of tachyon beam for all the traits it triggers you may as well spend no points in it. It's really become more of a build spefific skill.

    Two points in EPG could be an option since there's some low ranking powers such as Endothermic Inhibitor Beam or DRB that can be slotted on almost any ship to add some DPS. Srsly EIB is a godsend for all those cruisers with an abundance of ensign eng slots.

    As for the command ships, they are reall great except the engineering one. That kinda got the shaft both console and boff wise, better use the sci for a little bit more space magic or the tac for more pew-pew power.
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    greywalker#7639 greywalker Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    Thanks for the reply! Yes I am not out to min/max with this character, I just want to be able to go in, have fun and be a agro magnet. I think with all the changes, being able to spread out my points to more items will allow me a lot more flexibility to use more items and to try more options, in finding that comfort zone for my play style. Thanks again for the information.
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