Hi i play this on pc & now xbox but on the xbox i keep seing a message every 5 muinets saying someone got the Jem Hadar Dreadnought how are they getting it so quickly i know you can spend money to open lock boxes for lobi crystals so just wondering how as want the ship myself.
But also the shop at Drozana Station you use them at only sells the Jem Hadar Heavy escort ship so how are players getting the Jem Hadar Dreadnought.
two escorts. I've gotten.
300 prototype upgrades
78 vip mining things.
a few weapon packs.
353 lobie.
no cool ship yet lol
do you know what is anoying i was playing with a freind yesterday he told me just muinets after i got off he had some spare money decided to buy some keys and first box he got the ship choice & he chose the jem hadar dreadnought i was guted when he told me today.
tbh i don't like the look of either of the ships.
but the upgrade tech things will be hand for the tech upgrade boost this weekend.
no dill costs. I'm sure I'll get everything to epic standards.
Yeah. The T6 is exactly the same as the T5U, except it has a trait and a Command spec seat. Hardly seems worth paying lockbox prices for that if you already have the T5U version.