Other Kelvin Timeline ships, such as the T'laru and D4X, to the Lobi store as have been done with the Intel Dreadnought Cruiser? I'd really like the T'laru, but it's quite a bit more expensive than I can afford, and I probably wont be able to until it drops into the sub 300m range... lol donations welcome
How do you figure? There are a number of lockbox ships that are also bought with Lobi. Kelvin Timeline Dreadnought Cruiser, Xindi Aquatic Narcine Dreadnought Carrier, Sphere Builder Edoulg Science Vessel to name a few. The Kelvin Timeline Dreadnought Cruiser and the Jem Hadar Heavy Escort Carrier both were not available as lobi ships until after they had been in lockboxes for a couple weeks... just sayin'.
There are no Lockbox ships that can be bought with Lobi. Once a Lockbox is released, they create at least one Lockbox ship and at least one Lobi Store ship. The Kelvin Timeline Dreadnought Cruiser was always a Lobi Store ship and the Jem'Hadar Heavy Escort Carrier was originally available as a lockbox ship when it was Tier 5, but is now available as a Tier 6 Lobi Store ship.
The Narcine Dreadnought Carrier has only been available in a lockbox while the Edoulg Science Vessel is only available through the Lobi Store. Cryptic has never changed a Lockbox ship into a Lobi Store Ship.
I don't see your point. 10 keys average 50 Lobi. 900 Lobi = 1 T6 ship. 1 T6 Lobi Ship = roughly 250-300 million EC. Current T'laru price 500-600 million EC. 10 Keys = roughly 56 million x 18 (180 keys) 1,026,000,000 EC. Sure you might be able to pull it off for less, but i see plenty reason to desire a Lobi version. Almost every single 900 (T6) Lobi ship is worth around the 275 mill EC while nearly every T6 LockBox ship is worth around 400-600 million. For those of use who just can't manage to get that much EC, we desire lower prices. So no, I am not happy that an awesome desirable ship for my favorite faction is a lockbox ship because I simply can't afford it, and I probably never will because, without spending real cash, I have no idea how to make a fast 300 million. And I've been buying and selling keys all night, only made 4 million.... 2.5 months to go, hope it doesn't hit 750 million by then.
Since this doesn't happen with Lobi ships, their prices do not drop in the same way.
PS: Could you in future write the full title of your thread into the subject? It's much more useful for people to be able to find threads relevant to them.
The problem is, there are a lot of players that paid well above 600M for it already, the T'Laru in the early days of release was pushing the 900M-1 Billion Mark.
What you're asking is not fair to those players that spent heavily to get the ship up to this point. How do all those players feel when they paid the current price and all the sudden Cryptic just makes it available for Lobi? I understand your frustration, really.. I do, but what you're asking is never going to happen. All you're asking for is that they make things fair for you by making it unfair for others.
I'm not trying to be unsympathetic, simply stating why what you want is extremely unlikely to ever happen.
I paid about $70 real money buying and exchanging keys so I could get my Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyer when I came back to the game last year. Same with my Narcine. I'm not running around screaming "giveses me the refundz!" because you can pick those up for around $25 now. It was worth it to me back then, or I wouldn't have done it.
(...and I already know I'm gonna have to pay full pop again for their T6 versions. Annoying, but I enjoy them. They're the ships that make me want to play the game...)