I was in a fleet that for whatever reasons dissassembled from the top down over the last couple of days, so I'm flying solo at the moment. Apparently some portion of those in charge there relaunched under a new name, but frankly my donations to the cause don't make me feel prompted to continue under their leadership.
Any room at Crimson Elite for someone like me? Mackenzie Belasco@ContraryCube30 or my alt character Jhinal P'shov@AboundedOrc0
I was in a fleet that for whatever reasons dissassembled from the top down over the last couple of days, so I'm flying solo at the moment. Apparently some portion of those in charge there relaunched under a new name, but frankly my donations to the cause don't make me feel prompted to continue under their leadership.
Any room at Crimson Elite for someone like me? Mackenzie Belasco@ContraryCube30 or my alt character Jhinal P'shov@AboundedOrc0
Make sure you join a fleet that doesn't charge for the 'privilege' of being in it.
"You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
I was in a fleet that for whatever reasons dissassembled from the top down over the last couple of days, so I'm flying solo at the moment. Apparently some portion of those in charge there relaunched under a new name, but frankly my donations to the cause don't make me feel prompted to continue under their leadership.
Any room at Crimson Elite for someone like me? Mackenzie Belasco@ContraryCube30 or my alt character Jhinal P'shov@AboundedOrc0
Sure we are recruiting and no we do not tax for people to us join.
You'll be needing this later.
My character Tsin'xing
(My favorite quote from curse of monkey island, not actually calling anyone an imbecile)
I was in a fleet that for whatever reasons dissassembled from the top down over the last couple of days, so I'm flying solo at the moment. Apparently some portion of those in charge there relaunched under a new name, but frankly my donations to the cause don't make me feel prompted to continue under their leadership.
Any room at Crimson Elite for someone like me? Mackenzie Belasco@ContraryCube30 or my alt character Jhinal P'shov@AboundedOrc0
Make sure you join a fleet that doesn't charge for the 'privilege' of being in it.
Sure we are recruiting and no we do not tax for people to us join.
Im very active player....ive done 2-3 starvase project alone at my current fllet and im tired...30 members but now only me active....
Currrently im doing rep for torp and concole as im building scryer torp boat
Btw my char name leenaz@leenaz