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When are Consoles getting Content updates?

It's been several months since the last actual content update for consoles and they still don't include all content that was released up to 3 years ago on the PC version.

Just a question: does anyone know if/when they intend to give us the rest of the game? there's no information anywhere that I could find.


  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,573 Arc User
    That's because until it actually appears in the news section, no-one here knows! It's the same for PC so you're not being left out in the cold or discriminated against or forgotten. AoY is coming soon.
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,788 Arc User
    There is no published roadmap for when content will be released.

    Content has been released - R&D, fleet holdings, etc.

    Out of curiosity, what specific content from 3 years ago are you waiting for?
  • avengerofvulcanavengerofvulcan Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    we still don't have any of the voth PvP missions. the only Dyson Marks option we have is the Disconnected Borg and I'm downright sick of running that crappy sim.
  • nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    we still don't have any of the voth PvP missions. the only Dyson Marks option we have is the Disconnected Borg and I'm downright sick of running that crappy sim.

    you have both the space and ground battlezones as well. and it's pve, not pvp.

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
  • avengerofvulcanavengerofvulcan Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    sorry, PvE missions. slip of the keyboard.
  • avengerofvulcanavengerofvulcan Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    nightken wrote: »
    we still don't have any of the voth PvP missions. the only Dyson Marks option we have is the Disconnected Borg and I'm downright sick of running that crappy sim.

    you have both the space and ground battlezones as well. and it's pve, not pvp.

    while this is true I find the space and ground missions in the sphere allied spaces to be droll and boring.
  • nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    nightken wrote: »
    we still don't have any of the voth PvP missions. the only Dyson Marks option we have is the Disconnected Borg and I'm downright sick of running that crappy sim.

    you have both the space and ground battlezones as well. and it's pve, not pvp.

    while this is true I find the space and ground missions in the sphere allied spaces to be droll and boring.

    well hate to tell you but the rest of the voth stuff isn't any better best to suck it up long enough to do the rep and maybe get the ground gear. then pretend it doesn't exist in favor of whatever parts of the game you do like.

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
  • avengerofvulcanavengerofvulcan Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    the citadel ship isn't terrible, and having two to choose from would make it much more bearable. I just can't understand why they would cut that content. heck, we don't even have Nukara but it's referenced in the main story and reputation stories...
  • avengerofvulcanavengerofvulcan Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    and yes I jumped ship a little with that statement. the tholian story is a joke on console.
  • nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    the citadel ship isn't terrible, and having two to choose from would make it much more bearable. I just can't understand why they would cut that content. heck, we don't even have Nukara but it's referenced in the main story and reputation stories...

    citadel ship cause very, very few people played it, nakura probably cause they haven't gotten to it yet. they haven't done terran rep yet ether. they'll probably add em when they update related lockboxs. whereever that happan. keep in mine the console versions are still very new.

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
  • avengerofvulcanavengerofvulcan Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    nightken wrote: »
    the citadel ship isn't terrible, and having two to choose from would make it much more bearable. I just can't understand why they would cut that content. heck, we don't even have Nukara but it's referenced in the main story and reputation stories...

    citadel ship cause very, very few people played it, nakura probably cause they haven't gotten to it yet. they haven't done terran rep yet ether. they'll probably add em when they update related lockboxs. whereever that happan. keep in mine the console versions are still very new.

    I know they are still new, but it kinda feels half-assed. key components of the game weren't even available at launch and several of the ship sets are not even available because they haven't unlocked the ships to buy in the c-store.

    also, the description of the lifetime subscription on here is different than the lifetime subscription on the console. which I did all the research from the posted information on the XBOX tab up top, but when I logged on and bought it I discovered it was different (post purchase stupid me). they haven't even given us our Android Bridge officers yet and there is nothing stating there was a delay in this.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    When it's done.
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    It's worth pointing out that there are no guarantees that the PC is simply a vision of what the consoles will be in N months time. New content will likely make its way to consoles after MS and Sony's extra certification steps. It's their latest work. But Cryptic is in no way obligated to port over all content from the PC version's long history. Even if you say "well, they have it. So should we!" the fact remains that if it takes any amount of work to port content the question will always be "is this worth our time?" A dev may easily say "no, it isn't. We want to work on something else."
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
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  • lsegnlsegn Member Posts: 594 Arc User
    Because it isn't ready yet. They are converting the content as they go.
  • avengerofvulcanavengerofvulcan Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    It's worth pointing out that there are no guarantees that the PC is simply a vision of what the consoles will be in N months time. New content will likely make its way to consoles after MS and Sony's extra certification steps. It's their latest work. But Cryptic is in no way obligated to port over all content from the PC version's long history. Even if you say "well, they have it. So should we!" the fact remains that if it takes any amount of work to port content the question will always be "is this worth our time?" A dev may easily say "no, it isn't. We want to work on something else."

    I was led to believe from the announcements and everything I heard them say that we would be getting the full content available. as a purchaser of content I for the same game I expect to get the same experience, since that was how it was marketed. if they are going to remove content, then they ought to remove all traces of it from the console release. not dangle it in front of all of us that know they are shafting us.
  • keladorkelador Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    The console ports work on a sort on emulation so very little porting* needed most of the content is already there is just hidden away, Nukurra is there just hidden the planet is there just locked out, AOY is there as over christmas the option to make an AOY character kept appearing in the create a character screen but it would not let you actually make one.

    So yeah content is on the consoles just locked away and will be released over time this means other than bug fixes the dev team can work on bringing new content to the game, PC first as its easier for them to bug fix on the fly if needed.

    Its a smart move takes the pressure of the dev team gives them 'new' content they can release on the console to keep it ticking over and making money.
  • vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    kelador wrote: »
    The console ports work on a sort on emulation so very little porting* needed most of the content is already there is just hidden away, Nukurra is there just hidden the planet is there just locked out, AOY is there as over christmas the option to make an AOY character kept appearing in the create a character screen but it would not let you actually make one.

    So yeah content is on the consoles just locked away and will be released over time this means other than bug fixes the dev team can work on bringing new content to the game, PC first as its easier for them to bug fix on the fly if needed.

    Its a smart move takes the pressure of the dev team gives them 'new' content they can release on the console to keep it ticking over and making money.

    The thing though is that they don't really give a timeline on when they plan on releasing it. There's people who are itching for story content.

  • keladorkelador Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    kelador wrote: »
    The console ports work on a sort on emulation so very little porting* needed most of the content is already there is just hidden away, Nukurra is there just hidden the planet is there just locked out, AOY is there as over christmas the option to make an AOY character kept appearing in the create a character screen but it would not let you actually make one.

    So yeah content is on the consoles just locked away and will be released over time this means other than bug fixes the dev team can work on bringing new content to the game, PC first as its easier for them to bug fix on the fly if needed.

    Its a smart move takes the pressure of the dev team gives them 'new' content they can release on the console to keep it ticking over and making money.

    The thing though is that they don't really give a timeline on when they plan on releasing it. There's people who are itching for story content.

    I agree with you their communication is terrible they still have not said anything about the anniversary event on the consoles are we getting it like the Ingame calendar states? if not will we in be getting in September? if we are getting the event is it last years ship as to give us this years they would need to give us season 12 which would mean releasing all the content that is not out yet so I doubt we will get this years anniversary event.
  • alien2#4861 alien2 Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    They did mention we would get free, unnamed, gifts over the anniversary event. Well... by "they did mention" I mean I saw it in-game last night in the pause menu. Q will be back.
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  • keladorkelador Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    They did mention we would get free, unnamed, gifts over the anniversary event. Well... by "they did mention" I mean I saw it in-game last night in the pause menu. Q will be back.

    Yeah the ingame menu shows the anniversary event will be coming and Q will be giving out prizes that just the ship and party poppers etc But they posted up a news post over a week ago out lining the PC event and what you would be getting etc and have yet to do the same for the consoles, and the event starts next week.... the pre event giveaways started today PC only.
  • alien2#4861 alien2 Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    Yeah, I got that tweet too. Made me a tiny bit sad. Oh well, I'm just glad this game is on console for now. In the age of Trump, you act happy for every small victory, damnit.
    "Just give me a star and a tall ship to steer her into"

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