Hi Everybody! I just had one fast console question. I've been playing through on console and am now a level 41, a friend just started and is a level 5, we played missions last night, but he was forced to match my level of 41, and I had to carry the weight of the combat. Is it possible for me to play (when I'm on a team with him) at his level instead of mine? Poor lad got crushed!
I assumed the same and tried that last night, but it kept reverting to my level. Kinda weird.
I also recommend setting loot to "round robin" so you don't need to worry about those annoying need or greed pop ups.
Anyway, no matter your matching settings enemies will be the level of the first person to enter a map or the team leader, whichever is higher. Do make note of this. Sometimes you want the highest level person to wait until everyone else zones I before joining the mission.
I recommend having your friend be the leader, and you match him. Then be sure he enters every map before you.