Tribbles in Ecstasy Take 244: Sweedish Feesh has warped on to Holosuite Media, you can download and stream it from:
The Tribbles in Ecstasy crew are back to discuss the news from the week for
Star Trek Online (Console news: 2:15:05), Star Trek Timelines (2:22:36), Star Trek News (2:38:26) plus Listener Feedback (2:52:07).
Our community questions this week are:
1. What's on your STO Christmas event prize/reward wishlist?
2. What are your thoughts on STO's new Phoenix Prize Pack?
3. Are you playing Star Trek Timelines on Facebook?
4. Are you getting a Star Trek Christmas Jumper?
5. Are you a Console player who'd like to become a host on Tribbles in Ecstasy?
but hey @sunseahl mentioned repeatedly that she doesn't pre-read although she probably should, so... I think I'm good.
Community questions:
1.) Well, I'm "working" on that Breen ship "grind" (Yeah, calling THAT a grind is... adorable. ).
I guess in a couple of days I will start to do some slightly more serious farming to get those sweaters and... I might give those new epohhs a try, but I would be much more motivated if there was some sort of... I don't know... PET STORAGE!
2.) Well, I talked about it last week. I really wanted some of those ultra rare (not even epic...) ships, but if there's bad luck to be had, I seem to raise my hand all the time. *shrug*
3.) I am not playing Timelines and I don't have a Facebook account.
4.) Nope. Christmas jumpers/sweaters seem to be more of an anglo-centric tradition. I mean when it started to get cold outside my grandmother would start knitting sweaters and gloves and scarfs but none of them (or those knitted by other mothers and grandmothers I knew of) were christmas-based. Sometimes they had winter-ish themes to them like stylized snowflakes or fir trees... but that was about it.
So for me it's just not "a thing"/a tradition. *shrug*
5.) I think I mentioned it before... "PC master race". *shrug*
I mean, every now and then there is a game (or two) that makes me consider getting a console, but so far nothing was tempting enough to actually commit to the idea.
"Updated system requirements": Well, getting a blog on sunday because the launcher would start telling you about this stuff on monday is nice, but... you know, I'm not gonna touch that.
So the new system requirements are about phasing out support for Windows XP and Direct3D 9. Okay. I get it. And the launcher did not alert me to anything, so I guess I'm fine, but if this game stops working... well, one more reason to finally upgrade my PC. Except that the bigger reason would be Overwatch. I may be bad at shooting games, but... well, it's a Blizzard game and I love the attention to detail (*cough cough cough*) they put into those characters and have you watched those animated shorts?
Tales from K-13 part 3: Okay, so during part two the commander (and the other klingons on the shuttle) spun the story to make the captain look like a hero. And now they just blurt out that their story might not have been entirely true. I really wish there was a... lead writer/story lead that looked over these blogs to smooth out some of these "hiccups". Every blog for itself is well-written, but they all have their own issues and when you look at them in conjunction, some parts make less sense than before. But those are not exactly new complaints, so I don't expect anything to change.
So... uhm... did Ezri tell the klingons how Kahless forgot about his own stories and needlessly threw away his life? And how he died because he could not shut up about honor after using a "distraction" WE provided?
Yeah, bringing up the Iconian travesty is really not helping your story.
Btw. Cryptic keeps adding people to the memorial plaques, but the klingon symbol on the monolith behind the memorial plaque on Qo'nos? Still "mirrored".
Attention to detail... *laughs maniacally*