You guys need to do an investigation into whichever one of you compared this new PVE UI to the old one and said "This is better."
That person should not be giving any more suggestions.
I have multiple channels open in game and in every chat I hear the same thing. The new UI sucks, the old one had nothing wrong with it.
Do you guys even play your own game at all? Any of you?
imo the new pve ui is the best part from this new broken season.
"I think this new system looks good BUT is the one that made it fraking actualy play the game ? For the love of god why so many clicks just for playing one ISA ? If i do a simple ISA/CCA rotation on 8 toons all this clicking is driving me mad. I do enough clicks with admirality ( please some autofill; can exclude crits for balance) and 10 rep 1h project.
ALSO if you pick advanced and then tab out for a sec it does not show if you are still in the list or you had the confirmation expired and you have beed kicked out
Please change this to require less clicks and maybe remember player options. To be honnest as it is right now it discourge players to enter queues. This need to be changed ASAP imo."
1, Not being able to double-click to join a queue is counter-intuitive for a PC user.
2, Putting advanced/elite queues into a drop down menu is annoying. It just adds another layer of clicking to the queue process which isn't needed. It also makes it harder to see at a glance how many people are playing/queued for each version of the mission.
- Filtering ground/space queues is missing
- Joining multiple specific difficulties of the same queue at the same time is ambiguous and impossible
- Double-clicking does nothing (although given the selective nature of the new queue system, I can see why this was done)
But once those are gracefully taken care of, the UI will get its chance to shine. Or not.- B.F. Skinner
I honestly think the individual behind this should be given a choice between being fired or having the community vote on any future upgrades they code/suggest cause they have clearly forfeited the right to be trusted without supervision. I know this sounds harsh, perhaps even crazy, but making PVEs harder to find in the same exact update as a new reputation was released is like a burger chain selling burgers without any meat or even fake meat, just a bun and trimmings only nobody caught this terrible idea until it actually got pushed. And if something like that actually happened I think we all know the person responsible would be fired about 5 minutes after they were identified by Corporate.
When one is promted to accept/decline the que start it seems the that two accept/decline buttons are TOO CLOSE to each other and many times one is actrualy cliking reject. After i discovered this i payed attention but in the midst of doing reps/admirality and other stuff i still keep somehow clicking reject even in the pointer is on the accept button. I hate doing this kind of mistakes but even after paying extra attention i kept doing it. I think this is a MAJOR cause of the Immense number of messajes telling that the que was rejected. Please make sure the 2 buttons are not so close to eachother and maybe put the accept one in the right position (of the waindow, so its closer) as 95% of the players that qued actualy want to play it.
After i asked around many said its the same for them.
Yeah, other than not being able to double-click join, not seeing when a queue will actually start is a huge annoyance. After accepting a queue, it can take anywhere from 1 to 60 seconds (depending on others accepting) before you're transported in the queue. Before you would see the timer others have to accept (even after you yourself accepted) and then, you'd have a 10 second countdown. That allows for a) preparing for the queue and b) actually using the time remaining for doffing/admiralty.
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
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Perhaps, but breaking it more certainly didn't help matters much. It was so much easier to get stuff done when you can add/remove mark types and difficulty levels just by changing a few options. About the only good change is that we can queue up for more then 3 now, course with the current UI it's pretty difficult to make the best use of the one improvement.