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Bridge Officers Need a Revamp

The boff system needs a revamp. It would be nice if there was actually some kind of character progression with increased power and abilities as they increase in rank, and rank increase should be based on experience in combat and other duties. You would have to choose when to promote them based on when you thought they were ready. If you don't know what I mean the old game Shining Force had a really cool system like this for promoting characters. The system we have now is idiotic and entirely based on the need for promoting your boffs to get the bridge skills you need. You can promote them to commander right away based on experience points you have earned - some endgame players have tens of millions of these points. The whole training manual concept is pointless - it's just an unnecessary medium. Why not give them all the possible skills automatically as they level up, or something like that?

I think the boff system is a huge missed opportunity in this game. Some of the old RPGs from the 1980s and 1990s I used to play had a more sophisticated system for leveling up characters than STO. There's so much potential for customization of boffs but what we have now is an extremely rigid mechanic, with traits that are set in stone, an absurd training manual and promotion system that hinges only on how many experience points your toon has. How about some kind of progression or leveling of boffs so that they become indispensable as they serve under your command and become more useful and powerful over time, so that you can't just dismiss them and replace them immediately with another one.

What do you guys think?


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  • xayssxayss Member Posts: 391 Arc User
    only iam asking is left me put all these modules and kits i dont use to my boffs that would be cool use soem of that nice modules i ahev but icant use all at time

  • bossheisenbergbossheisenberg Member Posts: 603 Arc User
    Why not give them all the possible skills automatically as they level up, or something like that?
    Because that is stupid and doesn't make any sense.

    What we have now is incredibly stupid and makes no sense. It's like going to the bank and getting cash, putting it in an envelope, and going to the post office to mail it instead of transferring money electronically. The training manuals are a completely unnecessary step. The basic boff skills would be learned on duty.
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  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    I would just like them to keep up with me when I run..

    That would be a start.
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    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

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  • lowy1lowy1 Member Posts: 964 Arc User
    Training manuals is a great concept and works, especially compared to before. What they need to do is the same thing with traits. Keep the racial traits exclusive but add generic versions for all. So romulans keep SRO but another species can get operative.

  • walligigwalligig Member Posts: 308 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    Quality/Rarity upgrades for Boffs like they have for Neverwinter's companions is literally the only thing I'd care to have added. Then Boffs like D'vak & T'Vrell can stay with the crew.

    I don't remember who D'vak is but can't you just remake T'Vrell out of a purple vulcan science officer?

  • bossheisenbergbossheisenberg Member Posts: 603 Arc User
    What we have now is incredibly stupid and makes no sense. It's like going to the bank and getting cash, putting it in an envelope, and going to the post office to mail it instead of transferring money electronically. The training manuals are a completely unnecessary step. The basic boff skills would be learned on duty.
    What we have now makes sense, and is literally nothing like the situation you describe.

    Training manuals exist to train Boffs in things they otherwise wouldn't normally be trained in.

    You know, like real life! Where you have to get educated on thing before you know them.

    Yeah that sounds just like real life - all you need to know you learn from a manual :|
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,789 Arc User
    I don't want to have to grind ground and space missions just to level up a new boff. That's un-fun for me.

    Why don't you just role play this? Decide that you can only promote your boff once per 25 missions. Problem solved.
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  • laneweshlanewesh Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    BOFF needs a revamp!?

    remove tovan kev.. BOFF fixed.

    humm if boffs should have a progression skill tree or something would be interesting "grindy", that could be done with the random generated tree for Boff traits?
  • walligigwalligig Member Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    azrael605 wrote: »

    D'Vak (if I'm remembering the name right) is one of the Romulan story Boffs. As for the other, some story Boffs have unique visuals that can't be copied onto a new Boff, so while you can technically rename the Boff to match the old one & edit to approximate the appearance, you can't get an exact match.

    Oh, okay I think I remember him now, but I thought it was D'vex or something like that. Anyways that is true with him as some of the Romulan Boffs have unique faces, but I am pretty sure all the Federation and Klingon tutorial boffs are 100% remakable (I don't think that is an actual word but going with it) in the character creator. I know for sure T'Vrell is as I've copied her appearance before.

  • captainkoltarcaptainkoltar Member Posts: 963 Arc User
    Its D'Vex. D'Vak is the head of Omega Force.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    Training manuals are not like textbooks (unless you're regularly in the habit of burning books after reading them).

    I wouldn't mind having a slightly more involved ability training system. Like players training them themselves (in a minigame), having them take classes in Starfleet/Klingon Academy or having another boff with the ability train them "on the job." In any case, something more than just feed 'em a book and they instantly master the ability.

    And for ground they should totally have kits instead anyway.

    I would also really like boffs to gain experience and levels like players, instead of players just promoting them straight to commanders on a whim.
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  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    You don't burn them, you sell them back to the Academy bookstore or recycle them into the replicator.
    And what if I don't want to sell or recycle them? And why don't I get any EC from it?

    Face it, they're either burning the training manuals, or EATING them. :scream:
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