I am normally not one to complain but I feel we console players got last year's winter wonderland from Q. As in its current state it's missing the 2016 prizes listed in the blogs and we're missing the klingon ice fishing event as well. I am playing in the winter wonderland for the first time this year because I wanted the micro cryonic warhead kit module for my tactical character. Yet the module is absent in the holiday vendor on console. So if there is a update coming would be nice to know as I'm currently saving my Christmas currency in sto for the 3 modules listed in the winter prize blog. Kinda upset at the 2016 prizes being not there on console at this time
to the defiant and lets kick some borg tail:)
Edit: plus you still get to fight the snowmen around the map instead of just in the village, right? They gave us fishing but took away our snow goons
In most circumstances that will customarily mean a few months gap between STO console and STO PC. But we can't very well have a 2016 Console Winter event in April so everything showing up now on the PC gets a year's delay. That's unfortunate, but do keep in mind that for all consoles characters EVERYTHING will be new and unacquired.
(PS. and I'm sure Cryptic is aware of the "fix" to this, just get the work done on seasonal event content early enough to get it validated on all platforms. As they didn't, we can just assume prohibitive constraints of some kind (ex. time available, other active projects, lack of whips to make the devs work faster
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!