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Missing Worlds

Look at the galaxy map, it occurs to me while we have many important worlds like Earth, Vulcan, Tellar, Trill, Betazed, Qornos, Kolobi, Iconiania, Delta, Feresan, Ferengnar, Tzkeneth, Andoria, Bajor, Cardassia, Risa, Nimbus, Romulus, Orion, Acamar, New Romulus, Denuluba, there are still key homeworlds still missing on the map.

Gornar, Ter'jas Mor, Lethea, do the Nausicaans have a homeworld?, Caitans homeworld (I know they evovled on Ferasa, I mean the one they have now). Those seem like the major absenses within the map to me, all important worlds within STO.


  • stee1maxstee1max Member Posts: 227 Arc User
    Why do you even care?
  • vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    As @somtaawkhar stated, The two bodies are officially beyond the current Alpha quadrant or Beta Quadrant sectors. As it stands now, they can only extend either of the two quadrants by one more sector, so it's unlikely we could ever see Cait or Gornar in game.

    The other worlds would depend on where they would actually be placed.

  • wendysue53wendysue53 Member Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    Missing Worlds?

    All of them.

    They haven't completed even a single world yet. Threw up a couple of shacks and fake movie props, yeah... but no ability to do anything 'world-wise'. And the maps are really, really, really tiny with everything shoved together...
  • xyquarzexyquarze Member Posts: 2,117 Arc User
    The fact that they can only extend alpha or beta quadrant by so much thanks to engine limitations doesn't prohibit them using two alpha (or beta) maps. Sure, it'd look like a step backwards from "when the walls fell", and it ain't that probable, but it isn't impossible as such.
    wendysue53 wrote: »
    Missing Worlds?

    All of them.

    They haven't completed even a single world yet. Threw up a couple of shacks and fake movie props, yeah... but no ability to do anything 'world-wise'. And the maps are really, really, really tiny with everything shoved together...

    Well, yeah. But hardly avoidable. If you don't put content in a world, just a large map, people may wander there once, then leave. So you need content. Loads of it, if you want a large thriving place. This can probably only be done, if we had a "Nausicaa Expansion" or similar. Wonder how many people would be excited about that though, because it almost certainly would mean (almost) no content outside of it.
    My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
  • wendysue53wendysue53 Member Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    xyquarze wrote: »
    The fact that they can only extend alpha or beta quadrant by so much thanks to engine limitations doesn't prohibit them using two alpha (or beta) maps. Sure, it'd look like a step backwards from "when the walls fell", and it ain't that probable, but it isn't impossible as such.
    wendysue53 wrote: »
    Missing Worlds?

    All of them.

    They haven't completed even a single world yet. Threw up a couple of shacks and fake movie props, yeah... but no ability to do anything 'world-wise'. And the maps are really, really, really tiny with everything shoved together...

    Well, yeah. But hardly avoidable. If you don't put content in a world, just a large map, people may wander there once, then leave. So you need content. Loads of it, if you want a large thriving place. This can probably only be done, if we had a "Nausicaa Expansion" or similar. Wonder how many people would be excited about that though, because it almost certainly would mean (almost) no content outside of it.

    this^ to the third power! I see I'm not the only one with a 'content' issue. :)

    Btw, for everyone else? I'm not fussing here.

    I realize they dropped the walls in order to let people travel easier (and let's face it, to add other sellable stuff to the game at the time), but by doing so, they severely reduced the AMOUNT of things they could have active in the map area at one time. (edit: Content in no way means objects. Content is mostly story concepts and character development issues, which are the heart of a game world, and some other stuff, music, visuals, missions/quests, activities...)

    If you watched the vid the other day, then you heard one of the artist talk about LIKEING the fact he can get rid of most of the 'little extras' that make some space ships great and interesting to look at. He was all for "UFO DESIGNS" that didn't have anything to really design (he was just copy-pasting cr-p from class ufos...). Part of this issue, is because with the larger space maps (which don't feel very big at all in comparison to say EVE Online's, which use less data over-all than STO's), they can't have as much stuff in it. Which is sad... They had potential, but they flubbed it again...
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 10,734 Community Moderator
    Yeah! Where's the Lost Moon of Poosh?
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  • xyquarzexyquarze Member Posts: 2,117 Arc User
    It would also be difficult to simply add another map because those places are in the middle of nowhere, with basically nothing of note around them for 2-3 sectors at least. They are one drops in a vast expanse of nothing, which would make the prospect of creating a whole other map to tack onto the current map not very worthwhile, since they would have to make up 99% of it just to place these one or two canon worlds.

    If they do ever add them, I suspect it would be reached via transwarp gateways, like how we used to reach the Borg space before the map walls were taken down, with the gateway taking us to many different places, all of which exist as singular sectors with just the one world, and maybe another, in the sector, rather then a full 8x8 map being attached to the current 8x8 map or w/e

    There doesn't have to be a full nex 8x8 map. More like "add those three sectors' depth to the south, split the map in the middle". Which of course would have the downside of, as a random example, having to switch maps between Sol and Drozana (or any other combo) again.

    Yeah, I doubt it'd happen, but it could be done. But agreed on the "apart from being a home planet there is nothing much there" - and we already have some home planets which do nothing but "just be there and exist", so the need for that is somewhat limited. If on the other hand STO felt the need to go more "self developed content not relying on established lore", that may be what they'd do.
    My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
  • salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    lordgyor wrote: »
    Look at the galaxy map, it occurs to me while we have many important worlds like Earth, Vulcan, Tellar, Trill, Betazed, Qornos, Kolobi, Iconiania, Delta, Feresan, Ferengnar, Tzkeneth, Andoria, Bajor, Cardassia, Risa, Nimbus, Romulus, Orion, Acamar, New Romulus, Denuluba, there are still key homeworlds still missing on the map.
    You can't even set foot on most of those so what would be the point of adding new star markers that you can't even visit into the game? Personally, I think I would be more interested in adding actual ground maps for existing markers like Cardassia and Ferenginar
    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
  • salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    so what would be the point of adding new star markers that you can't even visit into the game?
    Foundry missions.

    Same reason we have all these other worlds.

    Going to one of them as part of the actual game would just result in another "Of Bajor" scenario where we go to this ground map and do basically nothing because these worlds are major homeworlds of the various powers and thus, would be the most secure, developed, and without threats.
    That makes sense. I'm not a big foundry user so I didn't think of that. I actually wouldn't be against another "of bajor" type of mission. I get that most people don't like it though. I used to hate it but I've warmed up to it for some reason.

    What I wouldn't want is a Cardassia map that is basically Vulcan or Andoria again. There's truly nothing to do down there.
    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
  • wendysue53wendysue53 Member Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    That makes sense. I'm not a big foundry user so I didn't think of that. I actually wouldn't be against another "of bajor" type of mission. I get that most people don't like it though. I used to hate it but I've warmed up to it for some reason.

    What I wouldn't want is a Cardassia map that is basically Vulcan or Andoria again. There's truly nothing to do down there.
    I would hope that, given that GECKO said PVP is top of the list for a revamp, that Andoria, K7, and Ganalda wold get map revamps given that they are supposed to be the PVP hubs


    when was the comment made about a PVP revamp, since last most of us heard it was on the kill list?
  • wendysue53wendysue53 Member Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    yeah. anything pvp oriented would do better with a random allotment of peeps...
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