I recently learned that they took the XP out of Red Alerts.
This presents a problem for leveling up ship mastery, since the way to do it was always in Red Alerts.
In the past, they have removed XP from one thing, and then added it to another. The best example is Doffing XP. About a year ago they removed the XP from KDF Doffing missions like "Suppress Gorn Uprising," but then not long afterwards added the XP back into Temporal Research and later Mirror Incursion Research assignments. This at first seemed to be bad, but soon it became clear that the new doff assignments were vastly superior. They used easy to get doffs, and you could run as many as 60 of them a day if you wanted to go hard in the paint. The old gorn uprisings you could only run 3 a day.
Bearing this in mind, it should be clear what needs to happen to the Red Alert XP. Simply put it into a "Ship Mastery Token" that instantly fills up the mastery levels on a new ship!
No. They need to make the game HARDER! It's just too easy to level characters and ships. I hate 'quick and easy'. I want a challenging game and I want levelling slowed. There's already enough power creep as it too.
If I need to level a ship, I just solo SB24. It's less fuss than hoping that there's no-one in an RA to take all the XP!
Of course, since Cryptic doesn't care what the players think, that's never going to happen.. so I guess this is the next best thing. The trick would be the price, if they made them too expensive then people would simply grind Argala to get their mastery.
This token would just save a little time, so if it cost any more then a couple hundred Zen then I don't think it would sell.
It's a simple, elegant solution.
We've already paid for the ship and if you're not interested in the ship itself, you just paid for a trait. Which should then be available for use immediately.
It's always been pay or grind for something. We shouldn't have to pay, and then still play many queues or other content before we can actually use the trait.
Actually, my bet is Crystal is going bye-bye. Too easy and over-rewarded.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
For something that "hardly anyone ever does now," I find that I rarely wait more than 30 seconds to get into one, which is better than most of the other queued events. They're useful for that little extra daily soupçon of Dilithium and back-filling reputation marks. Long live the hardly anyones!
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
[cynical] This can and will never happen. In this regard, Geko is always 'fighting' the player base: we do something too fast, he (angrily?) finds a way to nerf it. Why, you ask? Because the object is always to keep you in game for as long as possible. The longer you stay logged in, the higher the chance you will buy something. It's that simple. Can't have you finish Mastery in 5 minutes, or, worse, open a token to do so immediately. Your experience needs to be forcibly dragged out. That's what Mastery was invented for in the first place.
The battle for XP really is our No Win Scenario. [/cynical]
*feriously starts punching in a new game code to rewrite the no win scenario, looks up and all the gorn are in pink tutus and everyone is dressed in badly fitting spandex*
Uhm i think i got kirks hack wrong somewhere O.o
Don't assume that because someone is not putting out massive DPS, blowing up Cubes in a few seconds, that they are 'moochers'.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Ship Mastery =/= leveling or any other kind of meaningful advancement, what it is is a concept that forces us to fly a ship we do not enjoy looking at for however long it takes us to grind out the trait. I'd happily pay 5 bucks for a single character unlock of a single trait, or 20 bucks for an account-wide unlock of a single trait.
I despise spending even two seconds outside of my prefered ship for a given character. You clearly don't feel this way, but that doesn't make my perspective wrong either. I tend to look at my ships as my chosen cosmetic appearance and a defining part of who my characters are, and flying anything else just feels wrong.
Yeah, i'm with you on that, and i have 18 chars, each one with a different T6 ship
As i said, i have no problem, as each char had 2 ships, i tend to use chars with the ship that suits their style, so no problem at all..
And on topic, i guess the more power to the users, the best, i dont need one, but some people might..
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'