Hi there. I'm B-Money. You have seen me make tons of statements before regarding things I'd like to see implemented as well as my small Crusade for a Endgame Constitution Class. Today I am here to tell you that Cryptic Hates Engineers. they are Ablists to Engineers. they nerf and mess with them so that they are just a useless class. I will have every power placed on how much its been nerfed and how much they don't care. Also Every single Cryptic Member only plays with a Tactical Officer. so there is some favoritism there. For as long as I've played since 2010 to now I have NEVER seen a dev roll anything but a Tac.
And now for some examples.
Nadion Inversion: This skill used to provide some major bleedthrough till cryptic nerfed it so that the only thing it does is help weapon levels.
Rotate Shield Frequency: This ability used to harden shields for like 15 seconds before cryptic nerfed it. now it only just adds a tiny tiny regen.
Miracle Worker: This ability used to heal up to 25K of health on a starship before the nerfbat hit it.
Engineering Proficiency: This ability used to be able to add a small Shield Cap. now it doesn't because nerf.
Cover Shield: This thing had the HP of a small ship around 15K hp. before it was nerfed to near uselessness. it gets killed fast.
Orbital Strike: This used to do 3K a hit with the regular one. Now it does less than 1k because nerf.
Reroute Power To Shields: This used to be much better. probably because it give a lot of energy dampening when clicked. now not so much.
Support Drone: The Duty Officer never clicks for this and it doesn't do as much as it could. it also used to help people which it doesn't anymore. Nerfed.
Here are my examples. I have been playing since August of 2010. My 3 main characters are all Engineers. if these changes go through this class is going to be useless. aside from how much it already is. Cryptic Studios Hates Engineers. that much is for certain.
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Join Date: August 29th 2010
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it still does that. Isn't the problem more that there are so many healing abilities around outside of your captain class that it's just cheaper to not be Engineer and equip gear for some extra healing?
I don't know the exact numbers it heals, but I know it's too little compared to the hull we have now. I suspect however there was no nerf, just a buff to our effective hull since Miracle Worker was last adjusted. Tier 6, Ship Masteries, new consoles and what not.
On the spot. One can of course claim they're "hated" when they make up issues (works in politics as well).
The OP likely confuses Nadion Inversion with Directed Energy... um... that BOFF ability which increases shield bleedthrough. It still does that. Those are two different skills. Nadion Inversion however was a curious ability from the beginning as Engineers always had the largest power reserves to draw on - the ability feels misplaced on a Engineer in my opinion. The other points are as you say as well, healing and HP have been raised a lot in the last few seasons but the abilities are still the same. Passives add so much self and auto heal that abilities that made classes somewhat versatile are simply redundant, but no "nerfing" took place.
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Not necessarily a bad thing. Take DEM-III for example. With an Aux2Batt build (it was a thing then), even with it being active only 30 seconds, it would deal about 10% of the final energy damage, now it does about 5%.
nadion inversion never had a bleedthrough.
I can't remember that Orbital Strike did 3k hits, not even on tricorder scanned targets and definately not on shielded enemies.
"Support Drone: The Duty Officer never clicks for this and it doesn't do as much as it could. it also used to help people which it doesn't anymore. Nerfed."
subjective statement...as far as I know, there was no nerf to that ability
That one
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There are some changes that would help the class considerably, and that would be, making miracle worker a miracle for a start. I do manage a high amount of dps myself, which tends to help tanking when there isn't someone doing over 120k on the team. As for ground, engineers are rather deadly, though I like to use mines a great deal and never liked cover shield that much.
Honestly, engineers are not that bad, they just lack something special to make them stand out. As they have lost the threat control skill to make them excellent tanks. Nadion inversion, is something I rarely use to, it's one of those luck luster types of skills.
A few tweaks here and there would not go amiss for sure.
I agree with this. Probably much better to just list your experience with engineering class and leave it at that so that if a dev or CM who reads it and passes it on to a dev to look at would actually consider your input on balance fixes and neglected fixes.
I've just made 2 new engineers, both Roms, so am sitting at 3 toons total out of 14, the rest of which are either Sci or Tacs. As Tac, I'm often frustrated that I'm vulnerable to control effects in space. As Sci, I'm frustrated that Subnuke rarely seems to work against even simple things like tractor beams or borg shield drains. On the ground, all careers are pretty interesting in that each has a variety of tools within their profession to enjoy the game from new angles.
That said, I'm still not impressed with engineering powers in space, even on Rom alts that fly underpowered and fragile warbirds with the newest lockbox traits to boost engineer career powers. Sure, they're great at surviving, but even there it isn't enough to free up boff slots for control or damage boosts. Tacs stack all damage, Sci has a variety of offensive and defensive career powers that are shared with others.
I don't min-max my spec trees or die-hard DPS chase (56K DPS ISA pug in Sci Fed Mobius recently) or PvP since it's clear support for that's been abandoned long ago, so these are just general observations while leveling engineering Rom alts, one of which has full intel space tree and almost full comando.
As it is, I'd rather keep my semi-mains as KDF Sci and Rom Sci (thank you devs for proper T6 faction sci ships!) as opposed to my Reman engi which will eventually fly the Vastam since engi EPS seems designed for cruisers to keep all those weapons at high power levels. Time will tell.
As for 'devs hate this,' I still play another PvP game, and a lead dev there went public in bashing a certain hero, and it's closing in on half a year now the character's been hit with a nerf bat so hard that the already misfit toolkit and unreal skill required made players get harassed for the pick with real in-game consequences such as global team-mute. Game balance there is also absolutely horrible with the exception of release day, nevermind game-breaking bugs where a ton of people literally could not play for months. In contrast, despite all its problems, STO with being completely free to play does a good job.
Miracle worker doesnt do much to help most t6 ships because it's not tied to a set % of the hull hp, a flat hp amount was never going to have much longevity. The trait kind of offsets that but since it's chance based not so much. If you have space the hakuun's protomatter console does the job better and as a team based aoe to boot.
I suspect cover shield was nerfed after a dev got stuck by them one too many times in old ESD.
I find my engineers require less effort in ground combat since if they have a med gen down you can pretty much let them do their own thing since they don't generally have skills that make them run off into melee range for no good reason.
On a side note I was hitting harder on ground with my newish sci character with mark 12 gear/mods, half-filled temporal and commando trees and no doffs at all than several people I know with full trees/maxed gear/filled doffs. Sometimes it really is the player and I'm sure there are those who could take my ships into ques and get twice what I can out of the setup.
Exactly. People "hate" being insulted. Speak with more courtesy (and more accuracy, see others' corrects to your claims) and perhaps they will listen.
Science is my second perfered class.
Tactical are so one dimensional to me. Although I do love my Rom Tact in a T'varo.
I can't really tell anymore either.
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The response is easy - they invisibly tag the account as [uses alternate facts], [fails at logic], and [lies to push agenda] and then they see those tags at the top of the post every time that person ever speaks again. Guess how much impact they have on Dev thought processes after that?
I must say, out of all the pro-engineering threads I've seen in game (and I've seen and participated in MANY of them), this has got to be among the most toxic of opening posts.
I understand your frustration. I understand why you want engis to be more relevant (not stronger mind you, they're incredibly strong for what they do), but your post is probably the absolute WRONG way to go about it.
Don't attack. Point out. Don't just whine, offer suggestions for improvements.
Basically OP, your post is just a pointless rant with no end-game but you venting. That and there are a number of inaccuracies.
Among the most glaring is how blatantly wrong your main point is. Engineering powers have never been nerfed. They've just never been buffed to compensate for the power tsunami that has gripped this game since Legacy of Romulus came out. Once S7 hit, tacs took off like a rocket, and scis sorta followed suit during Delta Rising and the Iconian War, but engis have just plodded along with no real changes. So it may seem like a nerf, but in reality, it's more or less just the same old junk.
Wall of text alert!
Let's go over captain powers here, starting with space.
Nadion Inversion. What did it do in S5 and S6 when the game first went F2P? It massively cut all incoming power drains from all sources, including yourself. The end result? Player was more or less immune to the negative effects of Energy Siphon, Plasmonic Leech, Polaron weapon procs, your own weapons firing, and pretty much anything that caused a power drain. What does it do now in S... honestly I don't even know what season we're in anymore. The same. Bloody. Thing.
HOWEVER. Due to cruiser commands, PL being everywhere, and the spire/breen warp cores, and the adjustments to the skill tree, it's obsolete. I won't deny that. But it hasn't been nerfed.
EPS Overcharge (or whatever it's called). What did it do in S5/S6? Boosted your power transfer rates by ~100% and gave you +25 power to all SS for 30 seconds. What does it do now? The same thing. However due to PL and slight BUFFS (yes, BUFFS) to EPtX abilities, it's not necessary.
Rotate Shield Frequencies. S5/S6, gave you a shield hardness bonus (quite substantial one at that), a slight regen bonus, and a slight chunk heal to your shields. What does it do now? Same thing. However due to changes to the skill tree and slight BUFFS to EPtS, it's not necessary anymore. But it's never been nerfed. Just like the EPS ability.
And now Miracle Worker. This ability used to be the OH **** button for engis. You were at almost no hull with no shields and everyone and their mother aggro'd on you and certain to die? Hit MW. BAM, brand new ship. Massive hull and shield heal, and we're back to soaking damage. That's what it was in S5/S6. ~15k hull heal, ~10k shield heal to ALL facings, restore all SS, remove all engi debuffs. And guess what? It STILL DOES THAT. But due to buffs to other hull heals (ENGINEERING team, Aux2SIF (oh look, another ENGINEERING ability), HE) and adjustments to shield heals (I'd list them, but I think you get the point now), it's just been rendered semi-obsolete. I won't deny there are times when MW still saves my bacon (esp in Korfez when you have every vaadwaur on the Benthan's portion coming after you, or the entire KDF fleet in SB24), but honestly it's just not as good as it used to be. But not due to nerfs. Due to the same thing every other engi captain ability has suffered.
At this point, I could go on and list Engineering fleet, all the engi ground captain abilities, then I could move on to Engi BOff powers (even though if I did that it would invalidate the point further), but honestly I think it can easily be summed up in a single statement.
TL/DR: Engineering powers have never been actively and maliciously NERFED. They have just never been actively BUFFED to keep up with everything else in the game.
Oh one these rants again^ . Very clear that you are doing something wrong with your toons and not one of you gripes is true.
Yeah thats it!
What are these... "Klingons" you speak of? Never heard of them existing outside of NPCs.