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Optimum Mods for Starship Weapons?

What's the optimum crafting outcome? As far as I can tell CrtD, Dmg and Pen are the mods to aim for but is it worth losing a CrtD or Dmg for a Pen? Is [CrtD]x3 better than [CrtD]x2 [Pen]? And is it correct to say that [Dmg]x3 is better than [CrtD]x3 on toons not specced for critical hits e.g. Probability Manipulation and Weapon Specialisation?

And on a slightly different note, the odds of getting any particular mod are equally weighted right? Has anyone actually sat down and recorded all their crafting outcomes to check?


  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    Don't know, but I think the advice of the day would be "wait for the space combat rebalance". You don't want to go nuts and spend resources on what's hot today just to have them be nerfed after the rebalance.
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,692 Arc User
    I would wait to see how the space balance pass changes the meta past the 24th (PC side at least) before min-maxing any gear on your ship. Lots of stuff in flux, including changes to both Probability Manipulation and Weapon Specialization.

    I've not seen a full analyst of a large sample, but I've not heard of anything being too out of whack being mentioned by heavy crafters that would likely pick up on such. First two mods should have the same chances of occurring, but the third mod has a bigger set of possibilities with the crafting mods being in that set (pen, thrust, etc.) in addition to the standard mods.
  • postinggumpostinggum Member Posts: 1,117 Arc User
    1. Wait and see, seriously unless you have money to burn wait a few weeks until the changes are launched and people that test and min-max this stuff do their thing. Chances are, the changes will be changed to some extent in response to players screaming, or they'll release some new over-powered mechanic - in some way the optimum for April 25th might not be so optimum come mid-May.

    2. Find out what you are currently doing in terms of crit hit rates( from parsing), and your base rate of penetration( from stats.) This should allow to estimate whats probably best now, doing this will help you make sense of the ramblings of the dps maxers late April/early May.
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  • sohtohsohtoh Member Posts: 620 Arc User
    As far as crafting weapons for a specific set of mods, the odds are not equal. I had kept track of my crafting results at one point, but no longer have the results. At the time, I was crafting for CrtDx3 and crafting en masse (with enough resources to craft 6,000 beam arrays) and spent a week doing nothing but that. While I can't remember the exact odds, I think the odds of getting the CrtDx3 was somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 in 650 to 1 in 700. However, if you sit there and craft only 650 to 700, the odds become worse. It was only during en masse crafting did I see the odds I mentioned. When trying to upgrade the Mk II Very Rare to Ultra Rare, I found that the odds of turning that CrtDx3 into CrtDx4 were more like 1 in 6.

    During the crafting, I saw more combinations of Acc, CrtH, and Dmg than anything. The crafting mods, in general, came up more than the CrtDx3, but with CrtDx2 Pen, coming up a lot less.
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