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roguedazza#1352 roguedazza Member Posts: 6 Arc User
Hi guys and girls, I was wondering does anyone 100% know whether or not it matters if the ships are equipped with weapons and consoles or do the Admiralty Mission purely go off of the set ratings from ships class.

Thanks in advance :)


  • nephitisnephitis Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    When you own a ship you get a card for that ship with a specific amount of Tac, Eng and Sci rating. Higher tier ships and unique ones tend to have higher of each and that's the difference between them. Equipped gear does not affect this.

    Certain ship cards also have unique properties such as "Ignore all modifiers", "+30 Tac when alone", "+15 to all" and so forth.
  • roguedazza#1352 roguedazza Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Ah awesome thanks was getting mixed feed back on it, is there a way of viewing these 'cards' for the ratings :)
  • nephitisnephitis Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    There is no way of seeing the ratings of ships you do not have a card of. However, you can use the STO gamepedia and search for individual ships for their ratings. For example, Kelvin Timeline Heavy Command Cruiser.

    Other than that, you see the ratings of your ships under the Admiralty tab and when you pick missions and select ships. Or you can also see them under Ship Roster.

    The Admiralty system is a great method for leveling your specializations, in particular during Double EXP weekends. Though, to keep the cycles going for 24/7 hours you need a certain amount of ships. When the Temporal specialization was released there was a Double EXP week running. During that week I was able to get 40+ specialization points by using the Admiralty system and keeping the cycle going.

    I do have a little piece of advice to give. A rather important one if you will. There is a cap of total amount of specialization that you can have (pretty much equal to all the specialization trees). If you exceed that after maxing all the trees you only get is Dilithum for your continued efforts. My suggestion is to level the Federation Tour of Duty to 9/10 (nine out of ten) and then finish the last one (10/10) when a new specialization is released. This way you get 2 free specialization points right off the bat.
  • tiberious#6095 tiberious Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    STO Wiki provides admiralty information for all the ships. Just select a ship and go down to admiralty. Not sure about the PS4. I just throw ships in till I get 100% for the mission using the points shown in the three categories, which the PS4 shows. :)

    Can't remember if it shows the extra effect on admiralty or not.
  • roguedazza#1352 roguedazza Member Posts: 6 Arc User

    Thanks alot buddy, n cheers for tip. Have made little mistake and gone Cruiser all the way not realising what was to come :/ so Admirality missions are being a little tricky at present which sucks being Bonus EXP month starts in few days lol. Already on 3rd Character restart and been grinding hard to try catching back up so not really wanting to do it a 4th, will just keep at what im doing until have enough for exchange n grab some.

    Thanks again :)
  • viperman#1696 viperman Member Posts: 3 New User
    Hi - I'd like to add some questions here since I'm a forum newbie and can't post new comments >.>

    I just started playing STO this past Saturday and am already level 52. I've been running DOff missions like crazy and just unlocked Admiralty yesterday evening.

    I pulled all of the freebie ships I've earned so far out of dry dock and was still only able to get 76% chance of winning the first mission. I won, thankfully, and was then broadsided by a 12hour "cooldown" on my Galaxy class cruiser.

    So obviously now I'm looking to buy more ships, but that appears to be quite a challenge!! From the looks of it, I can only purchase ships for several (hundred) thousand Dilithium, which by my math would require months of grinding (for ONE ship) or Zen, which even then appears I'd need close to $100 for possibly two ships...

    I tried checking on the Exchange but I don't see where I can buy regular ships (such as another Galaxy class cruiser, for example.)

    Am I missing something? Are Dilithium and or cold hard cash the only way to acquire ships in this game?
  • viperman#1696 viperman Member Posts: 3 New User
    Actually I found a partial answer to my question - turns out some of these missions will reward you with new ships (though they only work for Admiralty missions.) So I just gotta figure out how to get a T6 ships without spending $60 bucks or so... :smile:
  • tiberious#6095 tiberious Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    Dilithium, zen, hard cash, lobi, Exchange for different ships.

    Winter/Summer/Anniversary events for free T6 ships. Winter event is going on right now.

    If you want C-store ships you need Zen obtained by cash or Dilithium Exchange. Black Friday sales the time to buy. Both Zen and C-store ships were 20% off on PS4. Got a ship bundle for $45.

    Spend some money so the developers can feed their families. :)
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,770 Arc User
    Actually I found a partial answer to my question - turns out some of these missions will reward you with new ships (though they only work for Admiralty missions.) So I just gotta figure out how to get a T6 ships without spending $60 bucks or so... :smile:

    Are you doing the Winter Wonderland ice races to get the free T6 cruiser? That comes with an admiralty card. This unlocks for all of your characters including ones you create in the future.

    You can buy some lockbox "consolation prize" tier 5 ships on the exchange for 5-10 million EC. You can buy some nice T6 ships for 100-300 million EC. These are single-character unlocks.
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    The devs have had several give away events each year. in 2016 they gave everyone the ships with quad cannons (tier 3 defiant, Klingon raptor and a rom warbird). That is in addition to the above list of ways to get free ships.

    Also there is the mission temporal ambassador that rewards a tier 3 ship.

    And you can get many fleet refit/retrofit ships with 200k fleet marks. Some need only a few marks and 5 fleet modules which you can get on the exchange.

    Each admiralty track you complete unlocks an epic admiralty card.

    If you were here for the Phoenix boxes last week any rare tokens could get you the vss tanius admiralty ship.

    So, quite a few options. And don't discount the value of small ships. There are a few that give +10 to all stats per other ship. That's 20/20/20 if you have something to team it with. You get one shuttle free for "the vault", one is available for 32k ec, they gave out a free ferengi na far two years ago, Alienware is giving away free codes for peregrines, and there are a bunch on the auction house for 25m to 60m ec.
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