Went to make some changes to my away-team last night, couldn't swap powers out. Filed a bug report.
This afternoon, patch notes pop up detailing a fix for the exact problem I am experiencing.
I had expected to sit and wait a week for a fix, maybe two. Looks like the bug-squishers got right on it and are rolling out a solution ASAP.
While I would like a bug-free game experience (UNLIKELY, EVER) I am impressed with how quickly this one got squished. A far cry from previous seasons... I've been here since Beta and honestly this is quite a change from Back In The Day.
(please send all TRIBBLE-kissing reward zen and lockbox keys to my
@address, PM me for account name. :P )
If only they did the same with hangar pets....
There are bugs that haven't been addressed since Season Four. :P
Today I hit the 100% warp out/in bug point when using the phaser attack tied into the vet destroyer. Every single time I tried to use it, warped out/in attack went on cooldown and nothing happened beyond me eating a warpcore breach thanks to the warping that prevents you from doing anything. Time to retire that ship entirely.
If a bug is examined and determined in any way to possibly bolster Zen sales, it suddenly isn't a bug anymore and is working as intended.
Nothing else matters.