so, beamed into space station k7 to sell off items I dont need to the vendors, and discovered real fast, that none of the wall panels have their LCARS displays, instead having grey panels..I thought that was odd, so I went to where I know there are standard console display panels..they are missing their LCARS displays and have grey panels too! so..I beamed up, transwarped to ESD....none of the console panels have their LCARS graphics.
the holographic screens on the other hand, are just fine.
screencapped on ESD
lcars oops by
XRaiderV1.7, on Flickr
screencapped on k7
lcars oops 1 by
XRaiderV1.7, on Flickr
My card is a Nvidia GeForce 980 Ti.
Nvidia's cards have less faults when it comes to rendering and processing compared to ATI/AMD so I doubt it.
Vice-Admiral Methos Corinthian
I was running force verify prior to launching game as I knew the consoles were most likely going to be blank. Doing this however doesn't correct it. The only way force verify does correct it is only if the consoles are blank after initial launch and then exiting, run force verify then relaunch.