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Loss of A long Time Trekkie and STO player.

diabolicaltroopdiabolicaltroop Member Posts: 74 Arc User
It is my sad duty to report to all here that a very close friend and my Klingon Fleet member Thomas (Nekhron Kirov) Creedon II has died.
I will spare everyone here the details but it was way too soon. Thomas was a US Army Vet (Cav) Sargent (Decorated) Mogadishu and first Gulf war he was disabled due to injuries from weapons fire and being gassed by Saddam's non-existent Bio and chemical weapons. He loved playing STO and He and I formed The Great Ancient House of Seplch. (Fleet) We had some people join and then leave when they got bored of the game. Thomas and I held the house together and his characters and mine continued to build the fleet bases. We spent many hours playing this game with a lot of laughs and fights against the Feds and all enemies of the Empire. He was very dedicated to STO so that he was a life member. He convinced me to get a life membership also. Unfortunately his life way too short. His character was the House Seplch military adviser and mine the House leader and name holder. I will miss my friend very much and will work to complete the House Holdings in his honor.

Thomas C. Creedon II (Nekhron Kirov) USA CAV -September 19th 2016-
Gone to "Stovokor" as an Honorable Klingon Warrior
I will drink much Blood Wine in your Honor
KDF Ancient House of Seplch
Dahar Master "Epitai" Kelrok son of Pok Seplch House Leader Tactical
General Babd Grace O'Malley House Seplch Science Officer
Fleet Admiral Quintus Savat House Seplch Tactical Officer


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    seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,918 Arc User
    You and your friends family have my sincere condolences.

    He sounds like he was a great guy and a dedicated veteran. He will be missed. :(
    Insert witty signature line here.
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    taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    May the memory of his friendship give you strength warrior.

    Qapla' !

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    baldrick8baldrick8 Member Posts: 100 Arc User
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    kronin#4685 kronin Member Posts: 325 Arc User
    I am so sorry. It is never easy to lose a friend. I hope that you are getting the support that you need from your friends and family, both in the real world and here in the STO community. As you morn the loss of your friend, I hope it helps to know that a lot of us will be thinking of you. Don't be afraid to reach out to any of us in the STO community if you need anything.
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    thevampinatorthevampinator Member Posts: 637 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    I am sorry for your lose and I hope you are able to move on. :( Death is not easy especially if they are friends or family.
    May he rest in peace and I hope you one day will be able to play sto with him again. In the life after this one.
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    kikskenkiksken Member Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    I wish you strength in these dark days.
    For me, passage is a natural phenomenon, and I am personally not affected by someone's passage (autism being the cause, I'm "emotionally detached", according to my shrink).
    But this does not mean, I do not understand (Asperger-Savant).

    To your lost friend, i dedicate a tune, played by a close friend of me, Robert Tiso:
    Beethoven, Ludwig van - Moonlight sonata (Glass Harp).

    May his soul rest in peace...

    PS: should you like to talk about this, I am available, I know, some consider me a weirdo due to some of my points of view, but I am not therefor less a human being.
    Should you want a friend in these days, throw me a message on Skype: Xogroroth.
    It can be a good thing to talk to a friend, sometimes, in days of sorrow and pain...
    Klingons don't get drunk.
    They just get less sober.
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    tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    I'm so sorry to hear this. Please pass along my sympathies to any other friends and family you may be in touch with.
    Only YOU can prevent forum fires!
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    dlmc85dlmc85 Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    There's nothing much i can say to news like these, my sincere condolances to you and his family. Please update us if you'd like some form of in-game memorial gathering on Qo'nos.
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    goodscotchgoodscotch Member Posts: 1,680 Arc User
    My condolences, comrade.

    Commander Data: "It is a warning."
    Capt. Picard: "A warning to who?"
    Commander Data: "They are warning the dead, sir...Beware...a Klingon warrior is about to arrive."

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    bloodyrizbloodyriz Member Posts: 1,756 Arc User
    Oh behalf of The Wild Bunch, Qapla' !

    From myself, also a Cavalry vet, HOORAH TROOPER!​​
    We come in peace, SHOOT TO KILL!
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    doublechadoublecha Member Posts: 241 Arc User
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    velquavelqua Member Posts: 1,220 Arc User
    I offer my sincere condolences. May he rest in peace.
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    indysharkindyshark Member Posts: 1,545 Arc User
    I am sorry to hear of your loss. He sounds like a great person, and I regret not having the chance to meet him and thank him for his service to our country.
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    reafisreafis Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    My sincere condolences on your loss. I would also like to offer my klingon main to help your noble house in your friends memory
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    lordhavelocklordhavelock Member Posts: 2,248 Arc User
    You have my deepest sympathies, and saddest condolences.

    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
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    trennantrennan Member Posts: 2,839 Arc User
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    questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,404 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    A different topic than what i envisioned from the title. Condolences to his friends and family.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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    bossheisenbergbossheisenberg Member Posts: 603 Arc User
    May you hear the cry of the warrior, and Kahless will welcome you into Sto'vo'kor!! Today is a good day to die comrade. Soon you will float down the river of eternal glory!!

    On behalf of Starfleet Liberty Force/Orion Liberty Fleet,
    Fleet Admiral/XO
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    baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    sad to hear... although I assume he got to enjoy the things he loved (Star Trek) during his well deserved retirement

    just getting some facts straight though on "being gassed by Saddam's non-existent Bio and chemical weapons"
    1991 Saddam had bio and chemical weapons nobody ever disputed that fact in 1990, however I think you are referring to the second gulf war where this was a matter of heated debate, but ultimately turned out to be a fabricated lie by the CIA and MI6 in 2003
    trying to put a political statement into the obituary of a deceased soldier is unnecessary, especially on a game forum.
    Go pro or go home
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    kaloriaa4kaloriaa4 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    Sincere condolences.
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    spacebaronlinespacebaronline Member Posts: 1,103 Arc User
    Not to turn this into a war facts thread, however, Saddam never used bio agents against us troops. We would have been burying Iraq in 1991 if he had. There was a small release of sarin and cyclosporine mixes at a munitions storage facility that was demolished by us troops after the main conflict. Due to bad planning by us demolishing, up to 100,000 us troops could have been exposed to low levels of these nerve agents.
    Anyways, condolences on your loss.

    - See more at: http://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/gulfwar/sources/chem-bio-weapons.asp#sthash.hJC4GIDQ.dpuf
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    sthe91sthe91 Member Posts: 5,566 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    My thoughts and prayers go to his family. May God give you and his family His peace and comfort at this time of mourning for this well decorated man who served his country honorably and who was your fleetmate. *sobs*
    Where there is a Will, there is a Way.
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