I have some rep and another day or so of the CE event to grind more if I have to, and I'm wondering if there are any good rep ground sets for doffs? I am currently using the Borg Omega Force shield and weapon for my sci character, and I have already purchased the Maco shield and weapon set for one of my doffs. I have three more I need to buy shield/weapon/armor sets for, and I'd like to craft them up to IV this weekend.
Suggestions? Yes, I could go and purchase fleet gear, but I'm not sure it's better than what I can get for some of my time playing CE. Thanks.
Sorry forgot to add. I run mission on the highest difficulty. That's the main reason I want the ground gear. I don't like the STFs and generally prefer space combat.
It's not a rep item, but I'm quite fond of the Na'Kuhl Temporal Operative set personal shield from "The Temporal Front". If you give each of your Boffs this item, they all get Time Slip every 60 seconds, which is huge imho. Then you can run some two-piece set bonus for armor/weapon to your personal preference.
Thank you. I'm slowing making my way through the missions now, so I'm sure I'll find it. I'll look for the temporal front mission and see if that's one I can run now.
My suggestion is that you do not get stuck on 3-set bonuses. Sometimes it is better to leave the weapon slot open, and pick a 2-set bonus of armor and shield from a reputation of your choosing.
The weapon actually matters the most in terms of how your BOFFs will perform in battle. Some weapons can be very limited or restrictive in terms of firing range, targeting arc and whether the secondary fire is AOE or not.
My recommendation here is that you pick the best compromise of range, arc and AOE. For example, the Romulan Wide Beam Rifle (superior split rifle) is a great long range rifle with a really good AOE. The Lobi Jemhadar minigun is also good though it has shorter range and narrower arc. However, it has AOE on its primary fire.
Another good weapon for this is the Dyson rifle. It can act as a shotgun almost, and it can also change its mode into a sniper rifle I believe. And it has longer range too.
Though the best BOFF weapon of them all will have to be the Lobi Herald beam projector. It chains and arcs on primary fire, and it can do so from any side and arc. It also has longer range and all of this combined makes this a very potential weapon.
Now, there are probably other worthy weapons that I have forgotten to mention. I hope this will help you a little bit.
I slapped the full Na'Kuhl set on my Holo Leeta, Dyson set on Nelen Exile, Romulan set on my Reman and Jem hadar set on my Jem Hadar. All my other boffs have other FULL sets on them and they are just wiping the floor with enemies. The Boffs also DO use the set bonus abilities and with the Adapted maco they also refrequence their weapons almost instantly. All the sets are good, it just depends on what you want against what enemies at the time.
Yeah, for my captains that has done "The Temporal Front" mission I basically grabbed the Na'kuhl Temporal Operative Armor and Shield. They are actually pretty good even at Mk XII. Sadly, that mission is in Future Proof story arc and my AoY captain is still doing the Delta Quadrant story arc... actually took a break from doing story missions since the Crystalline Event started.
For the moment, all the Boffs on my AoY captain are currently using the Neutronium-Laced Combat Armor from "The Core of the Matter" mission since it is upgradeable for free until Mk XII. As for shields, I simply use a rare or very rare personal shield Mk XII for the moment with a combination of mods consisting of [Cap], [Reg], [PBDmg] and [PBKB].
The Romulan Imperial Navy armor and shield from "Uneasy Allies" is also pretty good, but that mission is part of the Iconian War story arc so you can't get it until pretty late into the game. Sadly, you can only acquire the armor and shield once so you cannot outfit everyone with that set unfortunately.
Personally, I have been focusing more on ground missions than space missions for the past several months. I recommend the Romulan Wide Beam Plasma Rifle. I purchase the Mk I version from New Romulus / Dyson Sphere vendors and upgrade them. This weapon can damage as many as 5 targets with it's wide beam. I also like using Voth Antiproton Split Beam Rifles, but they have gotten pretty expensive on the Exchange over the several months. Agony Phaser Split Beam Rifles are even more expensive. The Fluidic Antiproton Assault Dense Beam is also a favorite of mine which can be obtained on the first play through of Mindscape in the Delta Quadrant story arc; otherwise you can find it on the Exchange. It is similar to how the "Ghostbuster" gun works where the secondary firing mode can chain up to 4 targets.
Wow. Such good advice from all. I too have taken a break from mission since the CE event, but now it's over. J time to go back and grind some missions. Good to know there's some great mision rewards out there. Thanks again for all the advice.
The weapon actually matters the most in terms of how your BOFFs will perform in battle. Some weapons can be very limited or restrictive in terms of firing range, targeting arc and whether the secondary fire is AOE or not.
My recommendation here is that you pick the best compromise of range, arc and AOE. For example, the Romulan Wide Beam Rifle (superior split rifle) is a great long range rifle with a really good AOE. The Lobi Jemhadar minigun is also good though it has shorter range and narrower arc. However, it has AOE on its primary fire.
Another good weapon for this is the Dyson rifle. It can act as a shotgun almost, and it can also change its mode into a sniper rifle I believe. And it has longer range too.
Though the best BOFF weapon of them all will have to be the Lobi Herald beam projector. It chains and arcs on primary fire, and it can do so from any side and arc. It also has longer range and all of this combined makes this a very potential weapon.
Now, there are probably other worthy weapons that I have forgotten to mention. I hope this will help you a little bit.
For the moment, all the Boffs on my AoY captain are currently using the Neutronium-Laced Combat Armor from "The Core of the Matter" mission since it is upgradeable for free until Mk XII. As for shields, I simply use a rare or very rare personal shield Mk XII for the moment with a combination of mods consisting of [Cap], [Reg], [PBDmg] and [PBKB].
The Romulan Imperial Navy armor and shield from "Uneasy Allies" is also pretty good, but that mission is part of the Iconian War story arc so you can't get it until pretty late into the game. Sadly, you can only acquire the armor and shield once so you cannot outfit everyone with that set unfortunately.
Personally, I have been focusing more on ground missions than space missions for the past several months. I recommend the Romulan Wide Beam Plasma Rifle. I purchase the Mk I version from New Romulus / Dyson Sphere vendors and upgrade them. This weapon can damage as many as 5 targets with it's wide beam. I also like using Voth Antiproton Split Beam Rifles, but they have gotten pretty expensive on the Exchange over the several months. Agony Phaser Split Beam Rifles are even more expensive. The Fluidic Antiproton Assault Dense Beam is also a favorite of mine which can be obtained on the first play through of Mindscape in the Delta Quadrant story arc; otherwise you can find it on the Exchange. It is similar to how the "Ghostbuster" gun works where the secondary firing mode can chain up to 4 targets.