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new name, new management, better service than before.

patrickngopatrickngo Member Posts: 9,965 Arc User
We're the 19th Heavy Reconaissance Squadron, and your Empire needs YOU.

We're a growing fleet with roots going back to 2013 that features access to a teamspeak server and links to the Federation side Temporal Armada.

now why should you join us, rather than one of the bigger fleets?

A commitment to advancing our members. Rank is gained by showing up, whether it's showing up to knock around and hang out, or organize a roleplay, or gather together to invade Ker'rat, or hit the STF strings back-to-back, if you're active you will be recognized, you will gain status in our fleet and the Armada we're a part of. as assets are unlocked, we have a commitment to making sure you, the member, have access to those assets. If you're starting out, our existing members with crafting will help you kit up, if you're stuck in a mission, or just need a hand, make some noise, we'll help you out.

Veteran Players: several of our members have worked in other Armadas and fleets. A few of us have been KDF since the 'dark ages' and there's a knowledge base that you can tap there, whether it's "Should I PvP?" or "HOw can I win at it??", or "Gee, I'd like to improve my kill-rates" we've got people to help you.

I'll warn you, we're not maxed out yet-but that's actually a good fit if you're looking for a fleet to join at low level, or if you've been away from the game-I keep the projects up, there's never going to be a blank space that could be filled, so you'll gain the fleet credits you need for the items you want.

The Fleet Bank is MAINTAINED. it exists to help members, and to help finance the fleet's growth.

There's no pressure. I won't sit there, take your donations, and TRIBBLE you over. Lots of fleets can say the same, but this is in writing.

Fleet is open to any KDF or KDF aligned race, any gender, no expectations except that you are interested in playing, willing to play, and want to have someone to run with.

The 19th Heavy Reconaissance Squadron is affiliated to the House of Mau and is a 'beta' fleet, in turn, we're organizationally tied to the Federation side "Temporal Armada", with a cross-chat channel between factions to make it easy to set up queued runs and intramural PvP, as well as arranging private queue matches for all the STFs, events, and PvE offered by Star Trek Online. as we grow, more events will come up.

it's a good time to be a part of it. I'm looking for Officers to help manage the fleet's assets, recruit members, and deal with member concerns.

Please direct inquiries to @patrickngo in-game. Additional contacts will be added as we gain responsible leaders.

We're looking for active players, warriors, and leaders. hit us up.


  • admiralkogaradmiralkogar Member Posts: 875 Arc User
    Hey! Any Fleet you are promoting is one I want to have a toon in! :)
    I'll catch up with you in game.

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