I have notice a lack of a few species from the game that were very present in the federation in the 23 century. For example The Rigelians were around since the 22 century and were one of the signing members of the federation. Caitians were shortly signed into the Federation after that. M'Ress is a prime example of a Caitian in the 23 century, along with the various Admirals in The Journey Home. I would like to be able to have a playable caitian captain for the 23 century game play. If you have issues making a 23 century equivalent, just add a mane.
Yeah, lack of species in general is the problem here. Why are there, besides Caitians, no Denobulans for example? No legitimate reason for not adding those.
Or Coridans. Efrosians. Medusans (ok I can see a problem there).
this wasn't a case of the magic 'cbs said no' this was a case of 'Cryptic said it had to be on screen in TOS' and that TAS didn't count as TOS
If there are posts here that do not appeal to you, or opinions you disagree with, the best way to deal with that is to resist the urge to add comments. Instead, engage with the content you like! Don't feed the trolls!
The fact CBS Studios hasn't pulled the license from Cryptic for lying about what they said, nor issued any statements contradicting what Cryptic has said. Cryptic works for CBS Studios with STO, not the other way around.
You don't defecate where you eat. If that doesn't convince you that every once in a while CBS compels Cryptic to do (or not do) something, nothing will.
You just don't make stuff up and blatantly lie about your employer (in this case, licensor), it's just not something you do.
great, a bunch of no life neckbeards deciding for us.....prime.
They do play favorites, ask Klingon players.
CBS could careless what we think and have
likely never even checked this forum in an official capacity.
If you want something, I suggest if your 'well to do' go to a event with
developers there, wine and dine them.
Tell them what you want and stuff a thick stack of Ben in their pocket.
That ...MIGHT...work, asking here is absolutely pointless.
I'm not sure if I'd call Cryptic a bunch of 'no life neckbeards', because it was pretty evident to me that serious thought was put into the artistic style of AoY. This has 100% to do with aesthetics and not a 'no life neckbeard' internet argument over whether or not a particular species should be included in AoY.
If anybody thinks Cryptic was in 100% agreement over the decision to limit the species to 4, I think they might be wrong. I'm sure there are more than a few people at Cryptic who were disappointed their favorite species was unplayable with AoY, but in the end it was a decision made for the artistic license of Agents of Yesterday, and whether or not we agree with that decision, it was at the creators' discretion.
From a purely artistic standpoint, I can see why they did it the way they did. It makes sense.
Please look up the word 'fiction'.
it is the part at the end of the term Science Fiction.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Consider it that way : the AoY content limits itself to 6 missions in TOS era (not saying they aren't fun, but they're only *6*). Then you are transported to the 25th Century courtesy of Daniels, with no possibility to ever return to the 23rd Century (although you can replay the 23rd century mission, but still...) And then, you just get to play the exact same content as a regular toon.
All in all, the interest of creating a 23rd century alt limits itself to unlocking rewards for your main character. If you want to play a Caitian or another one of the unavailable species, you are better off creating a regular toon. In all honesty, you won't be missing a lot.
Also : If you are so desperate about playing the AoY content on your Caitian toon, just team up with a 23rd century captain and replay the AoY missions with him. Simple as that !
That's the way the entertainment industry works.
A bunch of no life neckbeards deciding for us who dies in the books we read.
A bunch of no life neckbeards deciding for us who kisses whom in the movies we watch.
A bunch of no life neckbeards deciding for us which loose threads are followed-up in the series on TV.
A bunch of no life neckbeards deciding for us what melody to put in the song they write.
Or it could be that some people create something, and even while they may be interested in selling it so do care about opinions, they have an idea and cannot change it all the time when somebody wants it to be different. You cannot make decisions like these by consensus of the audience, because that will never happen, and in the end the audience isn't entitled to get catered to, they are offered something and then can like it or not. So in the end it will always be a bunch of no life neckbeards deciding for us. Here it was that we have a TOS based expansion.
If you have a main character to start with. Also: different aesthetics in the menus and effects (beam, tricorder, ...). Not exactly what I was expecting from an expansion, but you may prefer them.
That works? Didn't work with other faction combos, but then it would make sense since obviously TOS toons are closer to classic (i. e. modern, i. e. 25th century) Fed not only storywise but also in game mechanics (like finding a distraction in Temporal Ambassador)
I was able to play the Battle of Caleb IV on my Caitian main by teaming up with a fleet mate's 23rd Century Andorian captain, so it appears to work for people of the same faction, at least.
The Romulan Republic only got 2 races you didn't have to pay extra for and that hasn't changed since LoR launched what seems like ages ago.
Realistically it should probably have been it's own sub-race within the Federation for all the difference it is in the long run, though I get that the game engine probably couldn't support that.
Other than the minor differences, such as the transporter effect, what is stopping you just putting a normal Fed Caitian/Rigelian/Saurian in a TOS uniform/ship? The event will be over in a couple of weeks.
All in all, the limited choice of species and the complete lack of premium species (no lifetime bonus species, no C-store species like we have for the other factions: Trill, Caitians or Federation Klingons) is somewhat disappointing.
Good point.
The discussion has also become somewhat pointless at this time. No point in requesting a new species for this specific faction. I do hope, if they release a new faction as part of a recruitment event or just for other reasons, that they give us some more options next time. At least an alien option would be appreciated, that alone would open up so many more options than just the four we have now.
Because personal shielding isn't something that was exclusive to TAS. The Borg in particular made extensive use of it, and it wouldn't be the first time the Federation have adapted Borg technology in STO.
I wouldn't be entirely surprised if the "faction" is retired shortly after the event. Characters that have already been created will continue to exist, but you won't be able to create more of them. Not unlike Delta or Temporal Recruits.
Honestly, other than a handful of episode missions and the tutorial, there isn't much there that isn't available as a "Full Fed" especially once the event ends. Hell once the event is over, the entire premise behind said faction, ceases to make sense.
That wasn't my point and I agree with you.
My point was Cryptic arbitrarily deciding what we can and cannot have in AoY based on their logic, rather than it not being in TOS.
Would it really have hurt to have Catians, Trill and some other stuff in AoY?
Except that I would prefer to have my Caitian with the TOS beam in/out, UI, and other little bits that make it different. The SFX everytime someone messages you gets a little old but all in all I much prefer that UI over TRIBBLE fed one.
wow, not my thread...made no comment other than reminding you and others that
it is all nonsence.
I didn't say anything about cats and at this point could care less.