Can somebody point me in the right direction to learn the best way to upgrade items?
I see many people with lots of "Ultra Rare" and "Epic" items, but how does one get to that point? I feel like I have spent a bunch of Dil. and not gotten much out of it when upgrading. I have one Ultra Beam Array that came from upgrading after spending thousands of Dil.
Any help would be great. Just want to make the best items/builds I can without wasting time or resources. I am hoping this is something I can do rather then just spend millions of EC.
So..with Research gear..Typically we start with a Mk II Very rare item (say a beam array with Crtdx2 Pen)
Then use A Superior Tech upgrade (Experimental) and a research point accelerators (major).
Pray to the RNG gods.
Then upgrade.
If your lucky, You'll go from Very rare to Ultra rare (sometimes epic) Before reaching mk vIII..(sometimes around Mk xII)
Buuut..THis is going to cost Lots Dilithium..And Either you obtain through missions all the necessary RND parts or buy them off the exchange..
Its very much like gambling..You can make some awesome stuff that sells for TONS on the exchange..or you'll make garbage..
If there is a Beam or other Item you have that you want to change should save for upgrade weekends..
Or..Buy keys...Sell them on the exchange and then buy the items with the mods you want..
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
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My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
I'm just starting to get to upgrading and have a bunch of these.
Sell to vendors, if you want, but they're reasonable equipment in the interim. If you're looking to absolutely maximize a set to Epic, starting with purple (Very rare) mk IIs with modifiers you want (usually courtesy of R&D development) is the most efficient route.
Member Access Denied Armada!
My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
When people say that Superior upgrades save dil, they mean that it costs much less dil per tech point (the wiki says something like 12 points per unit of dil, while the green ones give 3 points per unit), but that doesn't matter much when you only need a tiny number of points. Also, Superior Experimental upgrades require 1885 dil instead of the 1075 regular Superior upgrades use, so I'd probably just use one on a Mk II item to get it started instead of pouring them into a Mk XII.
I am thinking about getting the Key Box that is on sale for the Holidays and it comes with an upgrade which, from the way I read, will upgrade the item to the top level and Epic with no Dil. If I get that, I just have to think real hard on what I want to use it on.
Member Access Denied Armada!
My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!