So I was looking at the achievement tab on Xbox 1 for STO and only 8% of people playing have reached level 30 with one character. 8% does not sound good at all. Maybe it time for them to spend some money and fix the bugs so we can get part of that 91% that stop playing. The 2 bugs killing the game atm are some people can't spend their skill points when they level up and not being able to pull anything out of your account bank.
My character Tsin'xing
The Iconian War (Complete The Iconian War story arc)
Shadows of the Solanae (Discover all the Solanae Dyson Sphere lore)
Specialist (Spend 30 points in any Captain Specialization)
Iconian war did not pop.
I get an amazing amount of specialist somethingblablapoints in a battle but nowhere there is a decent guide on how to spend or what it does, there is no ingame counter after (huh level cap?) level 60 as how far I am from what and I feel left alone by this game.
So how do I earn and when do I get these points?
So far I had one and I read you have to earn 159.000 to get one point to spend in the specialist tab, really?
Overall and comparing this game with that other space game called Elite:Dangerous this star trek online vehicle is a mess.
(On the console version).
The groundbattle graphics and mechanics look and feel very outdated, 10 year old call of duty games look better.
Spaceship that gets stuck in that lightbeam under those planet(suns), spaceship that disapears after cutscene, character that disapears after cutscene, soundbox that goes wonky if it gets busy in a fight.
The accolade tab goes totaly bazurk if you scroll threw it, coding error? is that a reason the accolades do not register?
Throttle control with D-Pad up and down? hahaha do the developers have two left thumbs or are they just plain stupid , my guess is they have no idea and as good pc minded folks thought to lightly about console controller and its possibilities.
Characters that walk like they are constantly in a big need to do a number two..this is 2016 dear developers and if I cannot get the candy that is promised me than I get it in another store!