So me and my friends are about to finish this event and this topic came into the conversation we were having in ts,for us this game along with some other mmos just lost all its appeal it doesnt really do nothing for us in the long run,apart from doing the special events we dont log in anymore.
Same can be said about swtor and some other mmos,they all have the depth of a puddle on a sunny day,im guessing it comes from being themepark mmos where there really isnt no room for imagination,just follow the carrot and do what you do in every themepark mmo,level up,run dungeons to get gear for raids and then run raids,wam bam thank you maam welcome to the world of no imagination.
Currently i have like 6 mmos installed on my pc and i barely login to any of them,sto and swtor for the special events and that's it,been playing a bit of dbo since i use to watch the anime when i was a kid but beh once the novelty wears out its just a sub par mmo.
so,anyone else on the same boat?
Following hot on the heels of the massively successful Hullo Kitty Online, Dragon Ball launched its own MMORPG, Dragon Ball Online.
Since getting all 8 characters on SWTOR through their personal stories, I have put it down for a while to concentrate on Guild Wars 2.
STO and Guild Wars 2 are the only games I log into every day, though.
The one game I've had the most fun in was Tribes 1 with mods. Why? It's got everything modern games lack: creativity, construction, large open maps, humour, adventure, exploration (new maps with strategic points of interest), indoor & outdoor combat, good clean PvP, no grinding, strategy, team cooperation/chat/instructions/waypoint instructions, loadouts, endless classes, jetpacks, vehicles, solid sci-fi without the fluffy rainbows spamming the screen.
Gameplay and 'graphics' for it are now obsolete, but hoping Midair will pick up some of its goodness with the solid gameplay of Legions: OD and their awesome mod/dev team who actually listens and plays the game they make as enthusiasts and pros.
As a long ago veteran of hardcore raiding in Everquest and what I always found to be "raiding for dummies" in Vanilla World of Warcraft, I have to ask, in 2016 and the current gaming landscape, what would you define as deep content?
And this is more to get a better idea of what it is you're looking for more than anything else.
STO is casual and shallow, but has its own levels of depth that keep me logging in. But I have taken long breaks from the game. I'm a-OK with that paradigm. But I also don't expect much more out of the game than what it is you know? First off, I'm older and have less time. So I can't dedicate myself to that same "lifestyle" of play that I did in Everquest. Secondly, my reason for playing is different. I like that I can log on, run a few PUGs, play a mission or two at my leisure and work toward whatever grind I'm on.
What other games out there offer a deeper experience? And why aren't they on your radar?
I'm not being snarky or anything like that. I'm genuinely curious because it's my belief the style of MMO I personally got attached to at the turn of this century is a dinosaur and those kinds of games aren't made these days. But, one thing a game like Everquest had going for it was it took forrrrrrrrrever to get anything done. The grind but also the depth and level of sandbox (no question marks on the top of NPC heads), left you out there on your own going to the community itself and your fellow players for help and guidance. Those types of games, do they even exist anymore? Well beyond like the originals themselves (EQ is still around, just you know, not something I play more than once every few years for nostalgia).
That's why I keep my gaming varied - some STO, some CO, some Fallout 4, some Halo 5, some Words With Friends, some Bejeweled Blitz...
You should seriously give Guild Wars 2 a try. It has most of what is on your list, all be it not sci-fi..
It is free to play, but you can also buy the game and never have to pay a subscription. Everything in the cash shop is about barbie dress up.
Too hard, people hate, too easy, its boring.
Never touched WoW myself, but plenty of friends did and none touch it now as its been watered down to be a cake walk now, as had SWTOR.
Until that day MMOs will remain the way they are with a "fixed" beginning, a set mission/quest path and an end game consisting of grinding for better and better gear, with the occasional update/expansion coming out as the producers/developers get them written.
The basic concept of an MMO is the "multi-player" part of the name, not the content, not the rewards but the ability to go in and play with friends. In that respect STO is IMO a bit sub par. There is way too much content that can not be played as a group, and way too much of the content than can be played as a group is not very group friendly. That subject has been covered extensively in other forum threads already.
I personally keep the game interesting by having a bunch of toons and playing every combination I can think of. Fed, KDF, Rom/Fed, Rom/KDF, with a tac, eng and science for each and each individual one running each type of ship. While I spend zen on stuff, I don't buy anything character bound as I have run more than one toon through all the missions using nothing but say, escorts, deleted them, and started another from scratch, this time using nothing but Sci ships etc.
No, it doesn't keep running the same missions over and over again from getting bit boring as the "new" is gone, but is still different enough to be fun having to learn all new tactics. Flying your T3 escort into the middle of a huge group of enemy ships like you are used to doing with the Cruiser you had before ...... also having forgotten you no longer have things like rock and roll, scrape the paint etc, is quite the learning experience.
thanks to everyone for the replies,glad to hear im not alone in this.
well it seems we are in the same boat,started playing mmos in the late 90's,think it was 98 or so cant remember,although i do have more time for gaming thanks to some good choices money wise in my youth and a bit of luck in some investments.
if i had to choose ''the'' mmo it would have to be swg,granted it had it flaws but the freedom to do whatever you wanted and go whatever path you chose is why the game still has a place in my heart.
you could choose any mix and match of classes and still be able to level,from a doctor to a creature handler and oh man being able to open a shop,i loved that i mean crafting your wares and being able to get a reputation in the server for the stuff you crafted,now all mmos have a cookie cutter crafting system which just is tedious to do,even after 13 years swg still has one of the best crafting systems there is.
maybe its because im older but i just dont get gamers these days nor the companies that develop the games,i wrote a post like this a few months back and i made my ''famous'' lego analogy.
back in the day when i was a kid you would just buy a box of legos,your imagination was the only thing you needed to create whatever you wanted but these days its not like that,you get a box of pieces with a famous IP slapped on the box and you can only create the vehicule or whatever it is that is on the cover of the box,no room for imagination or anything else.
i feel this way about mmos,themepark mmos are just a box of pieces of lego which you use to create an x-wing,got your instructions and you cant deviate...on the other hand sandbox are just like a big ol' bucket of legos,have the pieces to do pretty much anything you want.
beh maybe im going off track but this is just the way i feel about mmos these days,maybe that is why im playing NMS so much,yeah i know in some aspects its really bad but on the other hand i love that when i land on a planet i dont know what is down there,is the planet going to be hot or cold,will it be filled with aggresive creatures or will be calm and pacific,the uncertainty of what lies ahead is what makes me want to keep on playing.
sandbox mmos are a thing of the past which is sad because i think that sandbox mmos are the only ones that offer a true mmorpg experience.
Yeah, in 2016 I do feel like a dinosaur for my gaming tastes. I don't know if we'll see the kinds of games that got us hooked you know?
But I do feel like that might be slightly better for us too, as I don't think I can put that amount of time in ever again. Hahahahah.
Alts help keep STO interesting for me. I'm just playing my TOS captain right now but I plan to set up some new builds on other captains like trying an enhanced battle cloak torp boat.