When these consoles were announced they reduced standard boff ability cooldowns in addition to specialist ones, now they don't. If a player wants damage they can get many other consoles, if a player wants damage resistance or turn they can get the Dilithium mine consoles. Most specialist abilities are inferior to standard boff abilities. Most ships barely have any access to specialist boff abilities.
TOS phasers are aesthetic and bring nothing new to the game. This reduces the true worth of the K-13 fleet holding to a trait/kit shop. How many people want cheesy TOS kits? How many of those improved traits are actually worth it for any one build? I guess the boffs will be nice for some builds.
This indeed destroys any potential of those consoles of being better than a reputation console. Good job in ruining a product. They should be having 5% boff reductions, but not stacking on more than 1.
This indeed destroys any potential of those consoles of being better than a reputation console. Good job in ruining a product. They should be having 5% boff reductions, but not stacking on more than 1.
The max cool down reduction you could hit with these things is 25 percent, even at best it's only a component to a proper cooldown build.
Thing is, they were doomed from the beginning simply because they're engineering consoles.
Like srsly, the go to set up for crusiers & escorts is a full row of spire consoles, a full row of plasma exploders, leech and whichever universal you can cram into your remaning engineering slots.
Ok, I apologise in advance if I miss an example but I've been away from the game for 10 months.
Example 1: K-13 Consoles (Mid-Late 2017)
Not totally across what the issues are but friends in game claim they were totally OP for what they were.
- They passed through 2 test/build servers before being pushed onto Holodeck passing through other potential QA on way
- They are released with the Fleet Holding and people rush to build up facilities to get access to them.
- News about them spreads, fleet invite channels go nuts and people start buying them.
- Next people start putting dilithium into upgrading them. 4 consoles to Epic would average cost of 200,000 Dil which at today's conversion rates is about 470 zen and that's per character on that account.
- A short time later the ability that attracted the buyer of the console was taken away after hard earned/spent resources have already been put into it.
Example 2: Research Lab Sci Consoles (Mid-Late 2016)
This one I know all about because I am involved in the community group of players who found it on Tribble before release to Holodeck.
- Again went through 2 test servers. We found someone who could get it touch with a dev (think it was Bort) to advise them of the issue.
- If I recall correctly, I believe the Research Fleet Holding was launched onto Holodeck while these consoles were still being finalised. They had time because it would take a number of weeks for fleets to reach being able to get them.
- Despite our warnings and going through 2 test servers, they were launched.
If you dont recall, please see the video I made - called 5,300,000 DPS in Infected Conduit Advanced.
- These consoles were left like this for almost a week. Player who had access to them bought as many as they could because they couldn't resist the urge to use them. It caused great angst to the other players just wanting to play the game.
- After countless dilithium spent on these consoles, they were fixed and adjusted further. They had to be fixed but they should never have made it onto Holodeck where people use their actual resources on them. I am still staggered how the plug wasn't pulled on the patch knowing what would happen....
Example 3:- Fleet Embassy Sci Consoles with Plasma Proc
- Again went through 2 test servers and launched and sold to the public as giving the Plasma energy damage proc to non-plasma based weapons. However, since the proc was based on the plasma proc itself, it was boosted by plasma energy buffs.
- These consoles were widely used by the community as they were ultra rare with multiple skill enhancements on it with an extra (albeit small) damage proc.
- A year later Cryptic decide to update this proc and separate the proc from its plasma energy roots. This change would provide a plasma damage proc but wouldn't be boosted as they were before. Again, went through 2 test servers and were launched to found insanely OP when used with Spire +Beam consoles. Of course, nobody used generic +Beam tac consoles, so many went out and bought & upgraded a set of them too.
- Everybody bought them and then the upgrade system was released and therefore could spend loads more dilithium on upgrading them.
- This change eventually got nerfed and while they are still respectable consoles, resources were spent by people who probably wouldn't have in the first place - particularly to get those +Beam Spire consoles.
Now, I want to be very clear that I am not accusing anybody of anything illicit but when you consider the circumstances of these 3 examples, they are awfully similar aren't they?
I think it is fair as a playing community to expect a quality assurance process when we are spending real money on something. These situations are just burning people and making the community more toxic. It gets reinforced year after year and becomes a blemish that hurts me to see in Star Trek Online.
You're just proving that the Systems Team has no ... code control ... or an appreciation of feedback cycles warning them that something is Broken on Delivery.
The max cool down reduction you could hit with these things is 25 percent, even at best it's only a component to a proper cooldown build.
Like srsly, the go to set up for crusiers & escorts is a full row of spire consoles, a full row of plasma exploders, leech and whichever universal you can cram into your remaning engineering slots.
Ok, I apologise in advance if I miss an example but I've been away from the game for 10 months.
Example 1: K-13 Consoles (Mid-Late 2017)
Not totally across what the issues are but friends in game claim they were totally OP for what they were.
- They passed through 2 test/build servers before being pushed onto Holodeck passing through other potential QA on way
- They are released with the Fleet Holding and people rush to build up facilities to get access to them.
- News about them spreads, fleet invite channels go nuts and people start buying them.
- Next people start putting dilithium into upgrading them. 4 consoles to Epic would average cost of 200,000 Dil which at today's conversion rates is about 470 zen and that's per character on that account.
- A short time later the ability that attracted the buyer of the console was taken away after hard earned/spent resources have already been put into it.
Example 2: Research Lab Sci Consoles (Mid-Late 2016)
This one I know all about because I am involved in the community group of players who found it on Tribble before release to Holodeck.
- Again went through 2 test servers. We found someone who could get it touch with a dev (think it was Bort) to advise them of the issue.
- If I recall correctly, I believe the Research Fleet Holding was launched onto Holodeck while these consoles were still being finalised. They had time because it would take a number of weeks for fleets to reach being able to get them.
- Despite our warnings and going through 2 test servers, they were launched.
If you dont recall, please see the video I made - called 5,300,000 DPS in Infected Conduit Advanced.
- These consoles were left like this for almost a week. Player who had access to them bought as many as they could because they couldn't resist the urge to use them. It caused great angst to the other players just wanting to play the game.
- After countless dilithium spent on these consoles, they were fixed and adjusted further. They had to be fixed but they should never have made it onto Holodeck where people use their actual resources on them. I am still staggered how the plug wasn't pulled on the patch knowing what would happen....
Example 3:- Fleet Embassy Sci Consoles with Plasma Proc
- Again went through 2 test servers and launched and sold to the public as giving the Plasma energy damage proc to non-plasma based weapons. However, since the proc was based on the plasma proc itself, it was boosted by plasma energy buffs.
- These consoles were widely used by the community as they were ultra rare with multiple skill enhancements on it with an extra (albeit small) damage proc.
- A year later Cryptic decide to update this proc and separate the proc from its plasma energy roots. This change would provide a plasma damage proc but wouldn't be boosted as they were before. Again, went through 2 test servers and were launched to found insanely OP when used with Spire +Beam consoles. Of course, nobody used generic +Beam tac consoles, so many went out and bought & upgraded a set of them too.
- Everybody bought them and then the upgrade system was released and therefore could spend loads more dilithium on upgrading them.
- This change eventually got nerfed and while they are still respectable consoles, resources were spent by people who probably wouldn't have in the first place - particularly to get those +Beam Spire consoles.
Now, I want to be very clear that I am not accusing anybody of anything illicit but when you consider the circumstances of these 3 examples, they are awfully similar aren't they?
I think it is fair as a playing community to expect a quality assurance process when we are spending real money on something. These situations are just burning people and making the community more toxic. It gets reinforced year after year and becomes a blemish that hurts me to see in Star Trek Online.
Anyway, Snipey out...
Wait ...
Protonic Kool-Aid Down The Drain Cruiser
Immortal BOff Skills combo for Ground
How do you mean?