Some time ago there was a thread about showing off "your" Tovan... Instead of necro'ing that one, I figured I'd offer up a new discussion here.
For my Republic crew, I didn't change the "default" appearance of the story-line NPCs, I just put them in uniforms... The exception being "Rinna Khev" since she wasn't offered as a BOff candidate after getting rescued--I created her appearance by setting the sliders to match Tovan's.
For my Imperial Loyalist crew (KDF ally), I did make minor modifications... gave them more traditional haircuts, removed "Grief" tattoos, etc...
Commander Rajur used the default, uncustomized appearance. 'Praetor' Kesar was modeled & named after Gaius Julius Caesar.
My Republic crew was named based on their career: According to the Romulan Language Institute, "Manaek" is Rhiannsu for "Doctor", "Arahtih" is Rhiannsu for "Scientist", etc.
My RSE crew, was named based on their Latin numerical order: Second, Fourth, Fifth, etc. Since Veril is Reman, I gave her a Latinized "foreigner's" name instead, thus -ica (feminine form of -acus). If we were capable of changing Tovan's name, the RSE Tovan would have become "Primus Khev".
So... How are your story-line BOffs different from the "Default" appearance? Did you change their names? What was your inspiration?
I still have this fembot Tovan I made for someone that hates male BOFF and always runs female crews.... I decided to TRIBBLE around and see how fem lookin I could get him.... the results were.... surprising
Only spent like 20min on it, Im sure if I had tweaked every little thing they could have been extremely feminine
Red for tact, blue for sci, yellow for eng.
This isn't starfleet :P
I know...its more of accents while the main color is green.
Commander: Volar
Sub commander: Veln
chief: Kaeta
Science Officer: Kyou
Tactical officer/security: Lira
Doctor: Tallel
operations chief: T'rem
"It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
Since he is a friend of my captain, I aged him to be about the same age as my captain though the voice doesn't match.
Satra wears a blue recolour of her default outfit, Veril and Rarzon, a male Reman have the neutral reman costumes with panels tailored to their profession following the Starfleet colour scheme. The rest of the crew including the captain wears the fed-allied uniform with the shoulder panels coloured again to their profession. Tovan hasn't been modified much at all. I just replaced his ears to a more straight pointed type. Satra has had her eyes widened a bit, given a ponytail, and had her forehead given straighter pronounced facial ridges. Veril was given a total facial adjustment so she looks like a proper Reman. I think I adjusted Hiven's ears but left everything else as it was. Didn't change D'Vex's facial appearance at all. Finally there's one blond haired, blue eyed female human tactical Officer in the Oddy Starfleet uniform.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG