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AOY reputation bonus: Is it worth re-buying all my equipment?

djf021djf021 Member Posts: 1,382 Arc User
I'm seeking some opinions/advice. Literally a week before AOY was announced, I finished grinding out a different full reputation space set for 10 characters. Then I read about the account reward from AOY recruitment which makes all new items MK XIII Ultra Rare. I'm not really mad, as that is really a GREAT reward, but now I have all this equipment that's inferior. Now my AOY character is close to unlocking this reward. As I see it, my options are:

1. Re-grind all those space items and spend 32,000 dilithium per item
2. Re-grind only select items, such as warp cores for [AMP]
3. Simply use tech upgrades to upgrade items to mark XIII (or beyond), and if some of them upgrade in rarity, so be it. (This would also save me a lot of dilithium.)

I'm leaning on option 2, but what do you think? What would you do?

Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
-Captain James T. Kirk
Post edited by djf021 on


  • nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    personally I decided not to, in less I had the resouces already and had nothing better to spend them on.

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
  • mas134gluck123mas134gluck123 Member Posts: 302 Arc User
    for me it worth to regrind stuff again, too its not such priority, as i busy with 2,5k mark grind per day for fleet needs, so that will wait for some time :/

    but then when it comes, all alts will be rearmed, upgraded(if there is luck maybe epic mk xiv, tho that never happens to me :P)

    so all in all i would say it worth if you have time tho
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    You would most likely spend more dilithium trying to get the rarity upgrade on your gear then if you just reran the project. Guess it depends on how much time/enjoyment you'd get doing whatever it is you need to do to get the marks for these projects.
  • djf021djf021 Member Posts: 1,382 Arc User
    nikephorus wrote: »
    You would most likely spend more dilithium trying to get the rarity upgrade on your gear then if you just reran the project. Guess it depends on how much time/enjoyment you'd get doing whatever it is you need to do to get the marks for these projects.

    I never worry about TRYING to get the rarity upgrade from Tech upgrades. If it happens I consider it a bonus.

    Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
    -Captain James T. Kirk
  • gholendhorgholendhor Member Posts: 447 Arc User
    They just need to do what they did for the old Nukara ground set, when the reputation system was introduced. With the item and a little extra marks for an upgrade. But it will never be that way again. All the AOY recruitment is, is a way to keep you playing for x amount of hours with one character. Then play x amount of more hours on your old characters to receive the full benefits.
  • welcome2earfwelcome2earf Member Posts: 1,748 Arc User
    If you already have the rarity upgrade, then no. If you are at mk XIV without the rarity upgrade, walk - don't run and do it.
  • edrogenedrogen Member Posts: 202 Arc User
    option 2 is your best. be VERY selective what you re-do, waste of your resources otherwise.
  • nickodaemusnickodaemus Member Posts: 711 Arc User
    Pick & choose only what you want or are willing to re-do. MkXIV VR is good enough for advanced content, approximately equal to MKXIII UR. I will likely make at least one set for each of my 4 characters over time, pushing it to MK XIV UR evenmtually.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    I take it one character at a time. My AoY character just binged on everything he could. Because he had no rep items yet. And Mk XIII ultra rare was better than what he had.

    My main character, just went and got the Iconian Warp Core since I had a Mk XIV but had been having ZERO luck getting it upgraded in rarity. So I just grabbed that and then ground out an upgrade to Mk XIV. The other items he's got I'll get around to but that's not too much.

    My Science alt, was all decked out in Mk XII Very Rares because I had switched builds on him, but he's on an EPG/Torp build so it was just like really easy to regrind as he had most of the marks already and I was only getting a couple of items from a bunch of different reps.

    All of my other alts? Well, they have some rep stuff but as I go, I'll fill in upgrades.

    So for me it's more of a go one toon at a time.
  • misterferengi#8959 misterferengi Member Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    I'd only say its worth re-buying any rep gear if you intend to upgrade it.
    Far far cheaper repurchasing the items you want upgraded than trying to go from VR mk 12 to UR Mk 13/14. Or even VR mk 12 to VR mk 14 with no rarity.

    Its a pain having to regrind the marks and spend the dil per item but i think it still works out cheaper in dil costs to do that than to simply attempt to upgrade 10 toons gear. Plus you already own the equipment so you can pace yourself and earn the new items in your own time

    Iconian Shield UR MK 13 32500 dil to repurchase. To upgrade to Mk 14 it should be roughly between 10/12 shield techs and 12k dil. If you already have a mk 12 Iconian shield you'll easily spend unless lucky over 50k dil to get it to mk 14 without gaining rarity.

  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    nikephorus wrote: »
    You would most likely spend more dilithium trying to get the rarity upgrade on your gear then if you just reran the project. Guess it depends on how much time/enjoyment you'd get doing whatever it is you need to do to get the marks for these projects.

    IDK - if you're converting Marks to Dil - given the marks (and Elite) marks you have to spend to re-buy; at best you probably come out even either way.
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  • fluffymooffluffymoof Member Posts: 430 Arc User
    If they are Temporal Agents, then YES, it's worth the time to reinvest on a character. The rewards per character really are that good.

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  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    I guess I kinda lucked out because other than the Gravimetric Photon Torpedo on a few of my captains I have never bothered with getting rep gear for any of my captains. Once my AoY captain maxes out all the rep system then I'll have extra incentive to actually consider buying rep gear. However, I think that is about 2 weeks away.

    As for the question of what to do if you already have very rare Mk XII rep gear... I think you are better off with option #1 or 2. Just buy the ones that gives you the better boost first then go down the line. If you run out of dil, then get the remainder later once you built up your stockpile again.

    I generally recommend against option #3 to upgrade your current Mk XII rep gear. Because in the end I think you will be using more resources. I think rep gear has the highest Tech Point requirements to be able to upgrade gear to the next mark level. On top of that the chances to improve the quality of very rare Mk XII is very low and might be even lower due to the fact that we are talking about rep gear. Not only will you need to use dil for the upgrade process, you also need to spend EC for superior upgrade kits and accelerators.

    You need to look at it on a case by case basis because different ship gear requires different amounts of Tech Points to increase the mark level. For example, I think Deflectors, Impulse Engines, Warp Cores and Shields require the most Tech Points to go from Mk XII to MK XIII; something like 110,000 TP. I think a superior tech upgrade kits gives your gear 12,400 TP and a less than 1% chance to improve quality. Assuming it there is no Double Tech Point Weekend Bonus event going on and you do not get any critical success when applying upgrade kits for a 50% TP bonus, there are 3 basic scenarios (based on my guesses):

    #1. You need to use 9 superior upgrade kits before you can upgrade to Mk XIII. This will give you a very low chance of improving the rarity; probably less than 4%. Assuming the upgrade kits costs 150k EC each, you will be using 1.35m EC and 9,675 dil.

    #2. You use 1.5x tech boost accelerator along with 6 superior upgrade kits and you will probably have less than a 2% chance of improving rarity. Assuming the tech boost are currently selling for 200k EC each, this will cost you 2.1m EC and 6,450 dil.

    #3. You use 9 superior upgrade kits and 9 1.5x quality boost accelerators. You will probably only have about a 6% of improving quality to ultra rare. Assuming the 1.5x quality boost accelerators are currently selling for 250k EC each, this will cost you 3.6m EC and 9,675 Dil.

    Note: Prices of 1.5x tech boost and 1.5x quality boost accelerators are lower than normal because of people buying Promo R&D packs for a chance to the TOS Constitution / D7 / T'Liss ships.

    In all three scenarios the chance to increase quality when going from Mk XII to Mk XIII is pretty low even when using 1.5x quality accelerators. I must state that the percentages are based on my experience upgrading very rare Mk XII "normal" gear. Option #3 gives you the best chances for a rarity upgrade, but it is still very low and also the most expensive route to take. The odds are you will not be able to upgrade the quality of the gear when attempting to upgrade to Mk XIII.

    I believe going from very rare Mk XIII to Mk XIV requires double the tech points of Mk XII to Mk XIII. Therefore, there you would need around 220,000 TP for Deflectors, Impulse Engines, Warp Cores and Shields.

    #1 - You use 18 superior upgrade kits to get enough TP to push the gear to Mk XIV which will probably get you less than an 8% chance to increase quality. The cost will be 2.7m EC and 19,350 Dil.

    #2 - You use 1.5x tech boost accelerators which means you will be using 12 superior upgrade kits and 12 accelerators. You will probably have less than a 4% chance to upgrade the quality. The cost will 4.2m EC and 12,900 dil.

    #3 - This time around you use a 1.5x quality boost with each upgrade kit to max out your chances for a quality improvement of about 12%; that's 18 of each kit / accelerator. The total cost is 7.2m EC and 19,350 dil.

    To be somewhat optimistic let's say by time you pushed the gear to Mk XIV it will become ultra rare. Now let's look at the total cost...

    #1 - A total of 4.05m EC and 29,025 dil for a 4% chance of a rarity upgrade going from Mk XII to Mk XIII and a 8% chance of a rarity upgrade going from Mk XIV.

    #2 - A total of 6.3m EC and 19,350 dil for a 2% chance of a rarity upgrade going from Mk XII to Mk XIII and a 4% chance of a rarity upgrade going from Mk XIV.

    #3 - A total of 10.8m EC and 29,025 dil for a 6% chance of a rarity upgrade going from Mk XII to Mk XIII and a 12% chance of a rarity upgrade going from Mk XIV.

    Even if the actual chances increasing rarity was 50% higher overall the chances of improving quality to ultra rare when a piece of gear is pushed to Mk XIV is still pretty low and look at the cost in terms of EC and Dil. Option #3 gives you the best chances of upgrading gear to ultra rare quality when pushed to Mk XIV, but the odds are against you. After spending 10.8m EC and 29,025 dil you can still end up with a very rare piece of gear. Sure you can still push it to ultra rare and eventually epic quality, but you are going to need a lot of resources to do so.

    Note: I have purposefully left out things like Omega Upgrade Kits, Superior Experimental Upgrade KIts, 2x Tech Boost Accelerators and 2x Quality Boost Accelerators to keep this post as brief as possible. Using these items can lower the amount of dilithium used / improve chances of quality upgrades, but these items are very expensive on the Exchange. Omega Upgrade Kits are account bound items when crafted, but you can purchase Omega Fragments to craft those kits. You need to purchase 3 Omega Fragments to craft 1 Omega Upgrade Kit and each Fragment probably sells for about 1.1m EC when purchased from the Exchange in bulk.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,779 Arc User
    This makes the most sense to me:
    2. Re-grind only select items, such as warp cores for [ AMP ]

    The rep projects show the UR mod and the wiki shows you the epic mods you're missing by leaving the gear at VR.
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