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Items Lost Bug List



  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,644 Bug Hunter
    angst178 wrote: »
    I don't know where to post this and I can't create a new thread, because I'm new.
    When I bring up the inventory screen before a mission, the "crew" button is gone. Is there another way to equip the away team with EV suits, or is this a bug?

    Press U, that's the default key to open the status window which is where you'll find your crew.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • dragonhef01dragonhef01 Member Posts: 418 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Here's a fine example of a bone-head maneuever(Don't ask, I had Too much fun last night with the effects still going this morning): Per Arc support ticket #160903-002144, At around 1850 UTC 03Sep2016 in Phoenix Stronghold's starbase, I dismissed my new Andorian Charal escort to reclaim a cannon I accidentally erased(got that back). Bad part is I thought the dismissal worked like dry docking and would place my other parts back into the inventory. Not So Much...Here are the parts that got deleted: 1 Epic mk XIV Positron deflector [Em][HlCap][ShCap][Ins][????](just had it change a few days ago), 1 Ultra Rare mk XiV Quantum Phaser Dual Heavy Cannon[CritD], 1 Very Rare XIV Phased Bio-matter Dual Heavy Cannon[CritD][CritH][Dmg], 1 Very Rare XIV Counter Command Heavy Phaser Turret. 1 Very Rare XIV Counter Command Hyper Injection warp core, 1 Very Rare XIV Aegis shields, 2 Ultra Rare XIV Fleet Vulnerability Exploiter consoles(Phaser), 1 Ultra Rare XIV Fleet Vulnerability Exploiter(Cannons), 1 Ultra Rare XIV Fleet Vulnerability Exploiter console(Torpedoes). Strange thing is when you go to load this stuff onto another ship, the system acts like it's still equipped somewhere else. You would think it could be recovered fairly easy. Thanks
  • wonder81#7976 wonder81 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    PS4 - In sector space I can barely see my star ship. The closet view still leaves it looking tiny against the background. I know I need to wear my glasses more often but this is ridiculous
  • tzitzantzitzan Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2016

    Just forgett it...no response on the issue so toon is Deleted
    Post edited by tzitzan on
  • unitspartan423#0694 unitspartan423 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    So I leveled up to level 10 and used my requisition to buy a cruiser but now my cruiser is no where to be found... and I have no more requisition. @unitspartan423 also I'm on XB1
  • gfyorgfyor Member Posts: 1 New User
    I promoted to level 10, and received a new chosen ship. However, this new ship is no-where to be found. It hsould be in the Starship selection screen, but it is not. I chose the constitution class, but all i can see is the Blockade runner escort, and my old ship I sold (the Miranda class).
  • dragonhef01dragonhef01 Member Posts: 418 Arc User
    Solved: the account rollback worked. Lost the TOS pack, but compared to this:


    Who cares?!...Thanks guys(Arc & Cryptic)!

  • trennantrennan Member Posts: 2,839 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Character - Lakora: I log in after working in the foundry and get to looking around because of a question asked in Zone. My Adpated KHG Impulse Engines have been replaced with a White MK XII version.
    ticket ID #4,087,152

    Character - Lakora: Missing Reman Prototype Covariant Shield Array Mk XI from the visuals slot.
    ticket ID #4,087,167

    Charater - Sotuna: Missing one Resonating Tetryon Beam Array Mk XI [Chance] [Dmg]. It has been replaced with Radiant Antiproton Dual Cannons MK XII [CritD] [Dmg]x2.
    ticket ID #4,087,162

    Post edited by trennan on
  • shadow7901#1720 shadow7901 Member Posts: 6 New User
    I've been playing STO since it launched on the Xbox One, there's one glitch that's which is kinda annoying and I'm not the only it has happened to, it has to do with the account bank I put 18 lobi crystals in there to use on another character and when I went to take the crystals out with my other character my game froze up and I got kicked all the out of the game, I have to relaunch my game whenever I try to take the crystals out with either one of my characters. I contacted ARC Games customer support about it and was told in order to get it resolved quickly I should make a bug report with details through the bug report forums.
  • asmodicus#7179 asmodicus Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    I somehow lost my Red Matter Capacitor. I recently came back to the game after a little while away, and it and my subspace nullifier are no where in my inventory, bank, account bank, or equipped to any of my ships. I'm not worried about the subspace nullifier since I can just go do the mission that rewards it, but the Red Matter Capacitor is irreplaceable since it was an award I got a couple of years ago from a giveaway you all did. My character name is Noah Hathaway @shatterstar8269.
  • spartan313#8507 spartan313 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    im missing 1300 lobi crystals and about 200 dilitium vochers they are stuck in my account bank.. solo@itsspartan313 so i would like the keys i used to get them back instead of the items which is around 300-400 keys maybe even 500 bases on the fact you get 4 lobi crystals per opening and maybe 10 vouchers on a random chance
  • chrisbrown12009chrisbrown12009 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
    Lobi crystals are stuck in my account bank.
  • ej256#9148 ej256 Member Posts: 1 New User
    Good Evening, I have just reached the rank of 20 and the new ship I was awarded is not showing up in my starship list. Does anyone know a solution of what i need to do to get the new ship or to fix to this problem? Thank you
  • scifiesascifiesa Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Not only have I lost a Delta Recruit Reward Box that was giving me a choice of different duty officers, but I continue to get a ticket error when I try to submit an in-game ticket regarding this matter. I really hope it doesn't happen here. I opened the reward box and while looking over my choice of potential duty officer rewards I accidently clicked on the "x" button the top right of the window. Now I've lost the potential rewards and the box as well. I need help. This occurred on my R'shona character. Hopefully I can get the duty officer choice back as well.

    * Please note .... my screen refreshed while I was typing earlier which forced me to retyped most of this post.
  • supermooch92supermooch92 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I am missing my T5 ship reward for becoming an Admiral. I had purchased the Patrol Escort using the T5 Crédit from Admiral Quinn yet it's not in my ship inventory when I go to select it. I am currently playing Xbox One.

    Tythos Ingridiam Nodestrum@moochicus
  • nouveaux#3659 nouveaux Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    I'm missing my Chest and most of the jewelry from the 21 Century outfit bundle for Klingon\Orion characters. It show's up for Romulans and Federation characters. Also can't use Outfit 2 and 3 in the outfit store.

    PS4 - Nouveaux
  • nouveaux#3659 nouveaux Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    Do they fix anything in this game? There was a shutdown today I expected something to be fixed but nothing has changed. Still missing stuff from my outfits and I still can't pick any of the off-duty outfits to wear.
  • lordlucavilordlucavi Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Dyson Heavy Armor Costume Options in Tailor

    I completed tier 5 reputation today, completed the entire Dyson Ground set project line, completed the Dyson Heavy Armor Costume project. The tailor has the option of selecting "Voth Armor", but none of the armor pieces appear in any of the selectable fields.

    Playstation 4 account
    Faran Lucavi@FaranLucavI

    Edit: I just received an email from PWE. Some of the tailor items may not unlock or appear in the tailor options due to the known tailor bug on consoles. They are currently working on a fix to the tailor and other issues.
    Post edited by lordlucavi on
  • supermooch92supermooch92 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Here it is 5 days later and no email no fix no update on what the problem is, nothing. Thanks for being on topen of things arc /sarcasm
  • nouveaux#3659 nouveaux Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    Is there any technical support for this game? I contacted tech support about my missing items and they told me to go to the forums and submit a bug report. Where do I submit a bug report where I can get a response to my problems? I'm missing clothes I bought for my KDF character and I would like to know if I could get it fixed or my money back.

    Nouveaux - PSN
  • lordrelentlesslordrelentless Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    After the most recent update my Romulan XII kit is missing as are the five kit modules that were equiped. Some of which were very rare. I'd like them back please. One was a Mark XII endothermic blast, the next was the Portal blaster (can't think of the name the one that opens a portal and a heavy beam comes out of it), the next was the module for the ground crawler mine, and I can't remember the other two right now.
  • sotalessotales Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    I also lost my Romulan Embassy kit, luckily I logged in yesterday and removed all the modules from my kits per the Reddit PSA... though I'm not sure if anything else is missing.​​
  • criminiuscriminius Member Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Judge Dredd@crimsonoa
    I managed to recover kit itself by pressing in black place (where it belongs) and click - upgrade item, but my modules is gone completely. I think this was unexpected side effect :(

    I used "/LootCancel" on ground for all another characters (who was not on ground), teleported to space and modules reappeared... but for Judge Dredd this not helping at all... Need help!
    Post edited by criminius on
  • clannmacclannmac Member Posts: 279 Arc User
    I'll join in this one, too... My kits and modules aren't gone from all of my characters - but "curiously" all the ones from lockboxes are from the toon I've been playing the most of late: kit, modules, all: gone! Not in an overflow bag, not in a bank account, not even floating around in space somewhere. Just. Gone. I submitted a ticket, complete with the picture of missing items, but I am really wondering which response I'll get: "sorry, here's a lollipop," or "yeah, nice try..."

    Anyway: mini-torpedoes, polaron (?) bombardment, Tac kit + weapons and armor, stealth module, plasma grenade Mk XIII, energy-draining photon grenades.

    Hamish MacDade (23rd Century Capt. - only one I have, so not hard to narrow down.


    Fleet Commander
    Caprica's Revenge
    (...actually active since November 2010, which may one day be important to archaeologists, but not to anyone else...)
  • xyquarzexyquarze Member Posts: 2,130 Arc User
    I have kept my Romulan kit but got all modules unequipped on two toons, with two or three missing. Unfortunately I don't remember exactly what they were.
    My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
  • darleathdarleath Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    Having issues with any items having gone missing?

    You've come to the right place to post! This is the official post for posting any issues in regards to the items being lost in the Season 10 Update.

    In order to help our teams find and resolve issues faster with the queue, this thread is made for reporting any issues with items missing. When posting about any issues you may be having, try to follow this format where applicable in order to keep information organized and readily available for the developers.


    What item(s) went missing? Please provide as concise a listing of information on what item(s) are no longer on your account.

    What characters did this affect? Please post both characters affected by the item loss and your account handle in the form of:




    Characters with items missing: ALL of them at max level.
    Items lost: Sadly I don't have a list, I like to play without having to know by heart the name of everything I carry. However, I can say the following for my lv 60 characters:

    T'Pau Nix@darleath lost a Kit Frame from the bank (Counter-Command kit frame, from the Surface Tension mission), and other kits and a frame kit which showed up later (no, I did not failed to see them, they suddenly were there after my fourth login).

    Dalera Michaels@darleath I think lost one kit, cannot remember which.

    Madira@darleath I think lost one, but I don't know which (I do not pick grenades, and the only fifth kit I have avaiable is a grenade).

    Rayhet@darleath lost her kit and all of her kit modules (probably mission rewards)

    Ikhera Nh'umme@darleath lost her kit and all of her kit modules, again I don't remember what did her have equipped.

    Krona@darleath lost her kit and all of her kit modules, probably quest rewards from low level missions

    As for the showing up of items, it seems that changing map and relogging solves the problem sometimes, but I'm not sure if it is a one-time happening, or what exactly. I have tried to login changing maps both in space and planet-side, but only in T'Pau Nix's case the missing gear (mostly) showed up.

    Player handle: @darleath
  • soma90soma90 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    So far this has only affected by main toon Keysanliu when I logged in today. I haven't logged into the others yet what's missing is Nanite medical generator, plasma flamethrower turret, Neutronic Mortar, Mass Gravimetric Detonator and I can't remember what the other module was :)
  • shadowkoshshadowkosh Member Posts: 1,688 Arc User
    @shadowkosh I have over 35 toons so I will just put it like this I have lost all of my kits Engineerin Sci Tac. I had some bunker fabrication medic and grenade satchels channgeing zones logging in or out does nothing now I have to spend millions of EC to replace stuff would like this fixed please also Romulan kit is gone as well
  • ncistandncistand Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    The only thing I've for sure noticed missing is my Romulan Tactical Kit Mk XII on toon NX22@Nathan_Stand.
    I gather that I'm very fortunate to have only lost that. (As far as I know.)
    If at first you don't succeed, do it again but better.
  • tgricethegosutgricethegosu Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    This happened After the update

    What item(s) went missing?
    All Kit Modules from my "Ultra Rare Romulan Science Kit Mk XII [KPerf]x2 [PSG] [WpnDmg]"
    which was missing before I clicked upgrade on the blank kit slot

    The items that I however did not recover follow below

    1. "Ultra Rare Medical Tricorder Mk XII"
    2. "Very Rare Resonant Tachyon Stream Mk XII"
    3. "Very Rare Vaadwaur Shield Drone Mk XII"
    4. "Very Rare Hypospray - Dylovene Mk XIII"
    5. "Very Rare Anesthizine Gas MK XIII"

    What characters did this affect?
    Equipped Kit Modules of "tgricethegosu@tgricethegosu"

    Post edited by tgricethegosu on
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