Hey all
I'm considering starting another character, so that I have 2 alts that I can "farm" dil on - as I've just come to the realisation that I can do 30 minutes per character or so in the Dyson Sphere ground battlezone and make about 8k dil per character!
However I would like to find a way to quickly level my new alt (my other is at level 56ish) to the point I can play in the Dyson Sphere battlezones.
Is there a way?
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
Leveling is incredibly easy though. When playing the DQ patrols you can also combine things for gathering dilithium.
Since the Admiralty system unlocks at level 52, that is not really going to help you get to level 50 which I believe is the minimum level for the Dyson BZ. If there was a bonus XP event, then I suppose it is possible to get to level 50 within 2 days depending on how much time you devote to the game.
So things like:
1. XP Boosts
2. Playing XP-rich (read: Target Rich) queues. Aside, playing the Red Alerts (baked in XP boost), preferably "teamed" to the other people in the alert (so you receive rewards and credit for being in the map, even if you don't land hits on target).
3. First Run Missions tend to pay fairly decently.
4. DOffing - a way to earn XP "just for waiting". Of course, the missions that pay out gobs of XP are the ones that can be bought off the exchange / pop from lockboxes, and having full slates of purple DOffs with built in boosts is better than doing so with cheap white DOffs.
5. Lifetime Bonus, various XP bonus DOffs that can be slotted into "active DOff slots".
Are ways - both obvious and semi-obvious, to earn XP at a decent clip. Attempting these tricks during a bonus XP week(end) is even more effective, but it may be a while before we see one of them.
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
There is really only 2 main ways to get to lvl 50 the fastest to start doing the dyson sphere that you want. Playing the episodes and doffing and to get the most out of doffing as soon as you hit the ability to doff max out all 100 roster slots from doff packs, doffs from the exchange or doffs from another toon. Only pick doff missions with the biggest payouts of exp, so dont waste time with missions that hardly payout. Always keep 20 missions going at all times when your on the toon!
There are other ways that can help but are not necessary unless you want to squeeze out everything you can.
sub/lifer bonus
active doffs that increase exp (i think its astrometrics?)
inquisitive tribble that boost exp from kills on ground (if you have it)
skill point boost consumables
Fleet Admiral GRIZZ
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Also if you team with people who have maxed command spec, they give a bonus to the whole team. So doing missions teamed can be a big boost.