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enough with TOS

I can't stand the ToS stuff, can we please move back to the actual era that the game is set in plz.


  • casualstocasualsto Member Posts: 672 Arc User
    +1 to that. Tired of all this mumbo-jumbo. It was fun while it lasted, we got some missions added to the arcs, there was the Temporal War References instance, the Temporal Reputation (which is a great addition) and the Temporal Specialization (which is a good thing as well). But the rest of the TOS stuff needs to be put into its column and face the present times of STO.
  • trygvar13trygvar13 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    6 months ago I was of the same opinion. However I find that I really enjoy the TOS "stuff" and find that I want more not less. I was not happy when I heard that Discovery was to be set 10 years before TOS. I wanted something set after Voyager. But now I can't wait to see... if they could only stop pushing back. And I want an Atlas Dreadnought. I currently fly my favourite ship, the Temporal Escort with the 23rd century skin.

    Before AoY I was playing mostly on my Klingons and KDF-aligned Romulan characters. Now I just can't let go of my Temporal Agent.
    Dahar Master Qor'aS
  • mirrindmirrind Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    At least the PC players got a working Temporal agent stuff...The PS4 version doesn't get rewards for doing anything. All it says is "....provides the means to call for support after you complete specific assignments" Over half the Temporal Beacon found and nothing for my trouble....
  • alexraptorralexraptorr Member Posts: 1,192 Arc User
    No support! I love TOS content!
    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." - Q
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
    As much as I love TOS I have to agree simply on the basis that the game treats the TOS elements as if they never happened. If the game was set in the TOS era I'd be super excited but just mushing everything together feels very forced. The obligatory TOS tiem travel episode is a great addition to every Trek game, but if you don't set your whole game in this era it becomes weird.​​
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • staq16staq16 Member Posts: 1,181 Arc User
    -1 to that, we've got TOS characters, let's give them more to do. Preferably cross-faction so KDF/Rom 23c themed characters can take part as well.
  • tilartatilarta Member Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    I agree with the OP, let's not do anymore TOS content additions.
    Heck, even the ones that exist now irk me.

    I did play the story arc, because I was hoping to obtain a costume unlock that unfortunately wasn't there.
    Well, it was sortof there.
    I was hoping the preupdate Gorn would be there as a costume unlock, but the TOS Gorn doesn't look anything like that (rubber head lizard).
    But the way it ended made me think the introduction of TOS/AOY characters is just an excuse to bring TOS nostalgia into the main section of the game.

    An AOY character will keep using their ancient tricorder and flip communicator.
    That one I might have been willing to let slide, because they had that equipment personally when they were beamed away from their exploding ship.
    Conversely though, in some cutscenes, they use 29th century equipment, so I'd think it would be more expected if they were given an temporal tricorder and communicator in place of their archaic equipment.
    Or at least the TNG era casings with the temporal tech inside it.

    But the one I absolutely don't tolerate is the fact they still use the TOS transporter effect.
    Their ship was vaporized and the transporters along with it, they couldn't bring that forward in time!
    Nor should their ship still be available after that cutscene, it should have been deleted and the character prevented from going to a space map until they requisitioned an TNG era ship as replacement for the one that was destroyed.
    Also, the TOS transporters were notoriously unreliable, so continuing to use them in an era where the technology has been refined to be safer (not completely risk free) is basically placing anyone in jeopardy who uses them.

    The fact that none of these options were implemented just says to me somebody wanted to have TOS characters running around where they shouldn't be because they wanted them ingame.

    Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
    Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad :'(
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    I really appreciate the TOS content and think they've done a great job with it.

    But I hear you have had your fill. There is plenty of content, Dinosaurs with lazors on their heads, Body Snatching Kobali, Fundamentalist Deferi, and some sugary TNG/Voyager stuff, which bothers me.
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • grendelthewise#0990 grendelthewise Member Posts: 640 Arc User
    Boo hoo to everyone who doesn't like the TOS. If you guys don't like the content then go play another free MMO.
    Fleet Admiral of the U.S.S. ATTILA KHAN-CDA (NX-921911).
  • tilartatilarta Member Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    Except Daniels does have a statement to make shortly after he beams you aboard his timeship.
    It goes something like, I was only able to retrieve you and your Senior Officers.
    Maybe the missing cutscene was removed to be more in line with that statement.

    Given this statement, I am speculating that when the ship explodes, most of the crew are lost with it and Daniels could only transport the playable character/their BOFFs away, he simply didn't have to time to locate every member of the crew before the warp core went critical.

    Also, as far as I know, temporal transporters can't shift entire ships through time, they can only move people or objects small enough to fit inside a transporter confinement beam.
    To actually move a ship, the temporal vessel has to go to the targeted vessel directly, open a time/space portal and have that vessel fly into it.
    None of which happens in the cutscene.

    But let's say hypothetically the ship had survived, wouldn't it be completely dismantled and refitted with TNG era technology to bring it up to the level required Starfleet code/regulations?
    And the instant you requisitioned a new ship at LtComm rank or higher, the TOS transporters would disappear along with the ship.
    So it just doesn't make sense to me that the transporter effect remains the same.

    Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
    Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad :'(
  • arionisaarionisa Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Wow. A lot of people put a lot more thought into this game than I ever do. I don't bother trying to justify why all my modern stuff looks and sounds like "ancient" stuff, I just enjoy the effect.

    Although the account rewards are absolutely wonderful, I started a number of AoY toons for the simple reason that I happen to like the TOS sounds/effects, and it was made quite clear that those sounds/effects would stay even after moving to the "present" time line.

    So my feedback would be, if you don't like the TOS stuff, don't create an AoY toon. You don't want to see or hear TOS stuff, don't create or play an AoY toon. Problem solved.

    In the meantime, quit trying to get rid of stuff in the game that a lot of people want and enjoy just because you don't like it. No one is forcing you to deal with that stuff, and a lot of us want and enjoy it.

    Edited to add: If they ever add in the ability to create and play 23c Klingons/Romulans etc, I will gladly pay for more toon slots just so I can have some of those also, as long as they also get to keep 23c sounds/effects/looks.
    LTS and loving it.
  • tilartatilarta Member Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    I'm uncertain if this topic is asking for the removal of the existing TOS content, but rather as a pre-emptive suggestion that more not be added.
    That we are playing TNG era (or close enough) and that's where the focus has to be.
    Moving forward, not backward.
    Because we still can't find the reverse. ;)

    I am also uncertain about the point of not having to be forced to deal with that stuff by simply not playing the content.
    Not when there are characters running around in the social hubs in TOS uniforms flipping their outdated communicators and using TOS transporters all the time.
    Seriously, Starfleet Uniform code!
    The fact that the players of these characters don't redesign their uniforms after joining the TNG era section of the game would suggest they are intentionally wanting to be identified as a TOS character.
    Which might be a cause of aggravation to someone who doesn't to be reminded of TOS/AOY.

    My personal gripe however, is not that AOY was added, but that (from my perspective), it's favoritism.
    Delta Quadrant didn't receive the full spectrum of major/minor playable races I expected (including two I really want!), so adding more playable options and not finishing what they started with Delta Rising is my personal cause of annoyance.
    If they'd finished the work on Delta Rising playable species before adding TOS/AOY playable character options, I wouldn't resent the inclusion of AOY as much.
    To me, it looks like they basically shelved Delta Rising options to cater to TOS nostalgia.

    I know, it's not very rational, but it's my opinion all the same.

    Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
    Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad :'(
  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    This game is set in whatever time era the Episode Designers put us in. Time Travel, that's what Time Travellers do (and this isn't a GEICO Commercial either).
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
    wardcalis wrote: »
    I can't stand the ToS stuff, can we please move back to the actual era that the game is set in plz.
    Guy get a grip it's clear you have not kept up with any of the things going on in the Star Trk universe as a whole. The new Series is set in or near the TOS era so I guess you will be passing on that. If you don't like what era the current season is set in QUIT!
  • ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
    tilarta wrote: »
    I'm uncertain if this topic is asking for the removal of the existing TOS content, but rather as a pre-emptive suggestion that more not be added.
    That we are playing TNG era (or close enough) and that's where the focus has to be.
    Moving forward, not backward.
    Because we still can't find the reverse. ;)

    I am also uncertain about the point of not having to be forced to deal with that stuff by simply not playing the content.
    Not when there are characters running around in the social hubs in TOS uniforms flipping their outdated communicators and using TOS transporters all the time.
    Seriously, Starfleet Uniform code!
    The fact that the players of these characters don't redesign their uniforms after joining the TNG era section of the game would suggest they are intentionally wanting to be identified as a TOS character.
    Which might be a cause of aggravation to someone who doesn't to be reminded of TOS/AOY.

    My personal gripe however, is not that AOY was added, but that (from my perspective), it's favoritism.
    Delta Quadrant didn't receive the full spectrum of major/minor playable races I expected (including two I really want!), so adding more playable options and not finishing what they started with Delta Rising is my personal cause of annoyance.
    If they'd finished the work on Delta Rising playable species before adding TOS/AOY playable character options, I wouldn't resent the inclusion of AOY as much.
    To me, it looks like they basically shelved Delta Rising options to cater to TOS nostalgia.

    I know, it's not very rational, but it's my opinion all the same.

    Very clear you missed why DR is dead and will not be expanded unless Cryptic needs the cash. DR was and is the most hated season to date. Browse the treads and you will see why DR and the Delta quadrent is so hated.
  • tilartatilarta Member Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    I'm still trying to work out why that Delta Rising is so resented by the STO playerbase.
    My primary theory is that there is a high percentage of Voyager haters and they're venting their ire on Cryptic for making an update based around the show they despise the most.
    Someone else mentioned ship gear that came into the game with Delta Rising that was responsible for overpowered builds becoming possible as another reason this update was disliked.

    And I've seen some of the inane debateshatewars that arise whenever I mention what the number one playable Delta Quadrant species on my wishlist is, so I am well aware of how much they loathe Voyager.
    The opponents to my goal get really invested in giving reasons why I can't have something I want for fun, even to the point of ignoring ingame canon fact that states this playable species is theorectically possible, because there is one highly visible NPC belonging to that species enlisted in Starfleet.
    I'd even be willing to pay Cryptic money to obtain the playable species unlocks, that's how serious I am about having them available to me.
    Please excuse me for not identifying what they are, if I identify the primary species, it'll just start off the flamewar again and I've already been through it enough times!

    At this point, all I am seeing is Cryptic saying, you can't have more characters because we aren't willing to make the effort to create the necessary playable species templates.

    Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
    Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad :'(
  • ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
    tilarta wrote: »
    I'm still trying to work out why that Delta Rising is so resented by the STO playerbase.
    My primary theory is that there is a high percentage of Voyager haters and they're venting their ire on Cryptic for making an update based around the show they despise the most.
    Someone else mentioned ship gear that came into the game with Delta Rising that was responsible for overpowered builds becoming possible as another reason this update was disliked.

    And I've seen some of the inane debateshatewars that arise whenever I mention what the number one playable Delta Quadrant species on my wishlist is, so I am well aware of how much they loathe Voyager.
    The opponents to my goal get really invested in giving reasons why I can't have something I want for fun, even to the point of ignoring ingame canon fact that states this playable species is theorectically possible, because there is one highly visible NPC belonging to that species enlisted in Starfleet.
    I'd even be willing to pay Cryptic money to obtain the playable species unlocks, that's how serious I am about having them available to me.
    Please excuse me for not identifying what they are, if I identify the primary species, it'll just start off the flamewar again and I've already been through it enough times!

    At this point, all I am seeing is Cryptic saying, you can't have more characters because we aren't willing to make the effort to create the necessary playable species templates.

    Did you play DR when it was first put out? If you had you would understand. Insane buffs to Borg, unreal grind between levle 50 to 60. Nearly indestructable NPC's Vaadwaur ships were brutal one shot killers, The endless boring ground missions on the Zombie world where NPC's respawn in seconds after you kill them. Yeah DR was a real winner... Thank goodness Cryptic fixed a lot of the issues with it but for a lot of players it was to little to late and they left for good.
  • galactickirigalactickiri Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    Totally disagree here. The devs did a fine job of reproducing the TOS era. Diving into it for a season fully to bring us back to that era. It was fun to fly the ships. I bought the Ranger off the market, I was lucky enough to score the Atlas off the lockboxes. I love the oldschool blue phasers and the 'flashbulb' photon torpedoes. I love the old fleet Starbases, how they evolve as they tier up. Once they're repaired, the classic look and feel is perfect. I love the retracting window shutters in the crew lounge. Cool place to take in the view.

    It doesn't mean we should keep going there all the time, but it was a critical era in the Federation, and I expect we'll see more of it on future content.
  • tilartatilarta Member Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    ssbn655 wrote: »
    Did you play DR when it was first put out?

    I did yes, mostly to level up.
    As you mentioned, the XP grind was a bit intensive, but I got it done.

    The Vaadwaur never bothered me much, not once I learned their tricks and how to counteract them.
    I found the Malon more frustrating personally.

    Also, I like that it introduced the Borg Co-operative as new allies.
    And it did bring back Hugh from TNG.

    But honestly, playable species has nothing to do with the DR expansion.
    To say "you can't have your DQ species just because we resent DR" is being petty and obstinate.
    Cryptic really didn't take full advantage of the options offered, the only DQ playable species released was Talaxian and that was only for Lifetime Subscribers.
    That wasn't one of the options I am seeking, so DR gave me nothing in terms of playable species.
    Which is the only reason I have to be disappointed in DR, that it should have delivered what I had been waiting for a long time and didn't.

    Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
    Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad :'(
  • romulanforcesromulanforces Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    I am a big fan of TOS, but was disappointed with the lack of content. I guess I was hoping for a separate TOS server whereby all episodes and and content including ships, equipment, and uniforms were locked into the the TOS series/ and movie period. I find it annoying having all period ships and uniforms mixed up together in game play. What I really want is to be able to play to canon, and play through episodes that resemble what I enjoyed viewing on TV. Play through the timeline with plenty of content.
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