During the temporal event I got the impression that a character had to be created during that event in order to become a temporal agent. Can a new 23c character become an agent?
The temporal rewards compliment the Delta Rising recruit. Can a 23c character still become a Delta recruit?
I think both agent and recruit are available to newly created characters but just checking. Thanks
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
Nope. It seems to be a one time event with a similar event happening in the future. So when the next micro-faction shows up in a year or two, then they will have its own Recruitment event.
Why more? All you need is one temporal recruit to get the rewards onto your entire account.
We come in peace, SHOOT TO KILL!
if you have to ask you wont get it so stop asking
A ton of Marks, Dilithium and EC. New and updated Pedal to the Metal type traits, upgraded reputation gear projects to Mk13 UR and bonuses to Admiralty.
Most of these rewards are account wide on every character you have, and any new character made.
Go here if you want the full list: http://sto.gamepedia.com/Temporal_Agent_Recruitment
no thats the point of making a temporal agent during the event... not the point of making a 23c character