These are a new thing since I've been gone from the game, so I'm looking for some info on them (specifically the federation pilot escorts). Anyone have some reviews on their performance/abilities? Also curious if I buy the 3 pack will I be able to customize the look using parts from each of them like most ships are able to, kinda hard to tell with how compact they are.
No they come with the ship. That guy's English is so bad I can't actually understand what he's trying to say.
EDIT: Also, I main a pilot escort. They're a lot of fun, and pilot abilities in the seats can be good but they aren't like Intel where you have must take best in slot powers like OSS. I only use one pilot ability myself. Didn't used to use any.
It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
In a way, Pilot Escorts allow for more battlefield control of your ship over standard classes. A skilled player can literally make a Pilot Escort dance around their opponents, evading attacks while positioning for counter attacks.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I use them with cannons and DBB and must say that the DBB variant is a little better.
I love the jump backwards, which essentially gives an additional attack run on a single shield facing, which means you can take out even advanced command cruiser with a single buff duration of your weapons (<15 sec).
They are also not really squishy considering you are immune for a full 4 seconds, and if timed nicely you can evade the hardest of hits with it and if the fighting is too tough, simply jump away and repair, you are faster than anything in this game.
In other words, best ships I ever bought.
PS: it is also fun to overtake people that fly in full impulse mode.
PPS: I also think that some escorts (like those without a hangar bay, or some other redeaming feature) should have been refitted with the jump ability. At this point I can't think of a valid reason other than cosplay to pick up a T6 Defiant over pilot escorts.
I just put a regular boff in that pilot seat, because Id rather have the classics, then the pretty crappy pilot abilities, that is their major downside IMO.
But really fun ship to fly. My AoY just mastered the Icarus doing the MU event. Was nice to fly it again.
Click -> Was that so hard? <- Click
It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Pilot ships are one thing.
Pilot-escorts are another...
Pilot ships are these:
Pilot escorts are like this one:
The MAJOR difference is, that the Defiant doesn't come with a double tap maneuver, but it does have a pilot BO seat.
I don't want to look like a douche correcting you on your words or anything, but i DO not want you to buy a Defiant, only to figure out that it was not what you wanted in the first place.
Post edited by commanderkassy at 11:20AM[/quote]
When did the STO community become so unhelpful?
[quote]I need to be very clear on one thing...
Pilot ships are one thing.
Pilot-escorts are another...
Pilot ships are these:
Pilot escorts are like this one:
The MAJOR difference is, that the Defiant doesn't come with a double tap maneuver, but it does have a pilot BO seat.
I don't want to look like a douche correcting you on your words or anything, but i DO not want you to buy a Defiant, only to figure out that it was not what you wanted in the first place. [/quote]
Oh, I was referring to the pilot ships I guess, I already have one of the old defiants, good ship but I never flew it much. Shame I cant use the cloak on anything else.
Again: I know I come off as a douche, but it would really be a downer to get the Defiant only to find out it does not have that special ability you were looking for.
For the last few years on the PC a ship sale has taken place during late September/ early October so that's why i expect a ship sale on the PC to be around the corner.
The console is still a bit behind as far as ship releases and content and i expect that the developers first want to release various content and the ships associated with that content. Unless i am mistaken the delta quadrant and the Iconian war have not yet been released for the consoles and the pilot ships are associated with the Iconian war.
Best bet for a ship sale on the console is probably in December prior to the winter event.
They can be made to be ridiculously fast and maneuverable thanks to pilot boff seating, although doing so comes at the cost of DPS. They practically are invincible since at such speeds you're weaving in and out of the 10km firing range of enemy NPCs, invincibility on super short cool-down (thrusters/pilot maneuvers), defenses stay maxed at all times and the turn is fast enough to do 180 in between DHC bursts.
The only trick to the speed is to tweak away the speed boosts so the abilities stack and match their cool-downs somewhat, keybind them to say a 2nd row beyond the damage buffs, and tweak game controls so your ship aims wherever you look with the mouse by holding right mouse button, cause joystick or keyboard control isn't precise or easy to deal with the crazy fast turns while aiming those cannons on targets for maximum uptime.
Also, I disable double-tap feature since to me it doesn't work fast enough, and worse, kicks in when you don't want it. With the above setup for speed, it's still possible to multi-task and manually click the thruster buttons up/down/left/right.
The last 'the Breach' grind was actually fun with one of these warbirds, zipping to the next stage through that citadel ship in an instant, finishing off 1 or 2 mobs before anyone else even got there. I kept hoping a Risian Corvette would show up again so I could run circles around it and race it out at the end but it never did.
My character Tsin'xing
T5-U T'varo for me.