Here's a question, I think I know the answer, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
I know in other games there are mechanisms in place to allow you to stop getting xp. Is there such a thing here?
My character has reached Captain rank, and I'm content to stay there.
(I've been here since launch, I just wondered if they had added this ability without my noticing)
This ^^^
You will continue to level till level 60 thats the current max level for STO
However, you can always set your title to read as "Captain" if you'd prefer to RP as a captain. NPC's will still call you Vice Admiral or whatever your "real" rank is during quests, but other players will see you as "Captain So-and-So". You can still act and pretend to be a captain, and still have all of the skills and perks of ranking up to level 60.
I wouldn't want to remain at level 40 anyway, as you'd be at a severe disadvantage in some queued events. Not that the queues are very active these days anyway (it's been almost completely dead in there lately whenever I've been on).
Here's what I did: I find the rank system in STO ridiculously unrealistic (I mean, how many 5-star fleet admirals can Starfleet actually have?), so I just ignored all that and had my toon wear captain rank and left it at that. I just figured he's a captain and wants to stay that way, so even tho he's level 60, his "real" Starfleet rank is still captain.
We really need the option to use our title as our rank. Why limit ourselves to rank when we can be called Master Chef or Moist?
So let your ears do the RPing for you.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
I don't know about that.
World of Warcraft has an option to disable exp gain at whichever level, as long as you can fork up the gold to do so, which isn't much.
In that game though, people do it for their PVP twinks, or RP guilds, or Vanilla guilds. It works. But for this game, yeah it wouldn't do much. Especially since you'd be scaled up in levels when doing certain events either way.