So I have been playing for over a month now and have been in a Fleet for just about that entire time. I was just randomly invited to the Fleet one day. I have donated a bunch over that time, but I have never gotten "promoted" in order to be able to buy from the Fleet store even though it states that once I have donated 50,000 Fleet Credits worth I would be promoted. I have messaged the leaders and gotten no response over a couple weeks.
Now I would like to know, how or what is the best way to find a new Fleet that I can actually benefit from? I am hoping to join a Fleet that is pretty far along in the upgrading process, but also one that I can still donate to. I am hoping to try and buy my first Fleet ship over the next week or so.
Thanks. BTW I play on the PC now.
Lessoned learned for accepting a random invitation.
Is there anything like this on ps4? been in a fleet for a bit now & no matter how fast i click or when projects are announced i click a project it's always @ 100% already.
Vote with your feet. Immediately. Far better off being a solo player than being in a Fleet which does not notice you or care about you unless you're their primary source of dilithium for Fleet Projects. Keep looking and asking questions about Fleets you are interested in. It is what I did. I eventually found the Fleet I am in now. Where I am pretty happy overall. Are there things about my Fleet I'd like to change? Yes. Can I change them? Yes. But it is going to take time. Lots of it. I'd like to think I can change some things overnight, however this is seldom the case in any organization which is infested by Humans. To nudge a group of Humans into doing something you want them to do takes patience and effort. Both of these are in very short supply in the 21st Century.
We play this game for entertainment and enjoyment. It is largely very fun to play. Fleets were supposed to enhance this by allowing players to group with with like minded people whose company they enjoy. The social aspect of Fleets was overcome by Projects requiring player resources and by offering gear in the game which cannot be found outside of Fleets. When first introduced, Fleet gear was among the best gear in the game. It is still good gear but the Crafting revamp and other additions since Fleets were first placed into the game have superceded this. Both Fleets and Crafting require very large amounts of dilthium. But Crafting does not have the drawback of requiring someone else's permission to acquire. The system is broken. Like lots of other things in this game.
As someone who does not have a good social skills set, I probably caused as much discontent in the Fleets I left as I experienced. Always have been an outsider who prefers to walk his own path alone rather than submit myself to doing things a group wants to do. This too is why I am not really a good choice for being Invited to somebody else's Fleet. But I really wanted to play this game with other people who like both online gaming and Star Trek. So I put my head down and kept digging.
To summarize, OP. There is a Fleet out there where you are a valued member and are allowed to acquire those items you want. You need to keep looking for this Fleet. Being in a Fleet where one or both of these are missing is much much worse than being a solo player. It may take awhile to find this Fleet. But it is in this game somewhere. Unless you stop looking for it.
I do have a question though, if the new Fleet is "Maxed Out" on all of the tiers, can I still donate things like Marks in order to get Fleet Credits?
Hopefully I can get an invite this afternoon and join the new Fleet that has actually responded to me. I would like to have a good time with people and they have a Teamspeak channel so I can learn from the more advanced people in the Fleet. Figuring out a good weapons setup on my ship is not going the best right now.