I am playing the xbox one version of the game.
All my bridge officers are rank Commander I am trying to train Elisa Flores with a training manual called Training manual-intelligence-torpedo transporter warhead II its a very rare item but when I try to use manual it says i need a specialization training manual required which I have I also have enough expertise.
"Anyaway, we don't often see a sense of humor in Section 31."
- The Boff must have this as a secondary specialization (Tactical - Intelligence, Science - Intelligence, Engineering - Intelligence). Any off can learn a secondary specialization from a special training manual but no one can craft those on consoles.
- The ship must have a "hybrid" seat like Tactical - Pilot
So if you have a ship with Engineering - Command seat, you then need an Engineering boff that also knows the Command specialization.
For now you can buy some of these boffs since you can't buy specialization training for plain boffs yet.